Helleborus argutifolius 'Silver Lace' (Silver Lace Corsican Hellebore)

Helleborus argutifolius 'Silver Lace' (Silver Lace Corsican Hellebore)

Light ShadeZone: 6-8, warmer on the west coast 20" tall Origin: Corsica
Open House/Web-Only! This stunning introduction from RD Plants of Devon, England, is a pewter-silver leaf selection of Helleborus argutifolius, and thanks to tissue culture, there is no seedling variation. To lighten a woodland garden, I can't imagine a better choice! The 20" tall x 2' wide deer-resistant clumps (larger on the West Coast) are topped in late winter with stalks of green flowers, but with foliage like this, who cares? Even in colder zones where the plant is hardy but the leaves fry in winter, this would still be great for summer color. Good drainage and protection from winter sun in cold climates will keep the foliage looking better. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06567

Helleborus foetidus 'Dunham Narrow Leaf' (Dunham Narrow Leaf Bear Claw Hellebore)

Helleborus foetidus 'Dunham Narrow Leaf' (Dunham Narrow Leaf Bear Claw Hellebore)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 5b-8, at least 20" tall Origin: Western Europe
Open House/Web-Only! Our first plants of Helleborus foetidus were a wonderful form from the late Rachel Dunham of Cary, NC. Over the years, we segregated out this narrow leaf race we found to have a particularly nice texture. The first season, the plants grow rapidly, forming a substantial thick 20" tall, green stalk adorned with dark green, narrowly-cut evergreen foliage. In the spring, the deer-resistant clumps are topped with a giant candelabra of green bells that would have made Liberace proud. Helleborus foetidus is a short-lived perennial, so allow it to seed in place, which it does quite well. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07031

Helleborus foetidus 'Piccadilly' (Piccadilly Bear Claw Hellebore)

Helleborus foetidus 'Piccadilly' (Piccadilly Bear Claw Hellebore)

Part Sun to ShadeZone: 5-9 20" tall Origin: Western Europe
From our friends Dick and Judith Tyler, we obtained this unique seedling that originated in the garden of Piccadilly Farm's Sam and Carleen Jones of Georgia. The deer-resistant foliage is a very dark black-green with a slatey overlay, similar to H. 'Wester Flisk'. The clumps are topped with stalks of whitish-green flowers, beginning in early winter and continuing through early spring. Many of the seedlings will also feature nice reddish markings on the flower stem and in the leaf axils...simply superb! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #02562

Helleborus foetidus 'Red Silver' Strain (Red Silver Bear Claw Hellebore)

Helleborus foetidus 'Red Silver' Strain (Red Silver Bear Claw Hellebore)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 5-9 30" tall Origin: Western Europe
Open House/Web-Only! This seed strain of Helleborus foetidus is the hottest Helleborus foetidus introduction in years. Helleborus 'Red Silver' popped up in the garden of Ernie and Marietta O'Byrne, probably as a cross of Helleborus 'Sopron' and Helleborus 'Wester Flisk'. For us, Helleborus 'Red Silver' holds its pewter leaf color well through the summer, although it will always be brightest in spring. In addition to the attractive deer-resistant foliage, the 30" tall flower spikes are highlighted by red petioles and the typical green flowers are usually highlighted by a red ring around the rim. Keep in mind this is a seed strain and there is some variability in the offspring. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07707

Helleborus lividus (Livid Hellebore)

Helleborus lividus (Livid Hellebore)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 7b-9 12" tall Origin: Spain
Open House/Web-Only! New crop available 9-16-2010 This is probably the most strikingly beautiful and sought-after of the hellebore species. The toothed deer-resistant foliage, borne on an upright stalk, is similar to a dwarf Helleborus argutifolius, but is much hardier in our trials. Each leaf is a fabulous rich green, highlighted with silver and red veining...the specific epithet, lividus, means lead-like, not angry. Our 1' tall x 2' wide clumps flower in late winter and early spring with terminal clusters, holding masses of pink-backed greenish flowers...hardy here for 15+ years, although flower buds were killed when the winter temperatures dropped below 5 degrees F. Reports of limited hardiness are only valid in cool summer climates where summer heat doesn't produce enough sugars. Our original clumps were grown from hellebore guru Will McLewin's seed. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #01094

