Begonia 'Barbara Rogers' (Barbara Rogers Hardy Begonia)

Begonia 'Barbara Rogers' (Barbara Rogers Hardy Begonia)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 7b-10 36" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only! Thanks to begoniaphile Rekha Morris for sharing this begonia that she found in the garden of...yes, Barbara Rogers of Anderson, South Carolina. Barbara has tracked this back to Norfolk, Virginia, but the trail runs cold there. The dark green foliage adorns the upright stems to 3' tall, although Rekha tells me they can reach 5' tall. From early summer until fall, the 3' wide clumps are adorned with large white flowers. We have been unable to determine the parentage, although it undoubtedly shares some Begonia x semperflorens parentage...very cool! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06139

Begonia boliviensis (Bolivian Begonia)

Begonia boliviensis (Bolivian Begonia)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 7b-8, at least 12" tall Origin: Argentina
Seeing these great tuberous begonias hanging from the cliffs in northern Argentina as we drove along in 2002 was, indeed, an incredible experience. The arching stems form a 2' wide clump and are clothed in pointed angel-wing type leaves. At the end of each stem are amazing 2" long bright orange-red bells. In our shaded garden, these have performed wonderfully, drawing raves from all who pass by. These do not emerge from dormancy until June, so chill out. In colder zones, this is an amazing pot or basket plant. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #05086

Begonia grandis 'Heron's Pirouette' (Heron's Pirouette Hardy Begonia)

Begonia grandis 'Heron's Pirouette' (Heron's Pirouette Hardy Begonia)

Part Sun to ShadeZone: 5-9 15" tall Origin: Japan
This Heronswood introduction was made from wild-collected seed from Dan's 1997 expedition to Japan. While the triangular green foliage on the 15" clump is similar to the species, it is the huge and excessively large flower clusters of deep pink that set this selection apart. For us, B. 'Heron's Pirouette' begins flowering in June and continues non-stop until fall. As with the species, it reproduces true from axillary bulbils, so you'll soon have plenty to share. Very easy and very nice! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #04820

Begonia heracleifolia 'Nigricans' (Hogweed-leaf Begonia)

Begonia heracleifolia 'Nigricans' (Hogweed-leaf Begonia)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 8-10, at least 24" tall Origin: Mexico
Open House/Web-Only! This wonderful begonia was first discovered in Mexico in the 1830s, with the specific epithet referring to the leaves resembling the genus heracleum. Each 2' tall x 4' wide tightly rhizomatous clump is composed of 15" wide x 1' long maple-shaped leaves of medium green surrounded by a contrasting wide black-green border and held at the end of red-speckled leaf petioles. The common variety name, nigricans, should be used instead as a cultivar, since this represents a single clone and not a distinct natural variety. So far this has proved reliably hardy to 15 degrees F...a stunning garden specimen! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07961

Begonia 'Metallic Mist' PP 19,567 (Metallic Mist Hardy Begonia)

Begonia 'Metallic Mist' PP 19,567 (Metallic Mist Hardy Begonia)

Light ShadeZone: 7b-8, at least 12" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only! This new Terra Nova hybrid between Begonia pedatifida and the Chinese Begonia taliensis makes a 1' tall x 2' wide clump of lobed silver leaves, highlighted by dark green narrow patterns that follow the bright red veins. The clumps are adorned with pink flowers in late summer, but grow this one for the great foliage! We have not found this to take our summer heat in containers, even though it prospers in the ground. As they say in Chicago gardening circles, plant early and often. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07819

Belamcanda chinensis 'Hello Yellow' (Dwarf Blackberry Lily)

Belamcanda chinensis 'Hello Yellow' (Dwarf Blackberry Lily)

Sun to Light ShadeZone: 5-9 10" tall Origin: Japan
(aka: I. domestica, B. flabellata 'Hello Yellow') This easy-to-grow dwarf blackberry lily is one of those adorable plants you can't help but love. This iris relative looks more like a dwarf gladiolus in foliage, until it is topped in July with 20" tall spikes of 1" round, buttery yellow flowers, followed by blackberry-like seed pods...a truly great plant for the border or a knockout in a mass planting! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #00867

