Plant Name |
Hardiness |
Price |
08007 | Abutilon 'Bartley Schwartz' (Bartley Schwartz Flowering Maple) | 7b-10, guessing | $12.00 |
03848 | Abutilon 'Canary Bird' (Canary Bird Flowering Maple) | 7b-10 | $12.00 |
08001 | Abutilon 'Fool's Gold' (Fool's Gold Flowering Maple) | 8-10, at least | $12.00 |
04317 | Abutilon megapotamicum (Flowering Maple) | 7b-10 | $12.00 |
07983 | Abutilon megapotamicum 'Ines' (Ines Flowering Maple) | 8-10, at least | $12.00 |
08002 | Abutilon megapotamicum 'Pink Charm' (Pink Charm Flowering Maple) | 8-10, at least | $12.00 |
07302 | Abutilon 'Orange Hot Lava' (Orange Hot Lava Flowering Maple) | 7b-10 | $12.00 |
05555 | Acalypha pendula (Trailing Red Cattail) | 7b-10 | $12.00 |
03496 | Acanthus balcanicus var. hungaricus (Bear's Breech) | 6-8, possibly colder | $16.00 |
05055 | Acanthus caroli-alexandri (Bear's Breech) | 6-7, guessing | $16.00 |
04732 | Acanthus mollis 'Rue Ledan' (White Flower Bear's Breech) | 6-8a | $16.00 |
06169 | Achimenes 'Harry Williams' (Harry Williams Orchid Pansy) | 7b-10 | $12.00 |
01434 | Achimenes 'Purple King' (Purple King Orchid Pansy) | 7b-10 | $12.00 |
00323 | Acorus gramineus 'Minimus Aureus' (Dwarf Golden Sweet Flag) | 5-9 | $12.00 |
08758 | Adiantum caudatum (Walking Maidenhair Fern) | 7b-10 | $12.00 |
06170 | Agapanthus 'Back in Black' PP 16,244 (Back in Black Lily-of-the-Nile) | 7b-10, at least | $18.00 |
05248 | Agapanthus 'Blue Globe' (Blue Globe Lily-of-the-Nile) | 7b-10, guessing | $15.00 |
06939 | Agapanthus inapertus 'Nigrescens' (Black Drooping Lily-of-the-Nile) | 7b-10, at least | $15.00 |
03209 | Agastache 'Blue Fortune' (Blue Fortune Anise Hyssop) | 6-9, at least | $12.00 |
06287 | Agave americana 'Opal' (Opal Century Plant) | 8-10 | $18.00 |
06847 | Agave americana ssp. protoamericana 'Lemon Lime' (Lemon Lime Century Plant) | 8b-10, at least | $28.00 |
04763 | Agave bracteosa (Bracted Century Plant) | 7b-10 | $15.00 |
07646 | Agave chrysantha coll. #A3AZ-018 (Hardy Century Plant) | 8-10, guessing | $15.00 |
08517 | Agave chrysantha Pinal Mts, AZ (Hardy Century Plant) | 8-10, possibly colder | $15.00 |
06289 | Agave 'Cornelius' (Cornelius Century Plant) | 9-10, at least | $16.00 |
08371 | Agave deserti ssp. deserti San Jacinto Mts, CA IB1 (Hardy Century Plant) | 8-10, at least | $15.00 |
08374 | Agave deserti ssp. simplex Cunningham Pass, AZ IB1 (Hardy Century Plant) | 8-10, guessing | $15.00 |
06701 | Agave difformis (Deformed Century Plant) | 8-10, at least | $12.00 |
04764 | Agave ferdinandi-regis (King Ferdinand Century Plant) | 7b-10, guessing | $15.00 |
08368 | Agave garciae-mendozae (Garcia Mendoza Century Plant) | 8-10, guessing | $15.00 |
06478 | Agave gentryi 'Jaws' (Jaws Hardy Century Plant) | 7b-10, at least | $18.00 |
08450 | Agave gentryi x montana La Escondida form PDN #01 (La Escondida Century Plant) | 8-10, possibly colder | $15.00 |
06562 | Agave gracilipes (Hardy Century Plant) | 6-9, possibly colder | $15.00 |
07563 | Agave guiengola 'Creme Brulee' (Creme Brulee Century Plant) | 9-10, guessing | $16.00 |
08367 | Agave havardiana Davis Mts, TX coll. #IB278 (Hardy Century Plant) | 6-9, at least | $15.00 |
07625 | Agave lechuguilla (Tampico Fiber Century Plant) | 8-10, guessing | $12.00 |
04413 | Agave lophantha coll. #AIM-025 (Hardy Century Plant) | 7-10 | $15.00 |
07636 | Agave lophantha 'Goldstrike' (Goldstrike Hardy Century Plant) | 7-10, at least | $22.00 |
08014 | Agave lophantha 'Splendida' (Splendida Hardy Century Plant) | 7-10, at least | $22.00 |
07191 | Agave montana 'Baccarat' (Baccarat Hardy Century Plant) | 7b-9, at least | $15.00 |
06507 | Agave 'Mr. Ripple' (Mr. Ripple Hardy Century Plant) | 8-10 | $15.00 |
05656 | Agave multifilifera (Chahuiqui Century Plant) | 8-10, at least | $15.00 |
05867 | Agave neomexicana Artesia, NM (New Mexico Hardy Century Plant) | 6-10 | $15.00 |
00491 | Agave palmeri (Hardy Century Plant) | 7-10 | $12.00 |
07635 | Agave palmeri 'Cutty Shark' (Cutty Shark Century Plant) | 7b-9, at least | $22.00 |
08412 | Agave parrasana x colorata (Hardy Century Plant) | 8-10, guessing | $15.00 |
07241 | Agave parryi 'Cream Spike' (Cream Spike Hardy Century Plant) | 9-10 | $16.00 |
05716 | Agave salmiana var. ferox 'Green Goblet' (Green Goblet Hardy Century Plant) | 7b-9, at least | $15.00 |
04990 | Agave salmiana var. ferox 'Logan Calhoun' (Logan Calhoun Hardy Century Plant) | 7-10 | $22.00 |
07597 | Agave scabra ssp. potosiensis (Rough-leaf Century Plant) | 7b-10, guessing | $15.00 |
07720 | Agave scabra ssp. scabra (Rough-leaf Century Plant) | 7b-10, guessing | $15.00 |
07934 | Agave schottii var. treleasei (Trelease's Century Plant) | 8-10, at least | $15.00 |
07471 | Agave 'Sharkskin Shoes' (Sharkskin Shoes Hardy Century Plant) | 7b-10, at least | $20.00 |
01149 | Agave striata (Narrow Leaf Century Plant) | 7b-10 | $15.00 |
05765 | Agave toumeyana ssp. bella (Hardy Century Plant) | 7-9, at least | $15.00 |
08573 | Agave toumeyana ssp. bella coll. #A3AZ-014 (Hardy Century Plant) | 8-10, at least | $15.00 |
06286 | Agave weberi 'Arizona Star' (Arizona Star Century Plant) | 8b-10, at least | $16.00 |
06721 | Ajuga reptans 'Planet Zork' (Planet Zork Bugleweed) | 5-7 | $12.00 |
06402 | Allium 'Sugar Melt' (Sugar Melt Onion) | 5-8, at least | $12.00 |
07588 | Alocasia cucullata 'Yellow Tail' (Yellow-edge Hooded Elephant Ear) | 7b-10 | $18.00 |
04037 | Aloe striatula (Hardy Aloe) | 7b-10 | $15.00 |
06037 | Alpinia japonica 'Extra Spicy' (Extra Spicy Ginger) | 7b-10 | $22.00 |
05364 | Alstroemeria 'Glory of the Andes' (Glory of the Andes Princess Lily) | 5b-8, at least | $18.00 |
08695 | Alstroemeria 'Koexotica' PP 15,947 (Inca Exotica Princess Lily) | 8-9 | $16.00 |
08694 | Alstroemeria 'Kotrop' (Inca Tropic Princess Lily) | 7-8, at least | $16.00 |
03028 | Alstroemeria psittacina 'Variegata' (White Edged Princess Lily) | 6b-9a | $18.00 |
03543 | Alstroemeria 'Sweet Laura' PP 10,030 (Sweet Laura Princess Lily) | 5b-8, at least | $18.00 |
05830 | Ammocharis coranica (Sand Crinum) | 7b-9, at least | $14.00 |
06860 | Amorphophallus albispathus Blue Form (Voodoo Lily) | Tropical | $25.00 |
06651 | Amorphophallus albispathus PDN #08 (Voodoo Lily) | Tropical | $20.00 |
06702 | Amorphophallus asterostigmatus (Voodoo Lily) | 9-10, guessing | $20.00 |
06755 | Amorphophallus atroviridis (Voodoo Lily) | 9-10, at least | $24.00 |
06730 | Amorphophallus brevispathus (Short Spathe Voodoo Lily) | Tropical | $20.00 |
03246 | Amorphophallus dunnii (Voodoo Lily) | 7b-10, possibly colder | $20.00 |
06733 | Amorphophallus excentricus PDN #1 (Voodoo Lily) | Tropical | $20.00 |
07372 | Amorphophallus interruptus #1 (Interrupted Voodoo Lily.) | Tropical | $22.00 |
03053 | Amorphophallus kiusianus (Voodoo Lily) | 7-10 | $20.00 |
07612 | Amorphophallus myosuroides coll. #AGA-1756-00 (Mousetail Voodoo Lily) | Tropical | $24.00 |
06887 | Amorphophallus ochroleucus PDN #1 (Voodoo Lily) | Tropical | $20.00 |
07611 | Amorphophallus ongsakulii coll. #AGA-1534 (Fern-leaf Voodoo Lily) | Tropical | $20.00 |
06900 | Amorphophallus operculatus (Voodoo Lily) | 9-10, guessing | $28.00 |
06750 | Amorphophallus pygmaeus 'Pewter Pan' (Pewter Pan Voodoo Lily) | Tropical | $24.00 |
06718 | Amorphophallus saururus (Voodoo Lily) | 9-10, guessing | $28.00 |
06748 | Amorphophallus sizemoreae (Voodoo Lily) | 9-10, guessing | $22.00 |
07290 | Amorphophallus symonianus PDN #4 (Voodoo Lily) | Tropical | $20.00 |
07270 | Amorphophallus tenuispadix 'Cabernet' (Cabernet Voodoo Lily) | Tropical | $20.00 |
07855 | Amorphophallus tenuispadix 'Marooney' (Marooney Voodoo Lily) | Tropical | $20.00 |
06032 | Amorphophallus thaiensis (Voodoo Lily) | 7b-10, guessing | $20.00 |
01775 | Amorphophallus titanum (Giant Voodoo Lily) | Tropical | $75.00 |
06027 | Amorphophallus verticillatus PDN #1 (Voodoo Lily) | Tropical | $24.00 |
04049 | Amorphophallus yunnanensis (Voodoo Lily) | 7b-10 | $22.00 |
07812 | Amsonia illustris (Shining Blue Star) | 5-9, possibly colder | $12.00 |
05920 | Amsonia ludoviciana (Louisiana Blue Star) | 6-9, at least | $13.00 |
04653 | Amsonia montana 'Short Stack' (Dwarf Blue Star) | 5-9, at least | $13.00 |
06368 | Anemone hupehensis 'Crispa' (Parsley-leaf Japanese Windflower) | 4-8 | $12.00 |
08118 | Anemonella thalictroides 'Betty Blake' (Betty Blake Rue Anemone) | 4-8 | $24.00 |
08403 | Anemonella thalictroides 'Cameo' (Cameo Rue Anemone) | 4-8, at least | $24.00 |
04993 | Anemonella thalictroides 'Shoaf's Double Pink' (Shoaf's Double Pink Rue Anemone) | 4-8 | $24.00 |
08157 | Angelica keiskei (Ashitaba) | 7-9, possibly colder | $12.00 |
06986 | Anomatheca laxa (False Freesia) | 7b-10 | $12.00 |
07681 | Aquilegia vulgaris 'Leprechaun Gold' (Leprechaun Gold Columbine) | 4-8, at least | $11.00 |
01428 | Arachniodes simplicior 'Variegata' (Indian Holly Fern) | 7-9, possibly colder | $15.00 |
02174 | Aralia cordata (Cordate Spikenard) | 4-8, at least | $14.00 |
01407 | Arisaema heterophyllum (Dancing Crane Cobra Lily) | 5-9a | $16.00 |
06925 | Arisaema iyoanum var. nakaianum (Japanese Cobra Lily) | 6-8 | $40.00 |
02531 | Arisaema ringens (Japanese Cobra Lily) | 5-9a | $20.00 |
02833 | Arisaema saxatile (Lemon-Scented Jack-in-the-Pulpit) | 6-9a | $20.00 |
