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Carphephorus paniculatus coll. #A17NC-008 (Hairy Chaffhead) slide #27597
Sauls Rd.

Carphephorus paniculatus coll. #A17NC-008 (Hairy Chaffhead)

SunZone: 7-9, at least 24" tall Origin: USA

Open House/Web-Only! (aka: Trilisa paniculata) This little known native (coastal NC south to Florida) member of the aster family forms a flat basal rosette from which the flowering stalk emerges, starting in late spring. In late September, the 2' tall stalk opens like an exploding liatris, revealing a firework-like panicle of purple flowers...simply superb. Our original seed came from NC's coastal Brunswick County where it grew along a seasonally moist sandy roadside. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml)

#08441 - $15.00  

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