Bergenia 'Herbstblute' (Fall Glow Pig Squeak)

Bergenia 'Herbstblute' (Fall Glow Pig Squeak)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 2-7 6" tall Origin: China    alternate image
Open House/Web-Only! Bergenia 'Herbstblute' (probably a selection of Bergenia cordifolia) is one of the few bergenias that has taken a likin' to our hot, humid summers. Bergenia 'Herbstblute', which means "fall glow," refers to the re-bloom on this hybrid from Germany's Anne Eskuche. The glossy, dark green, 6" round leaves, about the size and shape of Barack Obama's ears, form a 2' wide flat basal rosette, topped in mid-March and again sporadically through summer and fall with 8" tall stalks of light pink flowers. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08192

Berlandiera lyrata (Chocolate Flower)

Berlandiera lyrata (Chocolate Flower)

SunZone: 5-9 12" tall Origin: USA
Open House/Web-Only! Chocolate flower is a fabulous heat- and drought-resistant US native perennial that hails from Kansas south through Texas. In spring, the green winter rosette gives rise to 1' sprawling branches, each ending in 2" yellow sunflower-like flowers (May through December) that smell like a high-calorie chocolate bar (strongest fragrance is about midmorning). Although chocolate flower prefers well-drained alkaline soils, it has performed well in our acidic east coast garden for will love it. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #01530

Berlandiera pumila Lee County, TX (Soft Green Eye Chocolate Flower)

Berlandiera pumila Lee County, TX (Soft Green Eye Chocolate Flower)

SunZone: 7-9, at least 36" tall Origin: USA
Open House/Web-Only! If you're thinking...oh, another DYC (damn yellow composite) couldn't be more wrong. This splendid chocolate flower species can be found growing in sandy soils, open fields, and along forest edges from NC west to east-central Texas. This particular accession hails from Lee County, Texas. Berlandiera pumila makes a tight clump of sturdy, upright, light green stems adorned with widely spaced, 3" long, wavy, light green leaves. The stems are topped from April-September with clusters of 2" yellow daisies that emit a delicious fragrance of chocolate...especially in the morning. Berlandiera pumila has proven to be the easiest of the chocolate flower species to grow in our trials. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08092

Beschorneria 'Ding Dong' (Ding Dong False Red Agave)

Beschorneria 'Ding Dong' (Ding Dong False Red Agave)

Sun to Light ShadeZone: 7-10 85" tall Origin: Mexico    alternate image
Open House/Web-Only! From our variable seed batches of Beschorneria decosteriana x septentrionalis, we made this selection in 2002 for its truly huge proportions. Beschorneria 'Ding Dong' forms a massive, thick, green, sandpaper-like rosette to 3' wide. On mature clumps, the flowering spike emerges in spring like a giant phallic asparagus shoot. As the shoot tops 7' tall, it begins to turn bright red and branch outward. On each branch, the fascinating bell-shaped flowers of red and green begin to open over the next few weeks. I don't know much about things from Venus, but this plant must be from Mars. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #05128

Beschorneria septentrionalis coll. #YD33-12 (Great Plant With Really Bad Name)

Beschorneria septentrionalis coll. #YD33-12 (Great Plant With Really Bad Name)

Sun to Light ShadeZone: 7b-10, at least 20" tall Origin: Mexico    alternate image
Open House/Web-Only! This little-known agave relative, named in 1987, makes a truly superb and unusual garden plant. Growing in shade all alone in the Mexican mountains at Tamaulipas, this poor plant simply needed a loving home...and that occurred, thanks to a 1991 seed collection by John Fairey of Peckerwood Gardens. The glossy, evergreen rosette (no spines) makes an attractive clump to 3' wide. After it is well established, you will enjoy the 5' tall, glossy, red flower spikes that are adorned with lovely reddish bells with green tips in March/April...sounds perfect for an early Christmas! This Yucca Do collection #33-12 is made from the northern limit of the natural range. In hot Texas climates, afternoon shade is best. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #02704

Biarum tenuifolium (Narrow leaf Half Arum)