02269 | Arisaema sazensoo (Circumcised Hooded Jack-in-the-Pulpit) | 6b-9 | $28.00 |
01383 | Arisaema tortuosum (Whipcord Jack-in-the-Pulpit) | 6-9, at least | $20.00 |
05778 | Arisaema triphyllum 'Black Jack' (Black Jack-in-the-Pulpit) | 6-9, possibly colder | $35.00 |
07475 | Arum creticum FCC Form (Cretan Arum) | 7b-9, at least | $16.00 |
08038 | Arum cyrenaicum x concinnatum (Hybrid Arum) | 7-9, at least | $15.00 |
06340 | Arum dioscoridis (Disco Arum) | 6-9, at least | $15.00 |
08076 | Arum dioscoridis var. cyprium (Cyprian Arum) | 6-8, at least | $15.00 |
08612 | Arum hygrophilum (Streambank Arum) | 8-10, at least | $18.00 |
08567 | Arum nigrum (Balkan Black Arum) | 6-8, at least | $18.00 |
05573 | Arum pictum (Fall Flowering Arum) | 7b-9, at least | $15.00 |
06671 | Arundo donax 'Golden Chain' (Golden Chain Giant Reed Grass) | 7b-9, at least | $20.00 |
04564 | Asarum maximum 'Ling Ling' (Panda Face Ginger) | 7b-9 | $16.00 |
01852 | Asarum minamitanianum (Mouse Tail Ginger) | 5b-9 | $22.00 |
03566 | Asarum speciosum 'Woodlanders Select' (Alabama Wild Ginger) | 5-9 | $16.00 |
08166 | Asimina angustifolia (Slim-leaf Paw Paw) | 8-10, at least | $20.00 |
06498 | Asparagus denudatus (Nekkid Asparagus Fern) | 7-8, at least | $16.00 |
00825 | Asparagus officinalis var. pseudoscaber (Hardy Asparagus Fern) | 4-9 | $14.00 |
04033 | Asparagus virgatus (Broom Fern) | 7b-10, possibly colder | $14.00 |
07543 | Aspidistra attenuata BSWJ377 (Attenuate Cast Iron Plant) | 8-10 | $16.00 |
07547 | Aspidistra daibuensis BSWJ312B (Taiwan Cast Iron Plant) | 8-10 | $16.00 |
07063 | Aspidistra ebianensis Spotted Form (Cast Iron Plant) | 7b-10 | $16.00 |
06587 | Aspidistra elatior 'Amanogawa' (Milky Way Cast Iron Plant) | 8-10 | $16.00 |
07544 | Aspidistra elatior 'Bubba' (Bubba Cast Iron Plant) | 7b-10 | $16.00 |
07064 | Aspidistra elatior 'Fuji-No-Mine' (Mt. Fuji Cast Iron Plant) | 7b-10, at least | $20.00 |
06586 | Aspidistra elatior 'Ginga Giant' (Ginga Giant Cast Iron Plant) | 8-10 | $16.00 |
02744 | Aspidistra elatior 'Hoshi Zora' (Starry Sky Cast Iron Plant) | 7-10 | $16.00 |
04350 | Aspidistra elatior 'Lennon's Green' (Cast Iron Plant) | 7-10 | $16.00 |
04349 | Aspidistra elatior 'Lennon's Song' (Cast Iron Plant) | 7-10 | $16.00 |
07065 | Aspidistra elatior 'Morning Frost' (Morning Frost Cast Iron Plant) | 7b-10, possibly colder | $20.00 |
07539 | Aspidistra elatior 'Sei Ryu Ho' (Green Dragon Hall Cast Iron Plant) | 8-10, possibly colder | $20.00 |
07060 | Aspidistra elatior 'Seiun' (Star Cloud Cast Iron Plant) | 8b-10, at least | $16.00 |
07522 | Aspidistra elatior 'Stars and Stripes' (Stars and Stripes Cast Iron Plant) | 7b-10 | $20.00 |
07545 | Aspidistra fimbriata 'Secret Stalker' (Secret Stalker Cast Iron Plant) | 8-10 | $16.00 |
07059 | Aspidistra guangxiensis 'Stretch Marks' (Stretch Marks Cast Iron Plant) | 7b-10 | $16.00 |
02119 | Aspidistra hainanensis 'Jade Ribbons' (Jade Ribbons Cast Iron Plant) | 8-10 | $16.00 |
07557 | Aspidistra linearifolia 'Skinny Dippin' (Skinny Dippin' Cast Iron Plant) | 7-10 | $16.00 |
02117 | Aspidistra minutiflora 'Leopard' (Leopard Leaf Cast Iron Plant) | 8-10 | $16.00 |
07521 | Aspidistra retusa 'Nanjing Green' (Nanjing Green Cast Iron Plant) | 7b-10, at least | $16.00 |
03040 | Aspidistra sp. 'China Moon' (China Moon Cast Iron Plant) | 8-10, guessing | $16.00 |
02116 | Aspidistra sp. 'China Sun' (China Sun Cast Iron Plant) | 8-10 | $16.00 |
07542 | Aspidistra sp. nov. 'Yellow Polka Dot Bikini' (Yellow Polka Dot Bikini Cast Iron Plant) | 9-10, guessing | $16.00 |
03693 | Aspidistra typica 'Old Glory' (Old Glory Cast Iron Plant) | 8-10, at least | $16.00 |
08748 | Asplenium scolopendrium 'Furcata' (Split Crest Hart's-tongue Fern) | 5-9 | $12.00 |
08747 | Asplenium scolopendrium 'Undulata' (Undulate Hart's-tongue Fern) | 5-9 | $12.00 |
00823 | Aster carolinianus (Climbing Aster) | 7-9, possibly colder | $12.00 |
05288 | Athyrium niponicum 'Apple Court' (Crested Japanese Painted Fern) | 5-8 | $15.00 |
05796 | Athyrium niponicum 'Pewter Lace' PP 15,721 (Japanese Painted Fern) | 5-8 | $15.00 |
01829 | Bambusa multiplex 'Fernleaf' (Fernleaf Clumping Bamboo) | 7b-10 | $18.00 |
02123 | Bambusa multiplex 'Riviereorum' (Clumping Bamboo With Too Many Vowels) | 7b-10 | $18.00 |
05411 | Baptisia alba var. alba 'Wayne's World' (Wayne's World Redneck Lupine) | 4-8, at least | $15.00 |
01182 | Baptisia australis (Wild Blue Redneck Lupine) | 3-9 | $12.00 |
07206 | Baptisia leucophaea 'Butterball' (Butterball Redneck Lupine) | 5-9, at least | $22.00 |
05405 | Baptisia sphaerocarpa 'Screamin' Yellow' (Screamin' Yellow Redneck Lupine) | 5-9, at least | $15.00 |
06944 | Bauhinia yunnanensis (Climbing Chinese Orchid Tree) | 7b-10, at least | $15.00 |
06139 | Begonia 'Barbara Rogers' (Barbara Rogers Hardy Begonia) | 7b-10 | $12.00 |
07961 | Begonia heracleifolia 'Nigricans' (Hogweed-leaf Begonia) | 8-10, at least | $13.00 |
07819 | Begonia 'Metallic Mist' PP 19,567 (Metallic Mist Hardy Begonia) | 7b-8, at least | $15.00 |
08192 | Bergenia 'Herbstblute' (Fall Glow Pig Squeak) | 3-7 | $12.00 |
01530 | Berlandiera lyrata (Chocolate Flower) | 5-9 | $12.00 |
08092 | Berlandiera pumila Lee County, TX (Soft Green Eye Chocolate Flower) | 7-9, at least | $14.00 |
05128 | Beschorneria 'Ding Dong' (Ding Dong False Red Agave) | 7-10 | $16.00 |
02704 | Beschorneria septentrionalis coll. #YD33-12 (Great Plant With Really Bad Name) | 7b-10, at least | $14.00 |
07370 | Biarum tenuifolium (Narrow leaf Half Arum) | 7-8, at least | $14.00 |
05629 | Blechnum nipponicum (Japanese Deer Fern) | 6-7 | $15.00 |
06776 | Boehmeria nipononivea 'Kogane Mushi' (Kogane Mushi Japanese False Nettle) | 6-9 | $14.00 |
06777 | Boehmeria nipononivea 'Nichirin' (Nichirin Japanese False Nettle) | 6-9 | $14.00 |
07909 | Boehmeria platanifolia (Sycamore-leaf False Nettle) | 4-8, guessing | $12.00 |
05317 | Boltonia apalachicolensis (Apalachicola Doll's Daisy) | 7b-9, at least | $12.00 |
06571 | Borinda angustissima (Narrow Leaf Clumping Bamboo) | 8-9, at least | $30.00 |
04943 | Bouvardia ternifolia coll. #T73-41 (Hummingbird Flower) | 7b-10 | $14.00 |
07144 | Brugmansia 'Miner's Claim' PP 15,747 (Miner's Claim Angel Trumpet) | 7b-10, at least | $22.00 |
04199 | Brugmansia 'Sunset' (Variegated Angel Trumpet) | 7b-10 | $22.00 |
04777 | Buddleia 'Attraction' (Attraction Butterfly Bush) | 5-9 | $20.00 |
03577 | Buddleia 'Honeycomb' (Honeycomb Butterfly Bush) | 5-9 | $20.00 |
00077 | Buddleia 'Pink Delight' (Pink Delight Butterfly Bush) | 5-9 | $20.00 |
04874 | Buddleia x weyeriana 'Bicolor' (Bicolor Butterfly Bush) | 6-9 | $20.00 |
07723 | Bulbine abyssinica Tiffindell Form (Ethiopian Bulbine) | 7b-10, guessing | $12.00 |
02325 | Butia capitata (Jelly Palm) | 8-10 | $14.00 |
03501 | Calamintha nepeta var. nepeta (Lesser Calamint) | 5-8a, at least | $12.00 |
06946 | Calanthe aristulifera (Hardy Calanthe Orchid) | 7-9 | $42.00 |
06174 | Calanthe Hizen Hybrids (Hardy Calanthe Orchid) | 7-9 | $38.00 |
00802 | Calanthe reflexa (Hardy Terrestrial Orchid) | 7-9 | $28.00 |
05020 | Calydorea coelestina (Bartram's Ixia) | 7-10, at least | $12.00 |
05547 | Campanula 'Sarastro' (Sarastro Bellflower) | 5-8, at least | $12.00 |
01194 | Canna 'Minerva' (Yellow Flowered Variegated Canna) | 7-10 | $22.00 |
01972 | Canna 'Stuttgart' (Stuttgart Canna Lily) | 7b-10 | $25.00 |
07203 | Canna 'Tropicanna Black' PPAF (Tropicanna Black) | 7b-10 | $25.00 |
01195 | Carex dolichostachya 'Kaga nishiki' (Gold Fountain Sedge) | 5-9 | $12.00 |
01602 | Carex eburnea (Bristle-leaf Sedge) | 2-8, possibly warmer | $12.00 |
07148 | Carex flacca 'Blue Zinger' (Blue Zinger Sedge) | 4-8 | $12.00 |
00165 | Carex morrowii 'Goldband' (Goldband Japanese Sedge) | 5-9 | $12.00 |
01197 | Carex morrowii 'Silk Tassel' (Silk Tassel Sedge) | 5-9 | $12.00 |
07924 | Carex platyphylla (Broad-leaf Silver Sedge) | 4-8 | $12.00 |
01330 | Carex siderosticta 'Variegata' (Striped Broad Leaf Sage) | 5-8 | $12.00 |
08825 | Carex trifida 'Rekohu Sunrise' PPAF (Rekohu Sunrise Sedge) | 7b-10 | $12.00 |
08441 | Carphephorus paniculatus coll. #A17NC-008 (Hairy Chaffhead) | 7-9, at least | $15.00 |
07518 | Caryopteris divaricata 'Blue Butterflies' (Blue Butterflies Bluebeard) | 6b-9, at least | $13.00 |
04807 | Caryopteris divaricata 'Snow Fairy' (Snow Fairy Bluebeard) | 5-9 | $12.00 |
06641 | Caryopteris x clandonensis 'Summer Sorbet' EU (Summer Sorbet Blue Mist Spirea) | 6-8 | $12.00 |
03389 | Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Duke Gardens' (Duke Gardens Plum Yew) | 6-9, at least | $15.00 |
02015 | Ceratostigma griffithii (Griffith's Blue Leadwort) | 7-10 | $13.00 |
04794 | Cestrum parqui (Hardy Willow-Leaved Jessamine) | 7-10 | $13.00 |
08594 | Chamaecyparis nootkatensis 'Glauca Pendula' (Weeping Alaska Cedar) | 5-8, possibly colder | $15.00 |
01607 | Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Confucius' (Confucius Gold Hinoki Cypress) | 5-8 | $15.00 |
00587 | Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Juniperoides' (Dwarf Hinoki Cypress) | 5-8 | $15.00 |
02693 | Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Lynn's Golden' (Lynn's Golden Hinoki Cypress) | 5-8 | $15.00 |
01881 | Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Spirited' (Spirited Golden Hinoki Cypress) | 5-8 | $15.00 |