Helleborus lividus 'White Marble' (White Marble Livid Hellebore)

Helleborus lividus 'White Marble' (White Marble Livid Hellebore)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 7b-9 12" tall Origin: Spain
NEW! This is the first named seed strain selection of the beautiful Helleborus lividus....this one from Reinier Van Rijssen of Holland's Plantipp BV. H. 'White Marble' was selected for its dramatic silvery-white veins throughout each leaf. The 1' tall x 2' wide deer-resistant clumps are topped with 1' tall stalks of outfacing green flowers in February through April. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08917

Helleborus niger 'HGC Jacob' PP 17,799 (Jacob Christmas Rose)

Helleborus niger 'HGC Jacob' PP 17,799 (Jacob Christmas Rose)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 3-8 12" tall Origin: Europe
NEW! Helleborus niger 'HGC Jacob' is the latest selection from Germany's Heuger Hellebores, who seem to have gone a bit over the edge in introducing selections of Helleborus niger...all very nice, but do we really need a dozen different helleborus niger selections? This compact, early-flowering clonal selection starts flowering in November and continues into January. The 1' tall x 1' wide clump of glossy dark green deer-reistant foliage is adorned with an abundance of large, pure white flowers. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08788

Helleborus niger 'HGC Josef Lemper' PP 15,615 (Josef Lemper Christmas Rose)

Helleborus niger 'HGC Josef Lemper' PP 15,615 (Josef Lemper Christmas Rose)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 3-8 9" tall Origin: Europe
This improved form of Helleborus niger comes from the German breeding program of Joseph Heuger. H. 'HGC Josef Lemper' is a tissue-cultured clone selected for its upright habit and longer flowering period, which, in NC, begins in October...yes, October, and continues until February. The large white flowers are typical for Helleborus niger. We think you will find this new cultivar quite amazing. Well-drained soils are very important for success with Helleborus niger. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07486

Helleborus niger ssp. macranthus (Christmas Rose)

Helleborus niger ssp. macranthus (Christmas Rose)

Part Sun to ShadeZone: 3-9 12" tall Origin: Europe
(syn: H. niger 'Maximus') This deer-resistant subspecies of the Christmas rose from Italy and northern Yugoslavia (what little is left) is distinguished from the typical H. niger in that it grows a bit taller (1' tall) and has more blue-green foliage, often highlighted with silvery white veins. The slightly larger pure-white flowers also change to pink as they age, creating a very dramatic statement in the garden! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #03529

Helleborus 'Snow White' (Snow White Hybrid Lenten Rose)

Helleborus 'Snow White' (Snow White Hybrid Lenten Rose)

Part Sun to ShadeZone: 4-8 15" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only! (aka: Helleborus 'Snow Bunting') We were provided with incorrect information about this plant, but here is the real scoop. This is the first hybrid of Helleborus x hybridus x Helleborus niger (a previously assumed impossible cross) that appeared as a seedling among Helleborus x hybridus at the Yokohama garden in Japan. The foliage is intermediate between the two plants, and the clumps are topped starting around January 1 (NC) with flat white flowers that age to a reddish-pink in cool weather. This very vigorous deer-reistant clump has proven to be quite impressive and has thrived in hot climates where H. niger is just a composted memory. These sterile plants are propagated by tissue culture. (Yes, plant cloning is legal in all parts of the country except Lynchburg, Virginia.) Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07484

Helleborus x ericsmithii 'Candy Love' PP 19,413 (Candy Love Lenten Rose)

Helleborus x ericsmithii 'Candy Love' PP 19,413 (Candy Love Lenten Rose)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 5-8 15" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only! This new selection of Helleborus x ericsmithii comes from the breeding program of Belgium's Het Wilgenbroek. Helleborus 'Candy Love' is a hybrid between their own special selections of Helleborus niger and Helleborus x sternii. Helleborus 'Candy Love' makes a compact 20" wide, Helleborus niger-like clump of dark green deer-resistant leaves, highlighted by red veins in spring. The clumps are topped, starting in late winter, with massive clusters of 15" stalks ending in large pink tinged flowers which age chocolate...mighty fine! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08290