Biarum tenuifolium (Narrow leaf Half Arum)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 7-8, at least 6" tall Origin: Mediterranean Europe
Open House/Web-Only! This strange little Mediterranean geophyte is right out of "Honey, I Shrunk the Arums." One of the easiest species to cultivate in the garden, Biarum tenuifolium starts growing in late summer/early fall with a bizarre 3" tall inflorescence (all the floral stuff). The inflorescence consists of a short black hood housing a extraordinarily well-endowed spadix (a "long dong"), although it smells like long dung. The 6" long, narrow, green, ruffled leaves emerge in late winter and go dormant by early summer. If you find arums too large, petunias too showy, and you enjoy the smell of rotten meat, biarums are for you! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07370

Blechnum nipponicum (Japanese Deer Fern)

Blechnum nipponicum (Japanese Deer Fern)

Light ShadeZone: 6-7 3" tall Origin: Japan
Open House/Web-Only! I'll admit it...I've had a severe case of fern envy! Try as we might, we have been unsuccessful at growing the West Coast deer fern, Blechnum spicant, so we were very excited when we finally found a similar species that we can grow. While most blechnums hate our humid summers, Blechnum nipponicum has proven quite reliable. Blechnum nipponicum makes a unique symmetrical evergreen clump of nearly flat, 1' long fronds, appearing as though a testosterone-laden spouse went through the woodland garden with a heavy-duty tractor. Although it's not the easiest fern to cultivate, a well-prepared soil and an open woodland site have worked very well. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #05629

Bletilla ochracea 'Chinese Butterfly' Strain (Chinese Butterfly Hardy Ground Orchid)

Bletilla ochracea 'Chinese Butterfly' Strain (Chinese Butterfly Hardy Ground Orchid)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 7b-8, at least 20" tall Origin: China
One of the real treasures in the genus bletilla is the Chinese B. ochracea. Although not as winter hardy as its cousin B. striata, it more than makes up for this with its stunning jewel-like flowers. The 20" wispy flower stalks emerge from below-ground pseudobulbs, and top the iris-like pleated leaves in June. Each flower stalk is topped with 3-5 small, creamy yellow flowers, each highlighted with a purple and yellow speckled lip. B. ochracea is a slow grower, more finicky than B. striata...moist rich soil and morning sun or high filtered light shade are best. This is a particularly vigorous, precocious flowering seed strain introduced by Linda Guy of Carolina Nursery. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08155

Bletilla striata (Hardy Ground Orchid)

Bletilla striata (Hardy Ground Orchid)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 5b-9 15" tall Origin: E. Asia    alternate image
This hardy and very easy-to-grow terrestrial orchid has upright, heavily textured, iris-like 10" long x 1" wide green leaves and forms a slowly spreading clump. In early spring, stalks to 15" tall of very small cattleya-like flowers are held atop the foliage. The rhizomes spread slowly and eventually form a nice mass. B. striata grows best in moist to damp soils. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #00754

Bletilla striata 'Albostriata' (Striped Hardy Ground Orchid)

Bletilla striata 'Albostriata' (Striped Hardy Ground Orchid)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 5-9 15" tall Origin: E. Asia
Bletilla striata 'Albostriata' is one of the rarer white-edged forms of the commonly grown ground orchid. Two opposite iris-like pleated leaves emerge from each pseudobulb in early spring. As the leaves emerge, the narrow flower spike arises through the center and then opens a few inches above the foliage. The flowers are rich purple in early spring, April for us. Moist soils are best. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #01859

Bletilla striata 'Kuchibeni' (Purple Lip Hardy Ground Orchid)

Bletilla striata 'Kuchibeni' (Purple Lip Hardy Ground Orchid)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 5-10 15" tall Origin: E. Asia
This hard to find but easy-to-grow cultivar from Japan is distinguished by its two-tone flowers. The upper part of the flower is white, while the lip is a contrasting purple. The foliage and growth habit are the same as in the species. I have incorrectly seen this occasionally offered as B. striata 'Alba', which should be solid white. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #01860

Bletilla striata 'Murasaki Shikibu' (Hardy Ground Orchid)