07094 | Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Tsatsumi Gold' (Tsatsumi Gold Hinoki Cypress) | 5-8 | $15.00 |
04703 | Cheilanthes alabamensis coll. #A2T-002 (Alabama Rock Fern) | 7-10 | $15.00 |
02169 | Cheilanthes argentea (Silver Cloak Fern) | 7b-10, at least | $15.00 |
00489 | Cheilanthes lanosa (Hairy Lip Fern) | 5-8 | $15.00 |
08082 | Cheilanthes quadripinnata coll. #A1SA-147 (Four Pinnate South African Sun Fern) | 7-9, at least | $15.00 |
01835 | Cheilanthes tomentosa (Wooly Lip Fern) | 6-8 | $15.00 |
05973 | Cheilanthes viridis (Green Cliff Brake Fern) | 7b-9, at least | $15.00 |
03746 | Chelone glabra 'Black Ace' (Black Ace White Turtlehead) | 5-8 | $12.00 |
07906 | Chelone obliqua var. speciosa (Purple Turtlehead) | 5-9, at least | $12.00 |
06579 | Chlorophytum saundersiae 'Agristripes' (Agristripes Spider Plant) | 7b-10 | $13.00 |
08000 | Chrysanthemum 'Snow Dome' (Snow Dome Chrysanthemum) | 7-9, possibly colder | $12.00 |
01579 | Chrysogonum virginianum 'Eco Lacquered Spider' (Green and Gold) | 5-10 | $12.00 |
05255 | Cimicifuga japonica (Japanese Bugbane) | 5-8a | $14.00 |
00849 | Cissus trifoliata (Possum Grape Ivy) | 5b-9 | $12.00 |
08278 | Claytonia virginica A11NC-108 (Virginia Spring Beauty) | 3-9 | $12.00 |
05714 | Clematis 'Alionushka' (Alionushka Clematis) | 4b-8 | $16.00 |
08051 | Clematis cirrhosa 'Freckles' (Freckles Winter Clematis) | 7b-9, at least | $16.00 |
06379 | Clematis 'Jan Fopma' (Jan Fopma Clematis) | 5b-8, at least | $18.00 |
03708 | Clematis ochroleuca (Ochre Clematis) | 4b-8, at least | $16.00 |
06969 | Clematis pitcheri (Pitcher's Leather Flower) | 5-9, at least | $16.00 |
08168 | Clematis reticulata (Netted Clematis) | 6-9, guessing | $16.00 |
06375 | Clematis 'Zobluepi' PPAF (Blue Pirouette Clematis) | 4-8 | $18.00 |
06376 | Clematis 'Zoin' PP 14,054 (Inspiration tm Clematis) | 5b-8, at least | $18.00 |
06678 | Clerodendron speciosissimum (Giant Red Glory Bower) | 8-10, at least | $14.00 |
05421 | Clinopodium georgianum 'Barbour Belle' (Georgia Savory) | 6-9 | $13.00 |
07511 | Colocasia 'Blackwater' (Blackwater Elephant Ear) | 7b-10, possibly colder | $18.00 |
06706 | Colocasia esculenta 'Big Dipper' (Big Dipper Elephant Ear) | 7b-10 | $18.00 |
04867 | Colocasia esculenta 'Black Runner' (Black Runner Elephant Ear) | 7b-10 | $18.00 |
08041 | Colocasia esculenta 'Hawaiian Eye' PP 19,884 (Hawaiian Eye Elephant Ear) | 7b-10 | $18.00 |
08040 | Colocasia esculenta 'Hilo Bay' PP 20,108 (Hilo Bay Elephant Ear) | 7b-10 | $18.00 |
08064 | Colocasia esculenta 'Maui Magic' PP 19,625 (Maui Magic Elephant Ear) | 7b-10, at least | $18.00 |
04320 | Colocasia esculenta 'Ruffles' (Ruffles Elephant Ear) | 7-10 | $18.00 |
07591 | Colocasia esculenta 'Tiger Stripe' (Tiger Stripe Elephant Ear) | 7b-10 | $18.00 |
07727 | Colocasia esculenta var. antiquorum 'Black Beauty' (Black Beauty Elephant Ear) | 7-10 | $18.00 |
02600 | Colocasia fallax (Silver Leaf Dwarf Elephant Ear) | 7b-10 | $18.00 |
06669 | Colocasia fallax 'Silver Dollar' (Silver Dollar Dwarf Elephant Ear) | 7b-10, at least | $18.00 |
01632 | Colocasia 'Fontanesii' (Black Stem Elephant Ear) | 7b-10 | $18.00 |
04692 | Colocasia gigantea (Giant Elephant Ear) | 7b-10, at least | $18.00 |
06076 | Coniogramme sp. 'Ping Wu' (Ping Wu Bamboo Fern) | 7b-10, at least | $15.00 |
06826 | Convallaria majalis 'Hardwick Hall' (Lily-of-the-Valley) | 3-7 | $13.00 |
03802 | Coreopsis helianthoides (Helianthus-leaf Swamp Tickseed) | 6-9, at least | $12.00 |
06825 | Coreopsis major (Whorled-leaf Tickseed) | 5-8 | $12.00 |
05074 | Crinum 'Alamo Village' (Crinum Lily) | 7-10 | $30.00 |
06038 | Crinum americanum St. Mark's, FL (American Crinum Lily) | 7-10 | $22.00 |
03141 | Crinum bulbispermum 'Sacramento' (Sacramento Crinum Lily) | 6-10 | $22.00 |
06303 | Crinum buphanoides (Boophone Crinum Lily) | 7b-10, at least | $35.00 |
06770 | Crinum 'Claude Davis' (Claude Davis Crinum Lily) | 7-10, possibly colder | $26.00 |
03582 | Crinum erubescens (Swamp Lily) | 7-10, at least | $22.00 |
02799 | Crinum 'Hannibal's Dwarf' (Hannibal's Dwarf Crinum Lily) | 7-9, at least | $22.00 |
07333 | Crinum 'Jubilee' (Jubilee Crinum Lily) | 7b-10, at least | $28.00 |
03045 | Crinum 'Mrs. James Hendry' (Mrs. James Hendry Crinum Lily) | 7-10 | $24.00 |
03047 | Crinum 'Walter Flory' (Walter Flory Crinum Lily) | 7-10 | $22.00 |
06001 | Crinum 'White Queen' (White Queen Crinum Lily) | 7-10, at least | $26.00 |
06769 | Crinum x powellii 'Eden' (Eden Crinum Lily) | 6-10, guessing | $28.00 |
04238 | Crocosmia 'Star of the East' (Star of the East Montbretia) | 6-9 | $13.00 |
02004 | Curcuma elata (Hidden Cone Ginger) | 7b-10, at least | $15.00 |
05680 | Curcuma zedoaria 'Bicolor Wonder' (Hidden Cone Ginger) | 7b-10 | $15.00 |
03309 | Cyclamen cilicium (Hardy Cyclamen) | 5-8, at least | $13.00 |
01610 | Cyclamen coum (Hardy Cyclamen) | 4-8 | $12.00 |
03311 | Cyclamen hederifolium 'Silver Cloud' (Silver Cloud Hardy Cyclamen) | 4-8 | $13.00 |
07476 | Cypripedium 'Aki' Frosch ® (Aki Ladyslipper Orchid) | 4-7, probably colder | $75.00 |
07516 | Cypripedium 'Gisela Pastel' Frosch ® (Gisela Pastel Ladyslipper Orchid) | 4-7, probably colder | $75.00 |
07505 | Cypripedium 'Hank Small' Frosch ® (Hank Small Ladyslipper Orchid) | 4-7 | $75.00 |
08075 | Cypripedium x ventricosum Frosch ® (Siberian Hybrid Hardy Lady Slipper) | 4-7a, at least | $75.00 |
02421 | Cyrtomium caryotideum (Caryota-leaf Holly Fern) | 6-10 | $15.00 |
06954 | Cyrtomium falcatum 'Butterfieldii' (Butterfield's Holly Fern) | 7-10, at least | $15.00 |
04623 | Dahlia 'Bednall Beauty' (Bednall Beauty Dahlia) | 7b-8, at least | $12.00 |
06369 | Dahlia 'Bishop of Canterbury' (Bishop of Canterbury Dahlia) | 7b-8, at least | $12.00 |
07010 | Dahlia 'Bishop of Leicester' (Bishop of Leicester Dahlia) | 7b-8, at least | $12.00 |
06371 | Dahlia 'Bishop of York' (Bishop of York Dahlia) | 7b-8, at least | $12.00 |
07480 | Dahlia 'Flame' (Flame Dahlia) | 7b-8 | $12.00 |
04724 | Dahlia imperialis (Giant Tree Dahlia) | 7-9 | $14.00 |
05935 | Dahlia imperialis 'California Angel' (Double White Tree Dahlia) | 7-9 | $14.00 |
05926 | Dahlia imperialis 'Double or Nothing' (Double Lavender Tree Dahlia) | 7-9 | $14.00 |
07018 | Dahlia 'Party' (Party Dahlia) | 7b-8, at least | $12.00 |
07019 | Dahlia 'Romeo' (Romeo Dahlia) | 7b-8, at least | $12.00 |
05612 | Dahlia 'Terracotta' (Terracotta Dahlia) | 7b-8 | $12.00 |
01553 | Dasylirion leiophyllum (Sotol) | 7-10 | $15.00 |
07647 | Dasylirion longissimum var. treleasei (Trelease's Sotol) | 8-10, guessing | $15.00 |
07658 | Dasylirion quadrangulatum (Square-leaf Sotol) | 8-10 | $15.00 |
00396 | Dasylirion wheeleri (Wheeler's Blue Sotol) | 7-10, possibly colder | $15.00 |
08105 | Deinanthe bifida (Two-lobed False Hydrangea) | 4-7 | $15.00 |
05873 | Delosperma 'Beaufort West' (Beaufort West Ice Plant) | 6-7, at least | $11.00 |
00397 | Delosperma cooperi (Cooper's Hardy Ice Plant) | 5-9 | $11.00 |
06227 | Deparia conilii (Lady in Bed Fern) | 6-8, at least | $12.00 |
05771 | Deparia pycnosora (Tapering Glade Fern) | 4-8 | $12.00 |
02786 | Dianthus 'Feuerhexe' (Firewitch Hardy Pink) | 3-9 | $11.00 |
06460 | Dianthus 'First Love' (First Love Hardy Pink) | 3-9 | $11.00 |
03795 | Dianthus 'Greystone' (Greystone Hardy Pink) | 3-9 | $11.00 |
02638 | Dianthus plumarius 'Birmingham' (Double White Garden Pink) | 4-8 | $11.00 |
05426 | Dianthus 'Wicked Witch' PP 19,824 (Wicked Witch Hardy Pink) | 3-9 | $11.00 |
07305 | Dianthus x allwoodii 'Frosty Fire' (Frosty Fire Dwarf Carnation) | 4-8 | $11.00 |
00692 | Dicentra spectabilis (Old Fashioned Bleeding Heart) | 3-9 | $12.00 |
01134 | Dicentra spectabilis 'Alba' (White Old Fashioned Bleeding Heart) | 3-9 | $12.00 |
04757 | Dichromena latifolia (White Star Grass) | 7-10, at least | $12.00 |
08385 | Digitalis 'Waldigone' PPAF (Goldcrest Foxglove) | 4-7 | $12.00 |
02739 | Disporopsis pernyi (Evergreen Solomon's Seal) | 6-9 | $14.00 |
06219 | Disporopsis pernyi 'Low Man' (Dwarf Evergreen Solomon's Seal) | 6-9, guessing | $15.00 |
05037 | Disporum sessile 'Kinga' (Kinga Fairy Bells) | 5-9a | $18.00 |
07628 | Disporum 'Shina no tsuki' (China Moon Solomon's Seal) | 6-9 | $20.00 |
05293 | Dryopteris erythrosora 'Brilliance' (Brilliance Autumn Fern) | 5-9 | $12.00 |
02132 | Dryopteris marginalis (Marginal Wood Fern) | 2-8 | $12.00 |
05046 | Dryopteris munchii (Mexican Snack Fern) | 7b-9, at least | $12.00 |
06751 | Dryopteris orientalis coll #YD D19-63 (Oriental Wood Fern) | 6-9, guessing | $12.00 |
01836 | Dryopteris sieboldii (Siebold's Wood Fern) | 7-10, possibly colder | $12.00 |
03650 | Dryopteris tokyoensis (Tokyo Wood Fern) | 5-8, possibly colder | $12.00 |
06447 | Dryopteris varia coll. #CSC009009 (Vari Nice Fern) | 6b-9, at least | $12.00 |
08894 | Echinacea 'Firebird' PPAF (Firebird Coneflower) | | $16.00 |
08893 | Echinacea 'Flame Thrower' PPAF (Flame Thrower Coneflower) | 4-9 | $16.00 |
08892 | Echinacea 'Hot Lava' PPAF (Hot Lava Coneflower) | 4-9 | $16.00 |
05881 | Echinacea 'Mango Meadowbrite' PP 16,636 (Mango Meadowbrite Coneflower) | 5-8 | $16.00 |
05355 | Echinacea 'Paranoia' PP 16,587 (Paranoid Coneflower) | 5-8 | $16.00 |
