Chrysanthemum 'Snow Dome' (Snow Dome Chrysanthemum)

Chrysanthemum 'Snow Dome' (Snow Dome Chrysanthemum)

SunZone: 7-9, possibly colder 15" tall Origin: Hybrid    alternate image
Open House/Web-Only! We are very pleased to introduce Chrysanthemum 'Snow Dome', our favorite of the new group of hybrids between garden mums and Chrysanthemum pacificum (aka: ajania). This superb selection, thanks to genetics from NC's Richard Hayes, makes an unbelievable tight dome of cutleaf, silver-back foliage that forms a perfect 15" tall x 2' wide mound...without any pruning or pinching. The foliage is then topped in October with a blanket of small white daisies. I'd grow this superb selection even if it didn't flower...great for a small garden. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08000

Chrysogonum virginianum 'Eco Lacquered Spider' (Green and Gold)

Chrysogonum virginianum 'Eco Lacquered Spider' (Green and Gold)

Part Sun to ShadeZone: 5-10 4" tall Origin: USA
Open House/Web-Only! This wild and crazy form of our native green and gold was found by Don Jacobs's son in south-central Georgia and first introduced in 1992. The flat-growing rosettes of this unique plant produce long runners to several feet (obviously grew up near spider plants) and makes a fabulous deer-resistant woodland groundcover. The color from the purple stolons runs into the base of the leaves, which have an unusual glossy appearance. The clump is adorned with yellow flowers in spring, although the blooming period is somewhat shorter than other cultivars. Expect a 4' wide mat in a couple of years, or use it to great effect in seasonal containers. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #01579

Chrysosplenium macrophyllum (Giant Golden Saxifrage)

Chrysosplenium macrophyllum (Giant Golden Saxifrage)

Light ShadeZone: 7-8, at least 6" tall Origin: China
NEW! Imagine crossing bergenia, tiarella and Stretch Armstrong and you can envision Chrysosplenium macrophyllum. This strange Chinese saxifrage relative forms 6" tall x 8" wide open rosettes of bergenia-shaped hairy green leaves. In early spring, the rosettes are topped with panicles of UFO-like (unidentified flowering object) flowers that closely resemble a steamrolled foamflower. After flowering, the rosettes send out alien-like above-ground, well-behaved stolons, which root out to form new rosettes...4' wide in 5 years (NC)...moist soil is preferred. To quote plantsman John Elsley, "For those who like this kind of thing, this is the kind of thing they'll really like." Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06585

Cimicifuga japonica (Japanese Bugbane)

Cimicifuga japonica (Japanese Bugbane)

Part Sun to ShadeZone: 5-8a 30" tall Origin: China, Japan, Korea
Open House/Web-Only! (syn: Actaea biternata) Finally, a superb cimicifuga that grows and flowers in our heat! In our cimicifuga-deprived climate, we could only indulge our passion for these plants by falling asleep with English garden design books. Now with Cimicifuga japonica, we can have our bugbane and grow them too. Each 1' wide clump of Cimicifuga japonica has glossy basal foliage, like a giant thalictrum, topped in mid-September with clouds of 2.5', narrow, bottlebrush-like white wands. While moist soils are preferred, all but the driest soils have proven satisfactory. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #05255

Cimicifuga racemosa (Black Cohosh)

Cimicifuga racemosa (Black Cohosh)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 4-8 60" tall Origin: USA
(syn: Actaea racemosa) This unusual member of the Ranunculus family (clematis, hellebores) can be found natively in moist deciduous forests from Canada, south to Alabama. In the garden, a compost-rich, moist soil is best, although the plants will go dormant early in the case of extended drought. The basal rosette of cutleaf deer-resistant foliage is topped in June (NC) by narrow, upright, 5' tall spikes of small white flowers...a mature clump is very impressive. This has performed very well for us in our trials, unlike the similarly named C. ramosa, which has no heat tolerance. C. racemosa is renowned for its medicinal properties, especially to treat "women's complaints." Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08147

Cimicifuga rubifolia (Kearney's Bugbane)

Cimicifuga rubifolia (Kearney's Bugbane)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 3-8 48" tall Origin: USA    alternate image
Open House/Web-Only! (aka: C. racemosa v. cordifolia, C. foetida v. cordifolia) This wonderful rare native (globally rare ranking of #3) from Virginia west to Tennessee has languished in taxonomic purgatory under a parade of invalid names. Compared to other bugbanes, there are only 9 glossy leaflets per leaf, which are held on a 45 degree angled stem, ending about 2' off the ground. The 4' tall upright branched terminal spikes end in finger-like clusters of small white flowers that top the plant in September. Although C. rubifolia prefers alkaline soils, it has grown well in our slightly acid amended woodland. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08148