Bletilla striata 'Murasaki Shikibu' (Hardy Ground Orchid)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 5-9 15" tall Origin: E. Asia
This unique selection of Bletilla striata has pale lavender flowers with a darker lip which appears bluish to the eye. Knowing most catalog writers are color-blind and that Photoshop ® has allowed some catalog writers to now match the plants to their descriptions, I was skeptical about the true flower color. Finally, my plants bloomed and indeed, the color is a real bluish-lavender. As with all bletillas, moist rich woodland soil is best, although this is one tough plant that will survive almost anything. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06948

Boehmeria nipononivea 'Kogane Mushi' (Kogane Mushi Japanese False Nettle)

Boehmeria nipononivea 'Kogane Mushi' (Kogane Mushi Japanese False Nettle)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 6-9 18" tall Origin: Japan
Open House/Web-Only! This wonderful selection of the Japanese boehmeria makes a dazzling foliage plant for the light shade/part sun garden. The small, fuzzy, round leaves emerge creamy yellow and become flecked with green as they mature. Boehmeria 'Kogane Mushi', which means "gold bug" in Japanese, is much slower growing than the species and for us has made an 18" tall x 18" wide clump. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06776

Boehmeria nipononivea 'Nichirin' (Nichirin Japanese False Nettle)

Boehmeria nipononivea 'Nichirin' (Nichirin Japanese False Nettle)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 6-9 24" tall Origin: Japan
Open House/Web-Only! This native to Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu, Japan, has been selected by the Japanese in a number of variegated forms. We are pleased to offer the selection Boehmeria 'Nichirin', which makes a 2' tall x 2' wide clump of fuzzy green leaves, each irregularly bordered with a wide white band. Boehmeria 'Nichirin', which means "sun corona" in Japanese, makes an attractive foliage plant in the garden, adorned with axillary catkins in late summer. Relax and enjoy your "sun corona"...lime not included. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06777

Boehmeria platanifolia (Sycamore-leaf False Nettle)

Boehmeria platanifolia (Sycamore-leaf False Nettle)

Sun to Part SunZone: 4-8, guessing 36" tall Origin: China, Japan, Korea
Open House/Web-Only! We were thrilled to find yet another in the overlooked genus boehmeria that makes a great garden specimen. The deciduous Boehmeria platanifolia makes a 3' tall x 3' wide texturally enchanting clump of upright stems, clothed with fascinatingly bold, deeply incised green leaves, each attached to the stem by a bright red petiole. The top of the stems are adorned in late summer...I use the term "adorned" loosely...with floral stalks that look like limp pipe cleaners. Visitors to the garden seem quite enchanted with this...we hope you feel the same. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07909

Boesenbergia longiflora (Rosy Orchid Ginger)

Boesenbergia longiflora (Rosy Orchid Ginger)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 7b-11 30" tall Origin: India
NEW! (aka: Curcumorpha longiflora) I'm betting you've never grown a hardy boesenbergia. I hadn't either until 2006, when we planted a patch without high expectations for survival....surprise! From India south to Thailand, Boesenbergia longiflora can be found on moist mountain forest floors at elevations between 3500' and 6000'. Plants from the northern end of the range in India and China have proven hardy to 9 degrees F. Boesenbergia longiflora emerges in mid-to-late June with 30" tall, pleated, canna-shaped leaves that are followed in early July with orchid-like flowers. The flowers are white with a carmine face and emerge from the rhizome on 3" stalks...simply unreal and very easy to grow in average garden soil. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #09023

Boltonia apalachicolensis (Apalachicola Doll's Daisy)

Boltonia apalachicolensis (Apalachicola Doll's Daisy)

Sun to Part SunZone: 7b-9, at least 48" tall Origin: USA
Open House/Web-Only! This very rare endemic to the Florida Panhandle is usually found in forested floodplains, although it grows quite well in more open garden sites. The small, grey-green foliage adorns the 4' tall stalks that are topped with open panicles of small white flowers in August/September. Do your part to save a rare native through propagation. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #05317

Borinda angustissima (Narrow Leaf Clumping Bamboo)

Borinda angustissima (Narrow Leaf Clumping Bamboo)