05643 | Echinacea purpurea 'Fragrant Angel' PP 16,054, PVR (Fragrant Angel Coneflower) | 3-9 | $16.00 |
03468 | Echinacea purpurea 'Kim's Knee High' PP 12,242 (Kim's Knee High Dwarf Purple Coneflower) | 3-9 | $16.00 |
08701 | Echinacea purpurea 'Kim's Red Knee High' PP 20,411 (Kim's Red Knee High Coneflower) | 4-9 | $16.00 |
04544 | Echinacea purpurea 'Ruby Giant' (Ruby Giant Purple Coneflower) | 3-9 | $16.00 |
06128 | Echinacea 'Sunrise' PP 16,235 (Sunrise Coneflower) | 3-8 | $16.00 |
08878 | Echinacea 'Tangerine Dream' PPAF (Tangerine Dream Coneflower) | 4-9 | $16.00 |
02246 | Edgeworthia chrysantha 'Snow Cream' (Snow Cream Paper Plant) | 7b-10, colder with protection | $18.00 |
05417 | Ennealophus euryandrus coll. #A1AG-006 (Argentine Blue E-word Iris) | 7b-9, at least | $13.00 |
06230 | Epimedium diphyllum 'Variegatum' (Variegated Fairy Wings) | 5-8 | $20.00 |
06752 | Epimedium grandiflorum 'Benedict's Violet' (Benedict's Violet Fairy Wings) | 4-8 | $18.00 |
02827 | Epimedium grandiflorum 'Pierre's Purple' (Pierre's Purple Fairy Wings) | 4-8 | $18.00 |
06761 | Epimedium grandiflorum 'Princess Susan' (Princess Susan Fairy Wings) | 4-8 | $20.00 |
03751 | Epimedium grandiflorum 'Tama-no-gempei' (Tama-no-gempei Fairy Wings) | 4-8 | $18.00 |
08492 | Epimedium grandiflorum var. violaceum 'Bronze Maid (Bronze Maiden Fairy Wings) | 4-8 | $20.00 |
05125 | Epimedium koreanum 'Harold Epstein' (Harold Epstein Fairy Wings) | 4-8 | $20.00 |
07321 | Epimedium 'Mini Pearl' (Mini Pearl Fairy Wings) | 5-8, at least | $30.00 |
07388 | Epimedium x versicolor 'Cherry Tart' (Cherry Tart Fairy Wings) | 5-8 | $28.00 |
06841 | Epimedium x youngianum 'Be My Valentine' (Be My Valentine Fairy Wings) | 4-8 | $28.00 |
03076 | Epimedium x youngianum 'Tamabotan' (Tamabotan Fairy Wings) | 5-8, at least | $22.00 |
08033 | Eryngium sp. 'La Canada' (La Canada Eryngium) | 7-10, possibly colder | $12.00 |
04936 | Eryngium venustrum (Eryngium From Hell) | 7-10 | $12.00 |
06588 | Eryngium yuccifolium 'Kershaw Blue' (Kershaw Blue Rattlesnake Master) | 4-8 | $14.00 |
03065 | Erythrina herbacea Pink Flowered Form (Pink Coral Bean) | 7-10 | $14.00 |
00487 | Erythrina x bidwillii (Hybrid Coral Bean) | 7b-10, at least | $16.00 |
07656 | Erythronium umbilicatum (Trout Lily) | 6-9, at least | $12.00 |
08609 | Eucomis 'Can Can' (Can Can Pineapple Lily) | 7-10, at least | $14.00 |
06181 | Eucomis comosa 'Toffee' (Toffee Pineapple Lily) | 6b-9, at least | $14.00 |
08610 | Eucomis 'Katie' (Katie Pineapple Lily) | 6b-9 | $14.00 |
08709 | Eucomis 'Kilimanjaro' (Kilimanjaro Pineapple Lily) | 7-10, at least | $14.00 |
07079 | Eucomis 'Reuben' (Reuben Pineapple Lily) | 6b-9, at least | $14.00 |
08608 | Eucomis 'Tugela Ruby' (Tugela Ruby Pineapple Lily) | 6b-9 | $14.00 |
07708 | Eucomis vandermerwei 'Octopus' (Octopus Dwarf Pineapple Lily) | 7-8, guessing | $15.00 |
04287 | Eucomis zambesiaca (Pineapple Lily) | 7-10, at least | $13.00 |
05362 | Eupatorium dubium 'Little Joe' PP 16,122 (Coastal Plain Joe-Pye Weed) | 4-8, at least | $18.00 |
01444 | Eupatorium fistulosum (Giant Joe-Pye Weed) | 4-8 | $18.00 |
07627 | Eupatorium fortunei 'Pink Frost' (Pink Frost Joe-Pye Weed) | 4-7 | $14.00 |
03176 | Eupatorium havanense (White Mist Flower) | 7b-10, at least | $14.00 |
07012 | Eupatorium 'Phantom' PP 18,354 (Phantom Joe-Pye Weed) | 4-8, at least | $18.00 |
07956 | Euphorbia 'Canyon Gold' (Canyon Gold Spurge) | 7-8, at least | $13.00 |
04666 | Euphorbia 'Charam' (Redwing Spurge) | 6-9 | $13.00 |
07380 | Euphorbia 'Helen Robinson' (Helen Robinson Spurge) | 7-8, at least | $14.00 |
04973 | Euphorbia rigida (Rigid Spurge) | 7-10 | $13.00 |
01293 | Euphorbia robbiae (Robb's Spurge) | 6-8 | $13.00 |
08891 | Euphorbia 'Ruby Glow' PPAF (Ruby Glow Spurge) | 7-10, possibly colder | $13.00 |
08006 | Euphorbia 'Shorty' PP 19,808 (Shorty Spurge) | 7-8, at least | $13.00 |
06462 | Euphorbia x martinii 'Cherokee' (Cherokee Spurge) | 6-8a, at least | $13.00 |
08326 | Euphorbia x martinii 'Waleutiny' PP 16,930 (Tiny Tim Spurge) | 6b-8, guessing | $13.00 |
03866 | Farfugium japonicum 'Bad Hair Day' (Bad Hair Day Crested Leopard Plant) | 7-10, at least | $16.00 |
07820 | Farfugium japonicum 'Shishi Botan' (Parsley Leopard Plant) | 7-10, at least | $18.00 |
08386 | Fargesia denudata (Naked Clumping Bamboo) | 6b-9a, possibly hardier | $28.00 |
08618 | Ferula communis ssp. glauca (Giant Black-leaf Fennel) | 7-9, possibly colder | $11.00 |
07760 | Filipendula glaberrima (Nakai Korean Meadowsweet) | 5-8, at least | $14.00 |
07757 | Freesia alba (White Freesia) | 8-10, at least | $12.00 |
07451 | Fuchsia 'Sanicomf' PP 10,453 (Angels' Earrings Dainty Fuchsia) | 7-8, at least | $12.00 |
03989 | Gaura lindheimeri 'Pink Cloud' (Pink Cloud Gaura) | 6-10, possibly colder | $12.00 |
07569 | Geranium 'Pink Penny' PP 17,656 (Pink Penny Cranesbill) | 5-8 | $13.00 |
05510 | Gladiolus dalenii 'Bolivian Peach' (Hardy Glad) | 7-9, possibly colder | $12.00 |
05990 | Gladiolus dalenii 'Halloweenie' (Halloween Hardy Glad) | 7-9, at least | $12.00 |
08088 | Gladiolus 'Old Fort' (Old Fort Hardy Gladiolus) | 7-10, possibly colder | $12.00 |
06712 | Gladiolus 'Priscilla' (Priscilla Hardy Glad) | 7-9, at least | $12.00 |
08471 | Grevillea 'Canberra Gem' (Canberra Gem Grevillea) | 8-10, guessing | $12.00 |
06244 | Habranthus 'Pink Flamingos' (Pink Flamingos Rain Lily) | 7b-10 | $12.00 |
06608 | Hedera algeriensis 'Whipped Cream' (Adult Variegated Algerian Ivy) | 7b-9, at least | $20.00 |
06647 | Hedera helix 'Prince Avenue' (Prince Avenue Adult Ivy) | 5-9, guessing | $20.00 |
04371 | Hedychium 'Carnival' (Carnival Hardy Ginger Lily) | 7b-10 | $20.00 |
01308 | Hedychium coronarium (Hardy White Butterfly Ginger Lily) | 7b-10 | $20.00 |
02711 | Hedychium 'Dr. Moy' (Dr. Moy Hardy Ginger Lily) | 7b-10 | $20.00 |
03248 | Hedychium 'Elizabeth' (Elizabeth Hardy Ginger Lily) | 7b-10 | $20.00 |
03240 | Hedychium 'Flaming Torch' (Flaming Torch Hardy Ginger Lily) | 7b-10 | $20.00 |
02712 | Hedychium 'Moy Giant' (Moy Giant Hardy Ginger Lily) | 7b-10 | $20.00 |
01569 | Hedychium 'Pradhanii' (Pradhan's Hardy Ginger Lily) | 7b-10 | $20.00 |
05259 | Hedychium 'Tai Monarch' (Tai Monarch Hardy Ginger Lily) | 7b-10 | $22.00 |
05257 | Hedychium 'Tai Savannah' (Tai Savannah Hardy Ginger Lily) | 7b-10 | $22.00 |
05260 | Hedychium 'Tai Sunlight' (Tai Sunlight Hardy Ginger Lily) | 7b-10, at least | $22.00 |
04946 | Helianthus angustifolius 'Low Down' PP 13,197 (Low Down Swamp Sunflower) | 5-9 | $12.00 |
04212 | Helianthus 'Lemon Queen' (Lemon Queen Sunflower) | 4-9a | $12.00 |
06567 | Helleborus argutifolius 'Silver Lace' (Silver Lace Corsican Hellebore) | 6-8, warmer on the west coast | $16.00 |
07031 | Helleborus foetidus 'Dunham Narrow Leaf' (Dunham Narrow Leaf Bear Claw Hellebore) | 5b-8, at least | $13.00 |
07707 | Helleborus foetidus 'Red Silver' Strain (Red Silver Bear Claw Hellebore) | 5-9 | $13.00 |
01094 | Helleborus lividus (Livid Hellebore) | 7b-9 | $16.00 |
07484 | Helleborus 'Snow White' (Snow White Hybrid Lenten Rose) | 4-8 | $18.00 |
08290 | Helleborus x ericsmithii 'Candy Love' PP 19,413 (Candy Love Lenten Rose) | 5-8 | $18.00 |
07482 | Helleborus x ericsmithii 'HGC Silvermoon' PP15,639 (Silvermoon Lenten Rose) | 5-8 | $18.00 |
06134 | Helleborus x ericsmithii 'Pink Beauty' (Pink Beauty Lenten Rose) | 5-8 | $18.00 |
07461 | Helleborus x hybridus Double Queen Strain (Double Queen Hybrid Lenten Rose) | 4-8 | $20.00 |
07714 | Helleborus x hybridus Heronswood Creamy Yellow Mix (Creamy Yellow Hybrid Lenten Rose) | 4-8 | $30.00 |
07711 | Helleborus x hybridus Heronswood Double Purple Str (Double Purple Hybrid Lenten Rose) | 4-9 | $38.00 |
07788 | Helleborus x hybridus Heronswood Single White (Single White Hybrid Lenten Rose) | 4-8 | $28.00 |
07713 | Helleborus x hybridus Heronswood Violet Red Strain (Violet Red Hybrid Lenten Rose) | 4-8 | $28.00 |
07715 | Helleborus x hybridus Heronswood Yellow w/Red Spot (Heronswood Yellow Hybrid Lenten Rose) | 4-8 | $38.00 |
08179 | Helleborus x hybridus PDN Double Pink 2 QT (Double Pink Hybrid Lenten Rose) | 4-9 | $35.00 |
08209 | Helleborus x hybridus PDN Picotee 1 QT (Picotee Hybrid Lenten Rose) | 4-9 | $16.00 |
08180 | Helleborus x hybridus PDN Picotee 2 QT (Picotee Hybrid Lenten Rose) | 4-9 | $28.00 |
02165 | Helleborus x hybridus PDN Pink 1 QT (Hybrid Lenten Rose) | 4-9 | $16.00 |
07053 | Helleborus x hybridus PDN Pink 2 QT (Hybrid Lenten Rose) | 4-8 | $28.00 |
07045 | Helleborus x hybridus PDN Pink w/ Red Spots 2 QT (Hybrid Lenten Rose) | 4-8 | $28.00 |
08211 | Helleborus x hybridus PDN Purple 1 QT (Hybrid Lenten Rose) | 4-9 | $16.00 |
08212 | Helleborus x hybridus PDN Purple w/ Pink Edge 1 QT (Hybrid Lenten Rose) | 4-9 | $16.00 |
08194 | Helleborus x hybridus PDN Purple w/ Pink Edge 2 QT (Hybrid Lenten Rose) | 4-8 | $28.00 |
07040 | Helleborus x hybridus PDN Violet 2 QT (Hybrid Lenten Rose) | 4-8 | $28.00 |
07717 | Helleborus x hybridus PDN Violet w/ Dark Spots 2QT (Hybrid Lenten Rose) | 4-8 | $28.00 |
08215 | Helleborus x hybridus PDN White 1 QT (Hybrid Lenten Rose) | 4-9 | $16.00 |
07048 | Helleborus x hybridus Southern Belle Doubles 2 QT (Southern Belle Hybrid Lenten Rose) | 4-9 | $38.00 |
06118 | Helleborus x hybridus Southern Belles Strain (Double Hybrid Lenten Rose) | 4-8 | $20.00 |