Helleborus x ericsmithii 'HGC Silvermoon' PP15,639 (Silvermoon Lenten Rose)

Helleborus x ericsmithii 'HGC Silvermoon' PP15,639 (Silvermoon Lenten Rose)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 5-8 7" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only! This new deer-resistant selection of Helleborus x ericsmithii (Helleborus niger x Helleborus x sternii) comes from Joseph Heuger of Germany. The attractive pewter green leaves make a nice backdrop for the upright stalks of white flowers in late winter. This represents one selected clone that is reproduced via tissue culture. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07482

Helleborus x ericsmithii 'Pink Beauty' (Pink Beauty Lenten Rose)

Helleborus x ericsmithii 'Pink Beauty' (Pink Beauty Lenten Rose)

Part Sun to ShadeZone: 5-8 10" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only! (aka: Helleborus x nigristern) Helleborus 'Pink Beauty' is a new European selection of the rare sterile hybrid (Helleborus niger x Helleborus x sternii). The result is a hellebore with the growth habit of Helleborus niger, but easy to grow like Helleborus x sternii. The grey-green, niger-like leaves are held on purple stems whose color runs well into the leaf base. In spring, the dusty purple flower stalks rise to 10", topped with clusters of pink-backed ivory buds. The flowers open ivory and pink, aging beautifully to dusty pink...an amazing deer-resistant plant for the woodland garden. These are probably root hardy at least through Zone 6, but the old foliage may look ragged and need to be removed in spring. These are all from divisions of a single clone...in other words, all are identical. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06134

Helleborus x ericsmithii 'Winter Moonbeam' (Winter Moonbeam Lenten Rose)

Helleborus x ericsmithii 'Winter Moonbeam' (Winter Moonbeam Lenten Rose)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 5-8 12" tall Origin: Hybrid
From the UK's Harveys Garden Plants comes one of the most exciting hellebores we have grown. This H. x sternii x niger hybrid (we think it's actually a H. x ballardiae) makes a 12" tall x 18" wide clump of glaucous foliage, adorned with a dramatic silver-grey veinal netting (from the H. lividus parent) combined with bright red petioles where the leaflets join. The deer-resistant clumps are topped in early spring with outfacing white flowers that are held on a 45 degree angled stalk. The flowers age first to pink, then nearly red....a superb transition. We think you are going to love this easy-to-grow gem. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08299

Helleborus x ericsmithii 'Winter Sunshine' (Winter Sunshine Lenten Rose)

Helleborus x ericsmithii 'Winter Sunshine' (Winter Sunshine Lenten Rose)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 5-8 12" tall Origin: Hybrid
NEW! Helleborus 'Winter Sunshine' is a 2007 introduction from England's Harveys Garden Plants. This H. niger x sternii hybrid forms a 12" tall x 18" wide evergreen clump of dark pewter green foliage. The clumps are topped in early spring with outfacing white flowers, white on the outside and pink on the back. Well-drained soils, keep it out of deep shade, and you'll have a superb deer-resistant garden specimen. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08919

Helleborus x hybridus 'Berry Swirl' (Berry Swirl Lenten Rose)

Helleborus x hybridus 'Berry Swirl' (Berry Swirl Lenten Rose)

Part Sun to ShadeZone: 4-8 15" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only! From hellebore breeders Ernie and Marietta O'Byrne comes this amazing seed strain of large double-flowering plants, whose colors range includes primarily reds and purples, often highlighted by a lighter white center...exceptionally beautiful. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08881

Helleborus x hybridus Double Queen Strain (Double Queen Hybrid Lenten Rose)

Helleborus x hybridus Double Queen Strain (Double Queen Hybrid Lenten Rose)

Part Sun to ShadeZone: 4-8 15" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only! An interesting name, but I'm not sure if I've ever met one...either in the literal, figurative, or royal sense. Nonetheless, this double-flowered strain of hybrid lenten rose is based on the work of Elizabeth Strangman of the UK. While some catalogs report this strain as 100% true, we're betting this claim is a typical catalog exaggeration. This deer-resistant strain does report a very good range of double flowers in colors from yellows to pinks. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07461