Part Sun to ShadeZone: 8-9, at least 180" tall Origin: China
Open House/Web-Only! The words "refined elegance" come to mind when you grow Borinda angustissima. The tight deer resistant clumps of 1" canes (when mature) can eventually reach 15' tall and are adorned with airy, tiny green leaves highlighted by dark purple sheaths...simply delightful. Borinda angustissima was accessioned in 1993 by Dr. Jim Waddick in China's Northern Sichuan Province near Huang Long Si. Our plants have survived our oppressively humid 107 degree F highs and lows of 15 degrees F with no ill effects. Borinda angustissima is very slow to establish, but really starts to take off in its third year. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06571

Borinda boliana (Himalayan Blue Mountain Bamboo)

Borinda boliana (Himalayan Blue Mountain Bamboo)

Sun to Part SunZone: 8-9, at least 600" tall Origin: China
We have longed for hardy clumping bamboo of Sasquatch proportions, and thanks to Jackie Heinricher at Boo-Shoot Gardens, we have it. Our 3-year-old clumps of the deer-resistant Borinda boliana have already reached 10' tall, with .5 - 1" diameter arching blue-green culms. Mature plants should top out at 50' tall, so don't plant these under power lines or airline flight paths. Our plants were killed to the ground at 9 degrees F, despite prior information to the contrary. Conversely, they have thrived through 3 consecutive weeks of 100+ degrees F heat and humidity in full sun. We are ecstatic about this new marlin-sized fishing poles, biomass fuel potential, and a quick way to hide your untidy neighbors! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08115

Bouvardia ternifolia coll. #T73-41 (Hummingbird Flower)

Bouvardia ternifolia coll. #T73-41 (Hummingbird Flower)

Sun to Part SunZone: 7b-10 24" tall Origin: Mexico
Open House/Web-Only! New crop available 9-10-2010 "Wow, whaas dat?"...The common reaction from garden visitors in late summer as they walk up to our clump of bouvardia. Amazingly, many folks are not familiar with bouvardia as a garden perennial...notwithstanding its recent rise in popularity as a cut flower. This Mexican seed collection from the folks at Yucca Do comes from 2,460' elevation in the Hidalgo province town of Tamazunchale...bless you! In our garden, bouvardia awakens in very late spring and forms a small clump of 2' tall shoots, clothed with small linear leaves. Beginning in midsummer and continuing until fall, the plants are topped with flat flower clusters of brilliant orange-red flowers. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #04943

Brugmansia 'Antique Lace' (Antique Lace Angel Trumpet)

Brugmansia 'Antique Lace' (Antique Lace Angel Trumpet)

SunZone: 7b-10 120" tall Origin: Hybrid
NEW! This 2005 introduction from Patrice Dreckmann of California's Rainbow Heights Nursery has been a real star in our trials. Despite dying to the ground each winter in our climate, the deer-resistant B. 'Antique Lace' reaches a massive 10' in height each year with over 200 flowers at once, starting in late summer and continuing until frost. The 11" long x 7" wide flaring creamy white flowers exude a honeysuckle-like nocturnal fragrance usually only associated with California's Sunset Boulevard red-light district. This has proven to be one of the most winter hardy brugmansias we grow, so far surviving 9 degrees F with no problem. Pot size: 2 qt. (1.892 L) #08581

Brugmansia 'Charles Grimaldi' (Charles Grimaldi Angel Trumpet)

Brugmansia 'Charles Grimaldi' (Charles Grimaldi Angel Trumpet)

SunZone: 7b-10 96" tall Origin: Hybrid
This pass-along hybrid still rates near the top of the list of great angel trumpets. B. 'Charles Grimaldi' is a vigorous deer-resistant grower reaching 8' tall by the end of each growing season. Starting in late summer and continuing into the fall, the plant is laden with up to 100 huge, 12" long, golden-orange pendent flowers. Did I mention in the late afternoon and evening the flowers are deliciously fragrant? Establish plants early in the season, and don't cut back the old stalks until spring in regions north of Zone 8. Pot size: 2 qt. (1.892 L) #05158

Brugmansia 'Cherub' (Cherub Angel Trumpet)