07483 | Helleborus x nigercors 'Green Heron' (Green Heron Lenten Rose) | 5-8 | $18.00 |
08213 | Helleborus x nigercors 'Green Heron' 2 QT (Green Heron Lenten Rose) | 5-8 | $35.00 |
07485 | Helleborus x nigercors 'HGC Green Corsican' PP 15, (Green Corsican Lenten Rose) | 5-8 | $18.00 |
08289 | Helleborus x nigercors 'Snow Love' PPAF (Snow Love Lenten Rose) | 5-8 | $18.00 |
06133 | Helleborus x nigercors 'White Beauty' (White Beauty Lenten Rose) | 5-8 | $18.00 |
06405 | Helleborus x nigersmithii 'Walhelivor' PP 16,199 (Ivory Prince Lenten Rose) | 5-8 | $18.00 |
07730 | Helleborus x sternii 'Hot Flash' PPAF (Hot Flash Lenten Rose) | 7-8, at least | $16.00 |
04323 | Hemerocallis 'August Flame' (Woods 68) | 3-9 | $15.00 |
02107 | Hemerocallis 'Autumn Minaret' (A.B. Stout 51) | 3-9 | $15.00 |
08551 | Hemerocallis 'Black Eyed Susan' (Stevens 83) | 3-9 | $15.00 |
04322 | Hemerocallis 'Challenger' (Stout 49) | 3-9 | $15.00 |
08666 | Hemerocallis 'Forsyth White Buds' (W. LeFever 95) | 3-9 | $18.00 |
08552 | Hemerocallis 'Freewheelin' (P. Stamile 05) | 6-9, at least | $25.00 |
07524 | Hemerocallis 'Gold Dust' (Tax Day) (Gold Dust Daylily) | 4-9 | $15.00 |
03170 | Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus (Night Blooming Daylily) | 4-9 | $15.00 |
05626 | Hemerocallis 'Secured Borders' (W. Przypek 05) | 3-9 | $18.00 |
01847 | Hepatica acutiloba (Sharp-lobed Liverleaf) | 4-9 | $15.00 |
07143 | Herniaria glabra 'Sea Foam' PP 15,989 (Striped Rupturewort) | 5-8 | $12.00 |
00917 | Hesperaloe parviflora (False Red Yucca) | 5-9, at least | $15.00 |
08248 | Heuchera 'Miracle' PPAF (Miracle Coral Bells) | 4-8 | $12.00 |
08058 | Heuchera 'Obsidian' PP 14,836 (Obsidian Coral Bells) | 5-7, at least | $12.00 |
08298 | Heuchera 'Pistache' PP 19,585 (Pistache Coral Bells) | 4-8, at least | $12.00 |
08239 | xHeucherella 'Tapestry' PPAF (Tapestry Foamy Bells) | 4-8 | $12.00 |
05905 | Hibiscus aculeatus (Pinelands Mallow) | 7-10 | $14.00 |
03844 | Hibiscus 'Crown Jewels' PP 11,857 (Crown Jewel Mallow) | 4-9 | $15.00 |
01120 | Hibiscus grandiflorus (Velvet Mallow) | 6-9 | $14.00 |
01126 | Hibiscus mutabilis 'Flora Plena' (Confederate Rose Mallow) | 7-10 | $15.00 |
06699 | Hibiscus paramutabilis 'Shanghai Pink' (Shanghai Pink Mallow) | 7b-10, at least | $15.00 |
06680 | Hibiscus paramutabilis 'Shanghai Red Eye' (Shanghai Red Eye Mallow) | 7b-10, at least | $15.00 |
03845 | Hibiscus 'Plum Crazy' PP 11,854 (Plum Crazy Mallow) | 4-9 | $15.00 |
04691 | Hibiscus 'Red Flyer' (Red Flyer Mallow) | 6-9, at least | $15.00 |
03843 | Hibiscus 'Royal Gems' PP 11,011 (Royal Gem Mallow) | 4-9 | $15.00 |
07904 | Hibiscus sinosyriacus (Chinese Tree Mallow) | 6-9, guessing | $15.00 |
04937 | Hippeastrum 'Voodoo' (Naughty Lady Amaryllis) | 7b-10, possibly colder | $15.00 |
07837 | Hosta 'Appetizer' (T. Avent 07) | 3-8, at least | $20.00 |
07589 | Hosta 'Applause' (H. Hansen 06) | 3-8, at least | $26.00 |
08531 | Hosta 'Arctic Blast' (M. Carlson NR) | 3-8 | $20.00 |
05552 | Hosta 'Atlantis' PP 17,093, PVR (H. Hansen 04) | 3-8 | $24.00 |
06089 | Hosta 'Bedazzled' (D. Dean 99) | 3-8 | $28.00 |
08730 | Hosta 'Blue Lollipop' (H. Benedict NR) | 3-7 | $18.00 |
00972 | Hosta 'Bright Lights' (P. Aden /R. Klehm NR) | 3-8 | $24.00 |
04712 | Hosta 'Captain Kirk' (K. Brill 99) | 3-8 | $24.00 |
05400 | Hosta 'Cherish' (H. Hansen/Shady Oaks 02) | 3-7 | $25.00 |
01325 | Hosta clausa (Korean species) | 3-8 | $14.00 |
06344 | Hosta 'Clifford's Forest Fire' PP 17,644 (J. Clifford 00) | 3-8 | $28.00 |
08454 | Hosta 'Clovelly' PPAF (K. Terpening 05) | 3-8 | $26.00 |
06907 | Hosta 'Corkscrew' (B. Solberg 03) | 3-9 | $20.00 |
06573 | Hosta 'Country Mouse' (H. Hansen 06) | 3-8 | $20.00 |
04237 | Hosta 'Dawn's Early Light' (O. Petryszyn 88) | 3-8 | $26.00 |
06559 | Hosta 'Deliverance' (T. Avent 05) | 3-7 | $24.00 |
02073 | Hosta 'Dixie Chick' (T. Avent 99) | 3-8 | $25.00 |
05253 | Hosta 'El Nino' PP 14,632, EUPVR (P.T. Warmerdam NR) | 3-8 | $25.00 |
00375 | Hosta 'Elvis Lives' (T. Avent 95) | 3-8 | $20.00 |
08331 | Hosta 'Emerald Ruff Cut' (J. Anderson 03) | 3-8, at least | $22.00 |
04669 | Hosta 'Eternal Flame' (H. Hansen 99) | 3-8 | $26.00 |
08305 | Hosta 'Extasy' PPAF (H. Hansen 07) | 3-8 | $24.00 |
07213 | Hosta 'First Frost' (P. Scolnik/B. Solberg 02) | 3-8 | $22.00 |
08045 | Hosta 'Flemish Sky' (D. Van Eechaute 04) | 3-7 | $22.00 |
05917 | Hosta 'Gemstone' (T. Avent 05) | 3-9 | $18.00 |
07196 | Hosta 'Ginsu Knife' (B. Solberg 02) | 3-9 | $26.00 |
03022 | Hosta 'Golden Friendship' (H. Gowen 91) | 3-9 | $22.00 |
00602 | Hosta 'Great Expectations' (J. Bond, P. Aden 88) | 3-8 | $26.00 |
01424 | Hosta 'Guacamole' (B. Solberg 94) | 3-9 | $22.00 |
01025 | Hosta 'Halcyon' (E. Smith/BHHS 88) | 3-8 | $20.00 |
05482 | Hosta 'Hanky Panky' PP 16,217 (H. Hansen 04) | 3-8 | $25.00 |
05980 | Hosta 'High Society' PP 17,313 (H. Hansen 04) | 3-8 | $30.00 |
08019 | Hosta 'High Tide' (H. Hansen 05) | 3-8, at least | $24.00 |
06606 | Hosta 'Hush Puppie' (T. Avent 05) | 3-9 | $22.00 |
08327 | Hosta 'Ice Prancer' (R. Sawyer NR) | 3-7 | $24.00 |
03157 | Hosta 'Iceberg' (T. Avent 00) | 3-9 | $22.00 |
08277 | Hosta 'Imp' (H. Hansen 06) | 3-7 | $20.00 |
07800 | Hosta 'Jerry Landwehr' (R. Williams NR) | 3-8, at least | $26.00 |
06084 | Hosta 'Journey's End' PP 16,895 (H. Hansen 04) | 3-8 | $28.00 |
01672 | Hosta 'June' (Neo Plants 91) | 3-8 | $20.00 |
05884 | Hosta 'Key West' (O. Petryszyn 99) | 3-7 | $26.00 |
07218 | Hosta 'Lakeside Cupcake' (M. Chastain 98) | 3-7 | $28.00 |
07200 | Hosta 'Landslide' (T. Avent 07) | 3-8, at least | $28.00 |
07234 | Hosta 'Lederhosen' (H. Benedict NR) | 3-8 | $24.00 |
02761 | Hosta 'Mishima Fukurin' (Japan NR) | 3-8 | $22.00 |
07236 | Hosta 'Miss Tokyo' (H. Gowen/H. Hansen 04) | 3-8 | $26.00 |
07192 | Hosta 'Mourning Dove' PP 17,311 (H. Hansen 06) | 3-8 | $28.00 |
08301 | Hosta 'Neptune' PP 19,674 (H. Hansen 06) | 3-8 | $25.00 |
01503 | Hosta 'Night before Christmas' (J. Machen 94) | 3-8 | $20.00 |
02085 | Hosta 'Olive Bailey Langdon' (R. O'Harra 99) | 3-9 | $22.00 |
03002 | Hosta 'Pandora's Box' (H. Hansen/Shady Oaks 98) | 3-7 | $20.00 |
03012 | Hosta 'Paradigm' (Walden West 99) | 3-8 | $22.00 |
08203 | Hosta 'Patriot's Fire' (A. Summers/Walek 96) | 3-8 | $20.00 |
01062 | Hosta 'Peedee Elfin Bells' (U. Herz 87) | 3-9 | $20.00 |
07237 | Hosta 'Percy' (H. Benedict NR) | 3-8 | $24.00 |
03859 | Hosta 'Pineapple Upside Down Cake' (B. Solberg, M. Zilis 99) | 3-8 | $25.00 |
07398 | Hosta 'Pot of Gold' (H. Hansen NR) | 3-8, at least | $26.00 |
08732 | Hosta 'Prairie Moon' (H. Hansen 07) | 3-8 | $24.00 |
06035 | Hosta 'Rainbow's End' PP 17,251 (H. Hansen 05) | 3-8 | $24.00 |
01079 | Hosta 'Red Neck Heaven' (T. Avent 98) | 3-8 | $22.00 |
07801 | Hosta 'Restless Sea' (H. Hansen 06) | 3-8, at least | $24.00 |
07807 | Hosta 'Rootin Tootin' (K. Ziarek NR) | 3-8, at least | $24.00 |
05460 | Hosta 'Shazaam' (G. Jones 07) | 3-8 | $28.00 |
03645 | Hosta 'Shiny Penny' (B. Solberg 97) | 3-8 | $20.00 |
00872 | Hosta sieboldiana 'Elegans' (AHS 87) | 3-8 | $20.00 |
01999 | Hosta 'Spilt Milk' (M. Seaver 99) | 3-7 | $28.00 |
02424 | Hosta 'Squash Casserole' (T. Avent 95) | 3-8 | $20.00 |
05076 | Hosta 'St. Paul' (T. Goad NR) | 3-8 | $26.00 |
06605 | Hosta 'Stimulation' (T. Avent 06) | 3-8, at least | $35.00 |
02584 | Hosta 'Stirfry' (H. Benedict 90) | 3-8 | $26.00 |
08330 | Hosta 'Sugar and Spice' (M. Zilis 03) | 3-8, at least | $22.00 |
08329 | Hosta 'Summer Lovin' (M. Zilis 04) | 3-8 | $24.00 |
05916 | Hosta 'Swamp Thing' (T. Avent 05) | 3-9 | $28.00 |
06455 | Hosta 'Teeny-weeny Bikini' (E. Elslager 00) | 3-8 | $22.00 |
04231 | Hosta 'Titanic' PP 12,402 (H. Hansen 99) | 3-8 | $26.00 |
05851 | Hosta 'Twilight Time' (G. Johnson 04) | 3-8 | $25.00 |
01108 | Hosta 'Twist of Lime' (B. Banyai/B. Solberg 91) | 3-9 | $14.00 |
05470 | Hosta 'Warwick Comet' (G. Jones 99) | 3-7 | $28.00 |
07238 | Hosta 'Yesterday's Memories' (H. Hansen 06) | 3-9 | $26.00 |
03015 | Hymenocallis caribaea 'Tropical Giant' (Tropical Giant Spider Lily) | 7-10 | $18.00 |
03584 | Hymenocallis liriosme (Spring Marsh Spider Lily) | 6-9, guessing | $16.00 |
04991 | Hymenocallis maximiliani (Maximilian's Spider Lily) | 7-10 | $16.00 |
05872 | Hymenocallis pygmaea (Dwarf Spider Lily) | 7-10, at least | $16.00 |
05563 | Hymenocallis riparia (Mexican River Spider Lily) | 7b-10, at least | $16.00 |
05551 | Hymenocallis traubii (Traub's Spider Lily) | 7-10, possibly colder | $16.00 |
07982 | Hymenocallis 'Tropical Giant Sister' (Tropical Giant Sister Spider Lily) | 7-10, at least | $20.00 |
08375 | Hypoxis iridifolia (Shiny Stargrass) | 7b-10, at least | $12.00 |
03387 | Ilex crenata 'Dwarf Pagoda' (Dwarf Pagoda Holly) | 6b-9, at least | $14.00 |
07387 | Impatiens arguta 'Blue Dream' (Blue Dream Hardy Impatiens) | 7b-9, at least | $14.00 |
00674 | Indigofera kirilowii (Chinese Indigo) | 4b-8 | $13.00 |
05268 | Ipheion peregrinans 'Rolf Fiedler' (Rolf Fiedler Starflower) | 7-10 | $11.00 |
08519 | Ipheion uniflorum 'Greystone' (Greystone Starflower) | 6b-9, at least | $11.00 |
01717 | Iris ensata 'Little Snow Man' (White Japanese Iris) | 5-9 | $16.00 |
07943 | Iris ensata 'Pink Frost' (W. Marx 55) | 4-8, at least | $16.00 |
07650 | Iris ensata 'Queen's Tiara' (Queen's Tiara Japanese Iris) | 5-8 | $16.00 |