Helleborus x hybridus 'Elegance White' (Elegance White Hybrid Lenten Rose)

Helleborus x hybridus 'Elegance White' (Elegance White Hybrid Lenten Rose)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 4-8 15" tall Origin: Hybrid
We are thrilled to be able to offer this stunning deer-resistant enten rose with rounded double white flowers, spotted beautifully with maroon specks throughout the central portion of the flowers. These are clonally reproduced, so each plant is identical. The 15" tall x 2' wide evergreen deer-resistant clumps are topped with flowers from late February to early April (NC). Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08151

Helleborus x hybridus 'Gold Finch' (Gold Finch Hybrid Lenten Rose)

Helleborus x hybridus 'Gold Finch' (Gold Finch Hybrid Lenten Rose)

Part Sun to ShadeZone: 4-8 15" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only! We are pleased to introduce this clonally propagated deer-resistant Helleborus x hybridus from Dan Hinkley's breeding program at Heronswood. Dan selected H. 'Gold Finch' to offer in the 2007 Heronswood catalog, but we all know about their untimely demise. Fans will be glad to know the name was hauled to the East Coast for safekeeping. H. 'Gold Finch' is a lovely and vigorous selection with golden flowers adorned with a prominent red central blotch. These represent some of the first ever clonal H. x hybridus...all identical thanks to tissue culture. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07487

Helleborus x hybridus 'Golden Lotus' (Golden Lotus Lenten Rose)

Helleborus x hybridus 'Golden Lotus' (Golden Lotus Lenten Rose)

Part Sun to ShadeZone: 4-8 15" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only! We are thrilled with this hand-crossed seed strain from Oregon's Ernie and Marietta O'Byrne, which yields large double yellow flowers, often tinged with a pink picotee edge and back. As with all seed strains, each plant is different, as shown in our image. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08474

Helleborus x hybridus Heronswood Black Purple Stra (Black Purple Hybrid Lenten Rose)

Helleborus x hybridus Heronswood Black Purple Stra (Black Purple Hybrid Lenten Rose)

Part Sun to ShadeZone: 4-8 15" tall Origin: Hybrid
Wow! The intensity of the single black-purple flowers on these deer-resistant hybrids from the nursery formerly known as Heronswood is simply stunning. These vigorous seed-grown hybrids have to be seen to be believed. All plants have passed the PDN flower check test for at least one flowering season. Don't wait...since we've only got limited quantities of these flowering-sized plants, they are sure to go fast. Pot size: 2 qt. (1.892 L) #07710

Helleborus x hybridus Heronswood Creamy Yellow Mix (Creamy Yellow Hybrid Lenten Rose)

Helleborus x hybridus Heronswood Creamy Yellow Mix (Creamy Yellow Hybrid Lenten Rose)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 4-8 15" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only! These deer-resistant Heronswood hybrids have flowers of creamy white...not quite white and not quite yellow. Some have a small bit of pink veining as well. Pot size: 2 qt. (1.892 L) #07714

Helleborus x hybridus Heronswood Double Lavender S (Double Lavender Hybrid Lenten Rose)

Helleborus x hybridus Heronswood Double Lavender S (Double Lavender Hybrid Lenten Rose)

Part Sun to ShadeZone: 4-8 15" tall Origin: Hybrid
This offering from the former Heronswood breeding program is Dan's lavender, double-flowered strain. In reality, the flower colors range from lavender pink to purple, and since they are seedlings, a good bit of variation does exist. In order to make sure they all flowered double, they were grown an extra year and therefore are guaranteed to be 100% double. These are large 2-quart, deer-resistant plants, ready to make an instant statement in the garden. Pot size: 2 qt. (1.892 L) #07023

Helleborus x hybridus Heronswood Double Pink Strai (Heronswood Double Pink Hybrid Lenten Rose)

Helleborus x hybridus Heronswood Double Pink Strai (Heronswood Double Pink Hybrid Lenten Rose)