Brugmansia 'Cherub' (Cherub Angel Trumpet)

SunZone: 7b-10 84" tall Origin: Hybrid
I've grown many angel trumpet selections over the years, but none have blown me away like Brugmansia 'Cherub'. B. 'Cherub' is the first out of the ground in spring, the most vigorous, and by far, the most floriferous. This seedling of B. 'Ecuador Pink' was hybridized by Dr. Jim Alston of Park Seed. The 7' tall stalk jumps out of the ground in spring, adorned by long dark green leaves. Starting in late summer (NC), the top of the deer-resistant clumps are adorned with hundreds of large, dangling salmon-pink trumpets...exceedingly fragrant in the afternoon and evening...simply superb! Pot size: 2 qt. (1.892 L) #08163

Brugmansia 'Miner's Claim' PP 15,747 (Miner's Claim Angel Trumpet)

Brugmansia 'Miner's Claim' PP 15,747 (Miner's Claim Angel Trumpet)

Sun to Part SunZone: 7b-10, at least 60" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only! This awesome angel trumpet comes from California's Keith Miner, who discovered it in 1999 as a mutation in a block of Brugmansia 'Frosty Pink' at Monterrey Bay Nursery. The bold green leaves are each bordered with a 1"+ bright creamy yellow edge. The stunning 5' tall deer resistant clump is laden in early summer, then again in the fall, with hundreds (when mature) of large, pendent, fleshy-pink, nocturnally fragrant flowers. This baby is hotter than a $50 whore in downtown New August. Unlike the aforementioned, this one is mostly legal...unless you try to smoke it or propagate it. Pot size: 2 qt. (1.892 L) #07144

Brugmansia 'Snowbank' PP 14,817 (Variegated Angel Trumpet)

Brugmansia 'Snowbank' PP 14,817 (Variegated Angel Trumpet)

Sun to Part SunZone: 7b-10 60" tall Origin: Hybrid
Oh, my! Every now and then a new plant comes along so stunning it makes you fall to your knees and weep. Actually, I do that when I back into them, but that's another matter. This Terra Nova introduction is a tetraploid version of the popular B. 'Sunray'. The huge, tricolor leaves are dark green in the center, with narrow blotches of light grey-green toward the edge, surrounded by a 1" wide creamy white border. The 60" tall deer-resistant clumps are adorned with huge, fragrant apricot flowers dangling from the branches in midsummer and again in late summer. AMAZING! Pot size: 2 qt. (1.892 L) #05088

Brugmansia 'Sunset' (Variegated Angel Trumpet)

Brugmansia 'Sunset' (Variegated Angel Trumpet)

Sun to Part SunZone: 7b-10 60" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only! We are thrilled to bring you one of the finest perennials for those in Zones 7 and 8, a fine deer resistant shrub for those from Zone 9 south, and a great container plant for those of you in the arctic zones north of Zone 7. Brugmansias have long been prized for their stunning flowers, but now we can add variegated foliage to the mix. This large perennial, to 5' tall, is adorned with large tobacco-like leaves edged in white. In late summer, the clumps are topped with dozens of fragrant, light golden, peachy flowers...a true showstopper! To overwinter in colder zones, simply take 1-2' cane sections and store in slightly moist peat moss. Pot size: 2 qt. (1.892 L) #04199

Brugmansia x candida 'Double White' (Double White Angel Trumpet)

Brugmansia x candida 'Double White' (Double White Angel Trumpet)

SunZone: 7b-10 96" tall Origin: Ecuador
Brugmansia x candida is a naturally-occurring hybrid of two Ecuadorian species, B. aurea x B. versicolor. B. x candida 'Double White' has proven to be an exceptional grower for us, topping out at 8' tall by year's end. Starting in late summer and continuing through fall, the broad-shouldered, deer-resistant plant is adorned with up to 100 large double white flowers, dangling like newly washed underwear beneath the tobacco-like foliage. The sweet fragrance of the flowers in the evening, a full moon, a bottle of wine, and you'll be in the mood for love. Pot size: 2 qt. (1.892 L) #05157

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Page last updated August 09 2010 19:08:58.