07299 | Iris ensata 'Tora Tora' (Tora Tora Japanese Iris) | 5-9 | $16.00 |
01349 | Iris ensata 'Variegata' (Striped Japanese Iris) | 5-9 | $16.00 |
05517 | Iris fulva 'Lois' (Lois's Yellow Copper Iris) | 6-9, at least | $16.00 |
00283 | Iris laevigata 'Variegata' (Striped Water Iris) | 4-9 | $18.00 |
07085 | Iris nelsonii (Nelson's Water Iris) | 6b-10 | $16.00 |
04150 | Iris prismatica (Slender Blue Iris) | 4-8 | $16.00 |
04416 | Iris unguicularis ssp. cretensis (Winter Blooming Iris) | 7-9 | $28.00 |
06590 | Iris versicolor 'Brunswick Beauty' (Brunswick Beauty Blue Flag Iris) | 5-9, guessing | $16.00 |
05518 | Iris virginica 'Carl Amason' (Carl Amason Blue Flag Iris) | 5-9 | $16.00 |
07088 | Iris x louisiana 'Black Gamecock' (Black Gamecock Louisiana Iris) | 6-10, at least | $16.00 |
07279 | Iris x louisiana 'Brushfire Moon' (Brushfire Moon Louisiana Iris) | 6-10, at least | $16.00 |
07087 | Iris x louisiana 'Cajun Love' (Cajun Love Louisiana Iris) | 6-10, at least | $16.00 |
03415 | Iris x louisiana 'Handmaiden' (Handmaiden Louisiana Iris) | 6-10, at least | $16.00 |
07280 | Iris x louisiana 'Joie de Vivre' (Joie de Vivre Louisiana Iris) | 6-10, at least | $16.00 |
07278 | Iris x louisiana 'Now and Forever' (Now and Forever Louisiana Iris) | 6-10, at least | $16.00 |
07086 | Iris x louisiana 'Professor Paul' (Professor Paul Louisiana Iris) | 6-10 | $16.00 |
08905 | Iris x louisiana 'Red Velvet Elvis' (Red Velvet Elvis Louisiana Iris) | 6-10 | $15.00 |
08274 | Iris x pseudata 'Kimboshi' (Ueki 71) | 5-9, at least | $18.00 |
06245 | Jasminum officinalis 'Frojas' (Fiona Sunrise Jasmine) | 7-9 | $13.00 |
00788 | Juncus effusus 'Curly Wurly' (Corkscrew Rush) | 4-9 | $12.00 |
02925 | Juncus inflexus 'Afro' (Blue Medusa Rush) | 4-10 | $12.00 |
03993 | Juniperus conferta 'Sunsplash' (Sunsplash Shore Juniper) | 5-9 | $14.00 |
05764 | Kalimeris incisa 'Blue Star' (Blue Star False Aster) | 5-9 | $12.00 |
01219 | Kalimeris pinnatifida (False Aster) | 6-9 | $12.00 |
07308 | Kniphofia 'Bleached Blonde' (Bleached Blonde Red Hot Poker) | 6-9 | $16.00 |
07673 | Kniphofia buchananii (Buchanan's Hot Poker) | 6-8, at least | $15.00 |
04904 | Kniphofia caulescens (Red Hot Poker) | 5b-7, at least | $16.00 |
07310 | Kniphofia 'Elizabeth Pierce' (Elizabeth Pierce Red Hot Poker) | 6-9 | $16.00 |
05773 | Kniphofia 'First Surprise' PP 16,036 (First Surprise Red Hot Poker) | 6b-8, at least | $16.00 |
06054 | Kniphofia pumila (Dwarf Red Hot Poker) | 7-8, at least | $16.00 |
01355 | Laurentia fluviatilis (Blue Star Creeper) | 5-10 | $11.00 |
03219 | Ledebouria cooperi (Cooper's False Scilla) | 7-10, at least | $12.00 |
05462 | Ledebouria 'Gary Hammer' (Gary Hammer False Scilla) | 7b-10, at least | $12.00 |
06625 | Ledebouria revoluta coll. #A1SA-194 (Revolute False Scilla) | 8-10, at least | $12.00 |
07444 | Ledebouria zebrina (Giant False Scilla) | 7b-9, at least | $16.00 |
06158 | Leonotis leonurus (Lion's Ear) | 7b-9 | $12.00 |
08136 | Leonotis leonurus 'Snow Tiger' (Snow Tiger Lion's Ear) | 8b-10, at least | $12.00 |
06312 | Lespedeza liukiuensis 'Little Volcano' (Little Volcano Bush Clover) | 6-9, guessing | $16.00 |
07142 | Lespedeza thunbergii 'Spilt Milk' (Variegated Bush Clover) | 4-9 | $16.00 |
08101 | Leucosceptrum japonicum 'Silver Angel' (Silver Angel Japanese Shrub Mint) | 4-8 | $15.00 |
03597 | Leucosceptrum stellipila (Japanese Shrub Mint) | 5-8, at least | $12.00 |
06616 | Lilium brownii 'Sichuan Splendor' (Brown's Lily) | 5b-9, at least | $14.00 |
08560 | Lilium 'Chernova' (Chernova Martagon Lily) | 3-7 | $20.00 |
08066 | Lilium 'Fort Knox' (Fort Knox Martagon Lily) | 3-7 | $20.00 |
04825 | Lilium lancifolium 'Florepleno' (Double Flower Tiger Lily) | 4-9 | $14.00 |
08008 | Lilium sargentiae DJHC587 (Sargent's Lily) | 5-8, at least | $16.00 |
07216 | Lilium x marhan 'Mrs. R. O. Backhouse' (Mrs. R. O. Backhouse Lily) | 3-7 | $18.00 |
05649 | Lobelia chinensis (Chinese Creeping Lobelia) | 6-9 | $11.00 |
05054 | Lobelia sp. 'Candy Corn' (Candy Corn Cardinal Flower) | 7b-10, at least | $13.00 |
04823 | Lonicera nitida 'Twiggy' (Twiggy Box Honeysuckle) | 7b-9, at least | $13.00 |
07610 | Lychnis 'Rolly's Favorite' PP 17,392 (Rolly's Favorite Catchfly) | 5-8, at least | $12.00 |
00242 | Lysimachia nummularia 'Aurea' (Gold Moneywort) | 3-8 | $11.00 |
00272 | Malvaviscus drummondii (Turk's Cap) | 7b-10 | $13.00 |
06902 | Malvaviscus drummondii 'Big Momma' (Big Momma Turk's Cap) | 7b-10 | $14.00 |
06903 | Malvaviscus drummondii 'Pam Puryear' (Pam Puryear Turk's Cap) | 7b-10 | $14.00 |
05377 | xMangave 'Macho Mocha' (Macho Mocha Mangave) | 8-9, at least | $15.00 |
07095 | Meehania montis-koyae (Honshu Wood Mint) | 6-7, guessing | $14.00 |
08237 | Melittis melissophyllum 'Royal Velvet Distinction' (Royal Velvet Distinction Bastard Balm) | 6-8, guessing | $12.00 |
08251 | Microlepia strigosa (Rigid Lace Fern) | 7-10, possibly colder | $12.00 |
05209 | Miscanthus 'Andante' (Andante Maiden Grass) | 5-9 | $20.00 |
01225 | Miscanthus sinensis 'Cosmopolitan' (Cosmopolitan Maiden Grass) | 6-9 | $20.00 |
08005 | Monarda bartlettii 'Puerto Purificacion' (Bartlett's Bee Balm) | 7b-9, at least | $12.00 |
06240 | Muhlenbergia capillaris 'White Cloud' (White Awn Muhly) | 6b-10, possibly hardier | $14.00 |
07825 | Musa 'Helen's Hybrid' (Helen's Hybrid Banana) | 8-10, guessing | $20.00 |
07927 | Musa ornata Purple Flower Form (Flowering Banana) | 8-10, guessing | $20.00 |
07875 | Musa 'Truly Tiny' (Truly Tiny Banana) | 9-10, at least | $20.00 |
00911 | Nannorrhops ritchieana (Mazari Palm) | 8-9, at least | $15.00 |
03738 | Napaea dioica (Nappy-headed Glade Mallow) | 5-7 | $14.00 |
08234 | Nepeta latifolia 'Super Cat' (Super Cat Catnip) | 3-7 | $12.00 |
05721 | Nicotiana glauca 'Salta Blues' (Blue Tree Tobacco) | 7b-9, at least | $12.00 |
01484 | Nolina nelsonii (Nelson's Blue Bear Grass) | 7b-10, at least | $14.00 |
07114 | Nothoscordum montevidense (Thread-leaf False Allium) | 7b-10, at least | $12.00 |
08279 | Onoclea sensibilis 'Texas Too Tall' (Too Tall Sensitive Fern) | 6-9, at least | $15.00 |
07683 | Ophiopogon formosanus BSWJ 3659 (Taiwan Mondo Grass) | 7b-9, at least | $12.00 |
02210 | Ophiopogon 'Haku ryu Ko' (White Dragon Light Mondo Grass) | 6-9 | $12.00 |
00963 | Ophiopogon japonicus 'Comet' (Variegated Mondo Grass) | 7-10, possibly colder | $12.00 |
06657 | Ophiopogon japonicus 'Seoulitary Man' (Clumping Mondo Grass) | 6-9, guessing | $12.00 |
00565 | Ophiopogon japonicus 'Torafu' (Zebra Mondo Grass) | 6-10 | $12.00 |
00721 | Ophiopogon planiscapus 'Arabicus' (Black Mondo Grass) | 7-10 | $12.00 |
01366 | Osmunda cinnamomea (Cinnamon Fern) | 3-9 | $12.00 |
06675 | Othonna cheirifolia (Barbary Ragwort) | 7b-8, at least | $12.00 |
08557 | Oxalis regnellii 'Francis' (Francis False Shamrock) | 7b-10 | $12.00 |
07117 | Oxalis regnellii 'Jade' PP 17,558 (Jade False Shamrock) | 7-9, at least | $12.00 |
05578 | Oxalis regnellii 'Mijke' (Purple Leaf False Shamrock) | 7-10 | $11.00 |
07552 | Oxalis regnellii 'Silverado' (Silverado False Shamrock) | 7-9, at least | $12.00 |
06277 | Paeonia obovata ssp. obovata var. willmottiae (Chinese Woodland Peony) | 4-7, at least | $50.00 |
05122 | Panicum amarum 'Dewey Blue' (Bitter Switchgrass) | 2-9 | $18.00 |
03363 | Panicum virgatum 'Dallas Blues' PP 11,202 (Blue Switchgrass) | 5-9 | $18.00 |
02923 | Panicum virgatum 'Northwind' (Upright Switchgrass) | 4-9 | $18.00 |
03916 | xPardancanda norrisii 'Sangria' (Sangria Candy Lily) | 5-9 | $15.00 |
03221 | Parthenocissus tricuspidata 'Fenway Park' (Golden Leaf Boston Ivy) | 4-8, at least | $14.00 |
02534 | Peltoboykinia watanabei (No Chance...Learn Latin) | 5-7 | $14.00 |
04784 | Pennisetum 'Oceanside' (Giant Fountain Grass) | 8-10 | $13.00 |
00184 | Pennisetum orientale 'Karley Rose' PP 12,909 (Oriental Fountain Grass) | 6-8a, at least | $13.00 |
01916 | Pennisetum orientale 'Tall Tails' (Giant Fountain Grass) | 6-10 | $13.00 |
03796 | Persicaria microcephala 'Red Dragon' PP 12,062 (Red Dragon Fleece Flower) | 5-9, at least | $12.00 |
07207 | Phlebodium pseudoaureum (Blue Rabbit's Foot Fern) | 8-10, at least | $15.00 |
01875 | Phlomis 'Edward Bowles' (Hybrid Jerusalem Sage) | 7-10, possibly colder | $15.00 |
00779 | Phlomis fruticosa (Jerusalem Sage) | 7-10 | $14.00 |
02313 | Phlomis fruticosa 'Miss Grace' (Compact Gray Jerusalem Sage) | 7b-10, at least | $14.00 |
06547 | Phlox bifida 'Betty Blake' (Betty Blake Sand Phlox) | 3-8 | $12.00 |
07675 | Phlox divaricata 'Lemon Slice' (Blue Woodland Phlox) | 3-8 | $12.00 |
07520 | Phlox latifolia. coll. #A1VA-032 (Wide-leaf Phlox) | 5-8, at least | $14.00 |
03769 | Phlox nivalis 'Camla' (Needle Leaf Phlox) | 5-9, at least | $12.00 |
00703 | Phlox paniculata 'David' (David Garden Phlox) | 3-10 | $12.00 |
07383 | Phlox paniculata 'John Fanick' (John Fanick Garden Phlox) | 5-9, at least | $12.00 |
07373 | Phlox pilosa 'Slim Jim' (Slim Jim Hairy Phlox) | 5-9 | $12.00 |
03172 | Physostegia virginiana 'Miss Manners' PP 12,637 (Well-Behaved Obedient Plant) | 4-8 | $12.00 |
02311 | Pilosella officinarum (Mouse Ear Hawkweed) | 7-10, at least | $12.00 |
02792 | Pinellia cordata (Miniature Green Dragon) | 5-7, at least | $12.00 |