Part Sun to ShadeZone: 4-8 15" tall Origin: Hybrid
We are thrilled to offer these fine double-flowered Helleborus x hybridus from Dan Hinkley's breeding program at the nursery formerly known as Heronswood. Even though these are seedlings and each plant is different, they all flowered last year and are guaranteed to be 100% double. Last year, it was hard not to save every one that flowered for my own garden, but this year, my wife is forcing me to share. The flowers come in shades of light to dark pink with an array of fine speckling. These are absolutely wonderful large plants that will make an instant deer-resistant clump in the garden. Pot size: 2 qt. (1.892 L) #07046

Helleborus x hybridus Heronswood Double Purple Str (Double Purple Hybrid Lenten Rose)

Helleborus x hybridus Heronswood Double Purple Str (Double Purple Hybrid Lenten Rose)

Part Sun to ShadeZone: 4-9 15" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only! These amazing, hybrid lenten roses are seed-grown from breeding at the nursery, formerly known as Heronswood. These deer-resistant clumps are topped starting in February with amazing stalks of double dark purple (nearly black) flowers. These are in very short supply and will sell out quickly, so don't delay. Pot size: 2 qt. (1.892 L) #07711

Helleborus x hybridus Heronswood Double White Stra (Double White Hybrid Lenten Rose)

Helleborus x hybridus Heronswood Double White Stra (Double White Hybrid Lenten Rose)

Part Sun to ShadeZone: 4-8 15" tall Origin: Hybrid
This deer-resistant strain of lenten rose from the former Heronswood Nursery is topped, starting in February, with stalks of large double white flowers. The breeding parentage includes one of our favorites, H. x hybridus 'Mrs. Betty Ranicar' as one of the parents. These seed-grown, flowering-sized plants are only offered in 2-quart pots. Pot size: 2 qt. (1.892 L) #07712

Helleborus x hybridus Heronswood Single White (Single White Hybrid Lenten Rose)

Helleborus x hybridus Heronswood Single White (Single White Hybrid Lenten Rose)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 4-8 15" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only! This single white strain of helleborus x hybridus was developed by Heronswood Nursery before the name was hijacked and hauled to Pennsylvania. These deer-resistant plants have all flowered for at least one season and are each distinctive. Pot size: 2 qt. (1.892 L) #07788

Helleborus x hybridus Heronswood Violet Red Strain (Violet Red Hybrid Lenten Rose)

Helleborus x hybridus Heronswood Violet Red Strain (Violet Red Hybrid Lenten Rose)

Part Sun to ShadeZone: 4-8 15" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only! This single red-violet strain of lenten rose from the breeding program at the former Heronswood Nursery has dazzled our nursery staff. These deer-resistant, seed grown, 2 QT plants are in full flower now (February). We think you'll agree that these are perfect to cheer up a dark spot in your garden. Pot size: 2 qt. (1.892 L) #07713

Helleborus x hybridus Heronswood Yellow Strain 2 (Heronswood Yellow Hybrid Lenten Rose)

Helleborus x hybridus Heronswood Yellow Strain 2 (Heronswood Yellow Hybrid Lenten Rose)

Part Sun to ShadeZone: 4-8 15" tall Origin: Hybrid
One of the most requested plants in spring is the yellow-flowered Helleborus x hybridus, so we are ecstatic to offer these pre-flowered plants from Dan Hinkley's former breeding program of the dearly departed Heronswood Nursery. These are robust 2-quart deer-resistant plants that flowered last year and are guaranteed to flower yellow...some with tiny red flecks in the petals. Get 'em while they last. Pot size: 2 qt. (1.892 L) #07042

Helleborus x hybridus Heronswood Yellow w/Red Spot (Heronswood Yellow Hybrid Lenten Rose)

Helleborus x hybridus Heronswood Yellow w/Red Spot (Heronswood Yellow Hybrid Lenten Rose)

Part Sun to ShadeZone: 4-8 15" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only! These deer-resistant selections from the nursery formerly known as Heronswood are lovely yellow-flowered forms, each highlighted by red blotches...usually at the base of the flower...quite stunning. All plants have passed the PDN flower check test for at least one season. Pot size: 2 qt. (1.892 L) #07715