05174 | Pinellia peltata (Peltate Green Dragon) | 6-7, at least | $12.00 |
06780 | Pinellia 'Polly Spout' (Polly Spout Pinellia) | 5-9, possibly colder | $15.00 |
05373 | Pinellia tripartita 'Dragon Tails' (Variegated Green Dragon) | 5-9 | $12.00 |
07942 | Pinellia tripartita 'Silver Dragon' (Silver Dragon Pinellia) | 5-9, at least | $12.00 |
01621 | Podophyllum pleianthum (Chinese Mayapple) | 5b-8, at least | $25.00 |
01548 | Podophyllum versipelle (Chinese Mayapple) | 5-8, at least | $25.00 |
08188 | Polemonium reptans 'Touch of Class' PP 19,768 (Touch of Class Jacob's Ladder) | 3-7 | $15.00 |
00728 | Polygonatum biflorum var. commutatum (Giant Solomon's Seal) | 4-9 | $14.00 |
06619 | Polygonatum cirrhifolium coll. #A1C-378 (Tendril-leaf Solomon's Seal) | 5-8, at least | $15.00 |
05472 | Polygonatum cyrtonema (Solomon's Seal) | 6-9, at least | $15.00 |
08246 | Polygonatum humile 'Run DMZ' (Run DMZ Solomon's Seal) | 5-8, at least | $13.00 |
00981 | Polygonatum humile 'Tom Thumb' (Tom Thumb Dwarf Solomon's Seal) | 4-9 | $13.00 |
06000 | Polygonatum macropodum (Big Footed Solomon's Seal) | 5-8, at least | $15.00 |
05428 | Polygonatum odoratum 'Chollipo' (Chollipo Solomon's Seal) | 5-9, possibly colder | $15.00 |
05745 | Polygonatum x hybridum 'Grace Barker' (Grace Barker Solomon's Seal) | 4-8 | $15.00 |
00904 | Polygonum cuspidatum 'Crimson Beauty' (Crimson Beauty Clumping Mexican Bamboo) | 5-9 | $14.00 |
05427 | Polygonum cuspidatum 'Freckles' (Freckles Mexican Bamboo) | 5-9 | $14.00 |
05066 | Polypodium vulgare 'Uulong Island' (Common Polypody) | 5-8 | $15.00 |
08746 | Polystichum setiferum (Soft Shield Fern) | 5-7 | $12.00 |
07374 | Polystichum tsus-simense var. mayebarae (Mayebarae's Korean Rock Fern) | 6-8, at least | $13.00 |
08135 | Polystichum x dycei (Hybrid Shield Fern) | 4-7, at least | $15.00 |
08824 | Porteranthus trifoliatus 'Pink Profusion' (Pink Profusion Bowman's Root) | 4-8 | $14.00 |
00790 | Pratia angulata (Fragrant Carpet) | 6-10, possibly colder | $11.00 |
01789 | Primula japonica (Candelabra Primrose) | 4-8, at least | $12.00 |
06031 | Pseudodracontium harmandii 'Hot Legs' (Hot Legs Voodoo Lily) | Tropical | $20.00 |
05971 | Pteris cretica 'Ping Wu' (Dwarf Hardy Ribbon Fern) | 7b-10, guessing | $13.00 |
04255 | Pteris vittata 'Benzilan' (Chinese Table Fern) | 7b-10, at least | $13.00 |
05633 | Pueraria lobata 'Sherman's Revenge' (Sherman's Revenge Variegated Kudzu) | 6-10, at least | $14.00 |
01731 | Punica granatum 'Eight Ball' (Eight Ball Hardy Pomegranate) | 7-10 | $16.00 |
06659 | Punica granatum 'Nochi Shibari' (Tied Tail Pomegranate) | 7b-10, at least | $16.00 |
01730 | Punica granatum 'State Fair' (State Fair Dwarf Pomegranate) | 7-10 | $16.00 |
05666 | Pycnanthemum tenuifolium 'Cat Springs' (Narrow Leaf Mountain Mint) | 6-8, at least | $12.00 |
00977 | Pyrrosia lingua (Tongue Fern) | 7b-10 | $18.00 |
01370 | Pyrrosia lingua 'Ogon Nishiki' (Variegated Tongue Fern) | 7b-10 | $25.00 |
06578 | Rabdosia longituba 'Tube Socks' (Tube Socks Trumpet Spurflower) | 6-8 | $12.00 |
04557 | Ranunculus ficaria 'Brazen Hussy' (Brazen Hussy Lesser Celandine) | 4-9 | $12.00 |
06997 | Ranunculus ficaria 'Randall's White' (Randall's White Lesser Celandine) | 5-9 | $12.00 |
03455 | Ranunculus ficaria ssp. ficariiformis (Lesser Celandine) | 5-9 | $12.00 |
08606 | Ranunculus ficaria 'Yaffle' (Yaffle Lesser Celandine) | 4-9 | $12.00 |
06334 | Rhexia virginica (Meadow Beauty) | 3-9 | $12.00 |
08359 | Rhodocoma capensis (Cape Restio) | 8-10 | $15.00 |
08276 | Rohdea japonica 'Gyoku Ho Nishiki' (Jeweled Brocade Sacred Lily) | 6-9 | $75.00 |
02150 | Rohdea japonica 'Nobori Ryu' (Climbing Dragon Sacred Lily) | 6-10 | $45.00 |
02706 | Rohdea japonica 'Suncrest' (Suncrest Sacred Lily) | 6-10 | $28.00 |
02149 | Rohdea japonica 'Talbot Manor' (Talbot Manor Sacred Lily) | 6-10 | $40.00 |
03017 | Rohdea japonica 'Washitakakuma' (Washitakakuma Sacred Lily) | 6-10 | $100.00 |
01268 | Rosmarinus officinalis 'Arp' (Arp Hardy Rosemary) | 6-9 | $12.00 |
05420 | Rostrinucula dependens (Weeping Rostrinucula) | 7b-10 | $13.00 |
00355 | Rudbeckia maxima (Black-Eyed Susan) | 5-9 | $12.00 |
01582 | Ruellia brittoniana 'Chi Chi' (Hardy Pink Petunia) | 7-10, possibly colder | $12.00 |
01616 | Ruellia brittoniana 'Colobe Pink' PP 10,841 (Bonita TM Pink Ruellia) | 7b-10 | $12.00 |
01482 | Ruellia brittoniana 'Katie' (Katie's Dwarf Ruellia) | 7b-10 | $12.00 |
04166 | Ruellia brittoniana 'White Katie' (White Katie Ruellia) | 7b-10 | $12.00 |
05026 | Ruellia ciliatiflora coll. #A1AG-069 (Hairy Flowered False Petunia) | 7b-9, at least | $12.00 |
07946 | Ruschia 'Calvinia Pink' (Calvinia Pink Ice Plant) | 6-9, at least | $11.00 |
07910 | Ruschia indurata (Hard Ruschia) | 6-8, at least | $11.00 |
06347 | Ruscus aculeatus 'Christmas Berry' PP 16,680 (Christmas Berry Butcher's Broom) | 7-9 | $25.00 |
04652 | Ruscus hyrcanus (Azerbaijan Broom) | 7b-9 | $18.00 |
04084 | Sabal 'Birmingham' (Birmingham Palmetto) | 7-10 | $18.00 |
07967 | Sabal mexicana Dallas Form (Mexican Fan Palm) | 8-10, possibly colder | $16.00 |
06878 | Sabal minor 'Bear Creek' (Bear Creek Scrub Palmetto) | 7-10, at least | $16.00 |
07248 | Sabal minor 'Blountstown Dwarf' (Blountstown Dwarf Scrub Palmetto) | 7-10, at least | $20.00 |
06684 | Sabal minor 'Emerald Island Giant' (Giant Scrub Palmetto) | 7-10 | $16.00 |
02006 | Sabal minor 'McCurtain' (McCurtain Scrub Palm) | 6-10, possibly colder | $16.00 |
05175 | Sabal minor var. louisiana (Louisiana Palmetto) | 7-10 | $16.00 |
06876 | Sabal rosei (Savannah Palmetto) | 8b-10, at least | $16.00 |
06222 | Sabal sp. Tamaulipas (Mexican Scrub Palm) | 7b-10, at least | $16.00 |
01741 | Sabal x texensis 'Brazoria' (Brazoria Palmetto Palm) | 7b-10, possibly colder | $16.00 |
02522 | Sabatia dodecandra (Swamp Pink Gentian) | 2-8 | $13.00 |
07802 | Saccharum arundinaceum 'Purple People Greeter' (Purple People Greeter Hardy Cane) | 6-10 | $25.00 |
03473 | Salvia 'Anthony Parker' (Anthony Parker Sage) | 8-10, guessing | $12.00 |
08348 | Salvia 'Balsalmisp' PP 18,054 (Mystic Spires Sage) | 7b-10 | $12.00 |
00814 | Salvia darcyi (Mexican Sage) | 7-10 | $12.00 |
08469 | Salvia disjuncta (Misplaced Sage) | 7b-10 | $12.00 |
02615 | Salvia greggii 'Big Pink' (Big Pink Texas Sage) | 7-10, possibly colder | $12.00 |
02636 | Salvia greggii 'Dark Dancer' (Dark Dancer Sage) | 7-10 | $12.00 |
05082 | Salvia greggii 'Diane' (Diane Texas Sage) | 7-9, at least | $12.00 |
05570 | Salvia greggii 'Flame' (Flame Texas Sage) | 7-10, possibly colder | $12.00 |
05042 | Salvia greggii 'Pink Preference' (Texas Sage) | 6-10 | $12.00 |
00889 | Salvia greggii 'Texas Wedding' (White Texas Sage) | 5b-10, at least | $12.00 |
00809 | Salvia guaranitica 'Argentina Skies' (Argentina Skies Anise Sage) | 6-10 | $12.00 |
00999 | Salvia 'Maraschino' (Maraschino Cherry Sage) | 6-10 | $12.00 |
00185 | Salvia microphylla 'San Carlos Festival' (San Carlos Festival Sage) | 7-9a | $12.00 |
07652 | Salvia nemorosa 'Sensation Rose' PP 18,230 (Sensation Rose Sage) | 4-7, at least | $12.00 |
01542 | Salvia nipponica 'Fuji Snow' (Fuji Snow Japanese Sage) | 6-9 | $12.00 |
06157 | Salvia 'Phyllis Fancy' (Phyllis Fancy Sage) | 7b-9 | $12.00 |
01543 | Salvia puberula 'El Butano' (El Butano Mexican Sage) | 7b-9, at least | $12.00 |
01626 | Salvia regla 'Jame' (Orange Mountain Sage) | 7b-10, possibly colder | $12.00 |
03732 | Salvia reptans West Texas Form (Cobalt Sage) | 5b-9, at least | $12.00 |
08054 | Salvia 'Rhapsody In Blue' PP 15,148 (Rhapsody in Blue Sage) | 5-8, at least | $12.00 |
04442 | Salvia 'Silke's Dream' (Silke's Dream Sage) | 7-10, possibly colder | $12.00 |
07780 | Salvia 'Stampede Punch' (Stampede Punch Sage) | 8-9, at least | $12.00 |
01259 | Sarracenia alata (Pale Pitcher Plant) | 5-9 | $20.00 |
05752 | Sarracenia 'Ladybug' (Ladybug Pitcher Plant) | 5-9 | $20.00 |
00743 | Sarracenia purpurea (Purple Pitcher Plant) | 2-9 | $20.00 |
05754 | Sarracenia 'Redbug' PP 13,412 (Redbug Pitcher Plant) | 5-9 | $20.00 |
02597 | Saruma henryi (Upright Wild Ginger) | 5-8, at least | $16.00 |
05474 | Saxifraga stolonifera 'Kinki Purple' (Kinki Purple Strawberry Begonia) | 6-9, at least | $11.00 |
08315 | Scutellaria indica v. parviflora (Dwarf Indian Skullcap) | 5-8, at least | $12.00 |
02192 | Scutellaria suffrutescens 'Texas Rose' (Pink Skullcap) | 7-9 | $12.00 |
08394 | Sedum aizoon var. angustifolium coll. #HH (Hoso-ba-no-kirin-so) | 4-7, at least | $11.00 |
07106 | Sedum alboroseum 'Lemonade' (Lemonade Sedum) | 3-8 | $12.00 |
01129 | Sedum alboroseum 'Mediovariegatum' (Striped Sedum) | 3-9 | $12.00 |
07495 | Sedum 'Diamond Edge' (Diamond Edge Sedum) | 3-8 | $12.00 |
01605 | Sedum 'Frosty Morn' (Frosty Morn Sedum) | 3-9 | $12.00 |
00241 | Sedum lineare 'Variegatum' (O-no-mannengusa) | 7-9, at least | $12.00 |
03491 | Sedum 'Neon' (Neon Stonecrop) | 4-8 | $12.00 |
07655 | Selaginella apoda (Meadow Spikemoss) | 5-9, guessing | $13.00 |
01506 | Selaginella braunii (Arborvitae Fern) | 6-9 | $15.00 |
07306 | Selaginella peruviana coll. #A2T-010 (Peruvian Spikemoss) | 7-9, at least | $13.00 |
06526 | Sempervivum 'Carmen' (Hen and Chicken) | 4-8a | $12.00 |
06528 | Sempervivum 'Crispin' (Hen and Chicken) | 4-8a | $12.00 |
06527 | Sempervivum 'Oh My' (Hen and Chicken) | 4-8a | $12.00 |
06525 | Sempervivum 'Unicorn' (Hen and Chicken) | 4-8a | $12.00 |
05512 | Setcreasea pallida 'Kartuz Giant' (Giant Purple Heart Wandering Jew) | 7b-10 | $12.00 |
07303 | Setcreasea pallida 'Pale Puma' (Pale Puma Wandering Jew) | 7b-10, at least | $12.00 |
06123 | Silene regia 'Prairie Fire' PP 15,692 (Prairie Fire Catchfly) | 4-8 | $12.00 |
06261 | Sinningia 'Butter and Cream' (Butter and Cream Sinningia) | 7b-10, at least | $15.00 |
08012 | Sinningia 'Scarlet O'Hara' (Scarlet O'Hara Sinningia) | 7b-10 | $15.00 |
04727 | Sinningia sellovii (Hardy Red Gloxinia) | 7b-10, at least | $13.00 |
07105 | Sinningia speciosa 'Carangola' (Hardy Florists Gloxinia) | 8-10, at least | $15.00 |
08010 | Sinningia 'Towering Inferno' (Towering Inferno Hardy Sinningia) | 7b-10 | $15.00 |
04688 | Sinningia tubiflora (Hardy White Gloxinia) | 7b-10, at least | $13.00 |
04789 | Sisyrinchium 'Suwannee' (Blue-Eyed Grass) | 7b-9, at least | $12.00 |
04782 | Sisyrinchium angustifolium 'Lucerne' (Lucerne Blue-Eyed Grass) | 5-9 | $12.00 |
05018 | Sisyrinchium palmifolium (Yellow-Eyed Grass) | 7-9, at least | $12.00 |
03029 | Sisyrinchium tinctorium 'Puerto Yellow' (coll. #A1 (Mexican Yellow-Eyed Grass) | 7b-10 | $12.00 |
01030 | Smilacina racemosa (False Solomon's Seal) | 3-9 | $13.00 |
07395 | Smilacina stellata 'Blue Dune' (Blue Dune Starry False Solomon's Seal) | 4-7, at least | $15.00 |
07496 | Solidago 'Dansolitlem' PP 17,297 (Little Lemon Goldenrod) | 5-8 | $12.00 |
01032 | Solidago rugosa 'Fireworks' (Fireworks Goldenrod) | 5-9 | $12.00 |
05019 | Solidago stricta (Wand Goldenrod) | 5-9, at least | $12.00 |
06994 | Speirantha convallarioides (False Lily-of-the-Valley) | 5b-8, at least | $16.00 |
04336 | Stokesia laevis 'Honeysong Purple' (Stokes' Aster) | 5-9 | $12.00 |
01404 | Stokesia laevis 'Mary Gregory' (Yellow Stokes' Aster) | 5-9 | $12.00 |
05617 | Syneilesis palmata (Palmate Shredded Umbrella Plant) | 5-8, possibly colder | $16.00 |
04676 | Tetrapanax papyrifera (Rice Paper Plant) | 7b-10 | $20.00 |
06482 | Thalictrum 'Black Stockings' (Black Stockings Meadow Rue) | 5-8, at least | $14.00 |
04459 | Thalictrum rochebrunianum Korean Form (Giant Meadow Rue) | 5-9 | $13.00 |
06913 | Thelypteris normalis var. lindheimeri 'Weekend at (Lindheimer's Maiden Fern) | 7-9, possibly colder | $14.00 |
08312 | Tiarella 'Mystic Mist' PPAF (Mystic Mist Foam Flower) | 4-8, at least | $13.00 |
03145 | Tinantia pringlei coll. #A1M-77 (Speckled Wandering Jew) | 7-10 | $12.00 |
06425 | Tovara 'Brushstrokes' (Brushstrokes Fleece Flower) | 4-8 | $12.00 |
07243 | Trachycarpus fortunei Tennessee Form (Hardy Windmill Palm) | 7b-9, at least | $16.00 |
02414 | Tradescantia 'Maiden's Blush' (Maiden's Blush Spiderwort) | 8-10 | $11.00 |
05631 | Tradescantia sillamontana 'Hogan's Hero' (Cobweb Spiderwort) | 8-10, at least | $12.00 |
06928 | Tricyrtis formosana 'Autumn Glow' (Autumn Glow Toad Lily) | 6-9, possibly colder | $14.00 |
03864 | Tricyrtis formosana 'Emperor' (Emperor Toad Lily) | 6-9 | $14.00 |
01758 | Tricyrtis hirta 'Golden Gleam' (Golden Gleam Toad Lily) | 5-9 | $14.00 |
03963 | Tricyrtis hirta 'Lightning Strike' (Lightning Strike Toad Lily) | 4-8 | $16.00 |
01510 | Tricyrtis hirta 'Miyazaki' (Miyazaki Toad Lily) | 4-8 | $12.00 |
01050 | Tricyrtis lasiocarpa (Amethyst Toad Lily) | 7-9 | $14.00 |
07498 | Tricyrtis latifolia 'Golden Leopard' (Golden Leopard Toad Lily) | 4-7 | $15.00 |
05644 | Tricyrtis 'Moonlight Treasure' PP 16,037, PVR (Moonlight Treasure Toad Lily) | 5-7, at least | $18.00 |
06929 | Tricyrtis perfoliata (Perfoliate Toad Lily) | 5-7a | $22.00 |
04411 | Tricyrtis 'Sinonome' (Sinonome Toad Lily) | 5-9 | $14.00 |
07426 | Tricyrtis 'Taipei Silk' PP 18,727 (Taipei Silk Toad Lily) | 6-8, at least | $14.00 |
01462 | Tricyrtis 'Tojen' (Tojen Toad Lily) | 5-8 | $14.00 |
07228 | Tricyrtis 'White Waves' PP 20,007 (White Waves Toad Lily) | 6-8, at least | $16.00 |
08974 | Trillium cuneatum coll. #A11NC-114 (Whippoorwill Toadshade) | 5-8 | $20.00 |
08963 | Trillium ludovicianum coll. #A2LA-015 (Louisiana Toadshade) | 6-9, at least | $28.00 |
05821 | Trillium recurvatum (Bloody Nose Trillium) | 4-8, at least | $24.00 |
08684 | Trillium recurvatum coll. #A3LA-072 (Bloody Nose Trillium) | 5-9 | $22.00 |
05602 | Trithrinax campestris (Argentine Silver Palm) | 8-10, at least | $16.00 |
02535 | Typhonium roxburghii (Dwarf Voodoo Lily) | 7-10 | $12.00 |
03100 | Uvularia sessilifolia 'Cobblewood Gold' (Gold Edge Bellwort) | 4-9 | $15.00 |
01945 | Verbena 'Blue Princess' (Perennial Verbena) | 7b-10 | $11.00 |
01146 | Verbena 'Fiesta' (Perennial Verbena) | 7b-10 | $11.00 |
03539 | Verbena 'Mabel's Maroon' (Perennial Verbena) | 7b-10 | $11.00 |
04793 | Verbena 'Mystic' (Perennial Verbena) | 7b-10, at least | $11.00 |
06646 | Verbena 'Princess Bride' (Princess Bride Verbena) | 7b-10, at least | $11.00 |
01155 | Verbena 'Summer Blaze' (Perennial Verbena) | 7b-10 | $11.00 |
01159 | Verbena tenera 'Sissinghurst' (Perennial Verbena) | 7b-10 | $11.00 |
05423 | Verbena tenuisecta 'Decked Out' (Perennial Verbena) | 7b-10 | $11.00 |
01115 | Verbena tenuisecta 'Tatted Lace' (Perennial Verbena) | 7b-10 | $11.00 |
01327 | Verbena 'Texas Appleblossom' (Perennial Verbena) | 7b-10 | $11.00 |
06548 | Vernonia altissima 'Jonesboro Giant' (Jonesboro Giant Ironweed) | 5-9, at least | $15.00 |
01808 | Veronica repens 'Sunshine' (Sunshine Dwarf Veronica) | 7-9, possibly colder | $11.00 |
04359 | Veronica spicata 'Glory' PP 18,932 (Glory Speedwell) | 3-8a | $12.00 |
08776 | Vinca minor '24 Carat' PP 20,289 (Golden Vinca Minor) | 4-8, at least | $12.00 |
07771 | Washingtonia robusta (Mexican Fan Palm) | 9-10, at least | $16.00 |
07951 | Wollemia nobilis (Wollemi Fir) | 8-10 | $80.00 |
07580 | Woodsia scopulina var appalachiana (Eastern Alpine Fern) | 3-8 | $12.00 |
06639 | Woodwardia virginica Perquimans Co. NC (Virginia Chain Fern) | 4-9, at least | $12.00 |
02105 | Yucca aloifolia 'Variegata' (Margined Spanish Bayonet) | 7-9 | $16.00 |
00018 | Yucca carnerosana (Spanish Dagger) | 7-10, possibly colder | $12.00 |
07598 | Yucca coahuilensis (Coahuila Soapwort) | 8-10, guessing | $16.00 |
07099 | Yucca decipiens (Palm Soapwort) | 8-10, possibly colder | $14.00 |
08556 | Yucca elata var. angustissima (Narrow Leaf Soapwort) | 4-8, guessing | $14.00 |
00822 | Yucca filamentosa ssp. smalliana 'Bright Edge' (Bright Edge Soapwort) | 5-10 | $14.00 |
08263 | Yucca gloriosa 'Lone Star' (Lone Star Soapwort) | 7-9, at least | $14.00 |
02104 | Yucca gloriosa 'Variegata' (Variegated Mound-lily Soapwort) | 7-10, at least | $15.00 |
08633 | Yucca jaliscensis (Jalisco Soapwort) | 8-10, guessing | $14.00 |
07375 | Yucca madrensis (Madre Soapwort) | 8-10, guessing | $12.00 |
08516 | Yucca pallida Lampasas Co, TX (Blue Soapwort) | 7-10, possibly colder | $15.00 |
07763 | Yucca peninsularis (Our Lady's Candle Soapwort) | 8-10, guessing | $14.00 |
07805 | Yucca potosina (Palm Soapwort) | 8-10, guessing | $12.00 |
08342 | Yucca recurvifolia 'Cousin It' (Cousin It Yucca) | 6b-10 | $14.00 |
01379 | Yucca rigida (Rigid Blue Yucca) | 7b-10, possibly colder | $15.00 |
00127 | Yucca rostrata (Beaked Blue Yucca) | 5-10 | $15.00 |
01768 | Yucca schottii (Schott's Yucca) | 7-10, possibly colder | $14.00 |
01767 | Yucca thompsoniana (Thompson's Yucca) | 5-10 | $15.00 |
07781 | Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Hercules' (Hercules Calla Lily) | 7b-10 | $16.00 |
05393 | Zephyranthes 'Apricot Queen' (Rain Lily) | 7b-10 | $12.00 |
04565 | Zephyranthes 'Aquarius' (Aquarius Rain Lily) | 7b-10, at least | $12.00 |
05156 | Zephyranthes 'Bangkok Yellow' (Bangkok Yellow Rain Lily) | 7b-10 | $12.00 |
06980 | Zephyranthes 'Batik' (Batik Rain Lily) | 7b-10, at least | $15.00 |
01183 | Zephyranthes candida (Rain Lily) | 7-10 | $12.00 |
05160 | Zephyranthes 'Confection' (Confection Rain Lily) | 7-10 | $14.00 |
07378 | Zephyranthes 'Cookie Cutter Moon' (Cookie Cutter Moon Rain Lily) | 7b-10, at least | $15.00 |
06978 | Zephyranthes 'Fantasy Island' (Fantasy Island Rain Lily) | 7b-10, at least | $15.00 |
05161 | Zephyranthes 'Itsy Bitsy' (Itsy Bitsy Rain Lily) | 7-10 | $15.00 |
01104 | Zephyranthes 'Labuffarosea' (Labuffarosea Rain Lily) | 7-9, at least | $12.00 |
05159 | Zephyranthes 'Lily Pies' (Lily Pies Rain Lily) | 7-10 | $15.00 |
06979 | Zephyranthes 'Lydia Luckman' (Lydia Luckman Rain Lily) | 7b-10, at least | $15.00 |
07113 | Zephyranthes mesochloa (Rain Lily) | 7b-10 | $15.00 |
04887 | Zephyranthes morrisclintii Redneck Romance Strain (Redneck Romance Rain Lily) | 7-10 | $12.00 |
04932 | Zephyranthes 'Paul Niemi' (Paul Niemi Rain Lily) | 7-10 | $15.00 |
04324 | Zephyranthes pulchella coll. #AIT-035 (Rain Lily) | 7-10 | $12.00 |
02641 | Zephyranthes reginae (Valles Yellow Rain Lily) | 7-10 | $12.00 |
03206 | Zephyranthes smallii (Small's Rain Lily) | 7-10 | $12.00 |
06974 | Zephyranthes 'South Pacific' (South Pacific Rain Lily) | 7b-10, at least | $15.00 |
02639 | Zephyranthes 'Sunset' (Sunset Rain Lily) | 7-10 | $12.00 |
07626 | Zingiber mioga 'Silver Arrow' (Silver Arrow Hardy Ginger) | 7-10, at least | $22.00 |
07501 | Zingiber mioga 'White Feather' (White Feather Ginger) | 7-10, at least | $28.00 |