Helleborus x hybridus Mardi Gras Double Green 3 QT (Mardi Gras Double Jade Lenten Rose)

Helleborus x hybridus Mardi Gras Double Green 3 QT (Mardi Gras Double Jade Lenten Rose)

Part Sun to ShadeZone: 4-8 15" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only! These reprent selections from Glenn Withey/Charles Price hybrids with large double flowers that range from chartreuse to light jade green. Pot size: 3 qt. (2.83 L) #09051

Helleborus x hybridus Mardi Gras Double Light Pink (Double Light Pink Mardi Gras Lenten Rose)

Helleborus x hybridus Mardi Gras Double Light Pink (Double Light Pink Mardi Gras Lenten Rose)

Part Sun to ShadeZone: 4-8 15" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only! These selection from Washington Hellebore breeders Glenn Withey/Charles Price boast large double light pink flowers. Pot size: 3 qt. (2.83 L) #09058

Helleborus x hybridus Mardi Gras Double Pink 3 QT (Mardi Gras Double Pink Lenten Rose)

Helleborus x hybridus Mardi Gras Double Pink 3 QT (Mardi Gras Double Pink Lenten Rose)

Sun to ShadeZone: 4-8 15" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only! From Washington State Hellebore breeders Glenn Withey/Charles Price come these amazing lenten roses with large double medium-dark pink flowers, many spotted with small red dots...outstanding! Pot size: 3 qt. (2.83 L) #09057

Helleborus x hybridus Mardi Gras Double White 3 QT (Mardi Gras Double White Lenten Rose)

Helleborus x hybridus Mardi Gras Double White 3 QT (Mardi Gras Double White Lenten Rose)

Part Sun to ShadeZone: 4-8 15" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only! These dazzling specimens come from famed Washington State designers Glenn Withey and Charles Price. Each clump is topped with large double white flowers that are simply stunning! Pot size: 3 qt. (2.83 L) #09054

Helleborus x hybridus Mardi Gras Double White w/ R (Double White Spotted Mardi Gras Lenten Rose)

Helleborus x hybridus Mardi Gras Double White w/ R (Double White Spotted Mardi Gras Lenten Rose)

Part Sun to ShadeZone: 4-8 15" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only! These amazing hellebores from the handiwork of hellebore breeders Glenn Withey/ Charles Price are topped with large double white flowers, each adorned with small reddish purple spots...very unique and in short supply. Pot size: 3 qt. (2.83 L) #09056

Helleborus x hybridus Mardi Gras Single White blot (Mardi Gras Single White w/ Red Blotch Lenten Rose)

Part Sun to ShadeZone: 4-8 15" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only! These seedlings from the hardiwork of Glenn Withey/Charles Price are topped with picotee style flowers of white, each highlighted by a dramatic red-purple blotch...stunning.. Pot size: 3 qt. (2.83 L) #09059

Helleborus x hybridus Mardi Gras Single White w/ R (White w/Red Spots Mardi Gras Lenten Rose)

Helleborus x hybridus Mardi Gras Single White w/ R (White w/Red Spots Mardi Gras Lenten Rose)

Part Sun to ShadeZone: 4-8 15" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only! These seedlings from the hardiwork of Glenn Withey/Charles Price are topped with picotee style flowers of white, each highlighted by small red-violet specks! Pot size: 3 qt. (2.83 L) #09060

Helleborus x hybridus 'Mrs. Betty Ranicar' (Double White Hybrid Lenten Rose)

Helleborus x hybridus 'Mrs. Betty Ranicar' (Double White Hybrid Lenten Rose)

Part Sun to ShadeZone: 4-8 12" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only! New crop available 9-16-2010 This has been the star of the hellebore season in our garden since we obtained our original plants in 2001 from hellebore breeder John Dudley of Tasmania...who knew? This vigorous hellebore is adorned in early spring with large, fully double, white flower heads. Even gardeners who claim not to like double flowers marvel at these gems. They haven't set great seed for us, but do come almost completely true from seed when they manage to set. We think you will fall in love with H. 'Mrs. Betty Ranicar'. We are thrilled to be able to finally share. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #05328

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Page last updated August 09 2010 19:08:59.