Cissus trifoliata (Possum Grape Ivy)

Cissus trifoliata (Possum Grape Ivy)

Part Sun to ShadeZone: 5b-9 72" tall Origin: USA
Open House/Web-Only! (syn: Cissus incisa) This unique, wonderful cold hardy grape ivy is similar to the type you kill indoors in baskets. Native to the US, from Kansas south into Mexico and Florida, this non-invasive vine grows naturally in habitats as diverse as dry rocky ledges as well as salt marshes...we recommend fences, gazebos, and ugly buildings. Cissus trifoliata is composed of purple stems, adorned with thick, rubbery artificial-feeling trifoliate foliage. Cissus trifoliata attaches to objects (usually not pets) by means of miniature suction cups. In summer, the green foliage develops a red tint to the leaf edges and in late September, the vine is adorned by clusters of small black grape-like fruits...truly an amazing and underused plant...thanks to plantsman Jim Waddick for turning us on to this gem nearly a decade ago! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #00849

Claytonia virginica A11NC-108 (Virginia Spring Beauty)

Claytonia virginica A11NC-108 (Virginia Spring Beauty)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 3-9 4" tall Origin: USA
Open House/Web-Only! Native from Canada south to Texas, this delightful spring ephemeral wildflower is rarely offered by nurseries since it will never be a star in container culture. The two basal leaves, which resemble flat green toothpicks, give rise to clusters of tiny pale pink flowers that open on sunny days over a period of a month starting in mid-March. Claytonia virginica thrives in virtually all soil types, where it forms a nice 4' wide patch in 10 years, disappearing for the season by with onset of warm weather...very cute. This collection hails from Van Buren Co. Tennessee at 2,000' elevation. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08278

Clematis 'Alionushka' (Alionushka Clematis)

Clematis 'Alionushka' (Alionushka Clematis)

Sun to Part SunZone: 4b-8 48" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only! We have been thrilled at the performance of this unique clematis hybrid in our gardens. This 1969 release combined the large-flowered Clematis 'Nezhdannyi' with the bush Clematis integrifolia, thanks to the breeding work of A. N. Volosenko-Valenis and M. A. Beskaravainaya of the Ukraine. Like a NASCAR driver at Daytona, each 4-6' long scrambler weaves in and out of anything nearby. Starting in late April (in NC) and continuing until frost, the plants are adorned with wonderful 2.5" long rosy-pink, flared bell-shaped flowers. It can be pruned hard in the late winter. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #05714

Clematis alpina 'Stolwijk Gold' PP 18,648 (Stolwijk Gold Alpine Clematis)

Clematis alpina 'Stolwijk Gold' PP 18,648 (Stolwijk Gold Alpine Clematis)

Sun to Part SunZone: 4-7, at least 72" tall Origin: Europe
From Holland's G.C. Stolwijk and Co. comes this dazzling new selection of the European Clematis alpina with bright yellow foliage...yes, you read that right! The new growth on this 6' tall scrambler is bright gold, later changing to chartreuse. The incredible foliage is adorned in May/June with pendent blue flowers...what a sight to behold! Just like those Christmas visions of sugar plums dancing, I can see those plant combinations forming in your fertile minds already. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07573

Clematis cirrhosa 'Freckles' (Freckles Winter Clematis)

Clematis cirrhosa 'Freckles' (Freckles Winter Clematis)

Sun to Part SunZone: 7b-9, at least 240" tall Origin: Mediterranean Europe, Portugal
Open House/Web-Only! This Balearic Islands form of the winter-flowering clematis was a seed selection from the UK's clematis guru, Ray Evison. Introduced in 1989, Clematis 'Freckles' goes completely dormant in the summer months and only begins re-leafing in early October, and starts flowering a few weeks later. The glossy dark green leaves serve as the perfect backdrop for the 2" pendulous cream flowers that are heavily speckled with red-purple. The delightful seed heads remain on the plant for long periods after flowering. Although it is native in scrubby woodlands, we have found a sunny western exposure works best. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08051

Clematis 'Jan Fopma' (Jan Fopma Clematis)

Clematis 'Jan Fopma' (Jan Fopma Clematis)

Sun to Part SunZone: 5b-8, at least 60" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only! Clematis 'Jan Fopma' is another of the wonderful new scrambling hybrids from Dutch clematis breeder Wim Snoeijer. Wim named this clematis after another famed Dutch clematis expert, Jan Fopma. Clematis 'Jan Fopma' combines the best traits of Clematis integrifolia and Clematis fusca to produce a 5' long scrambler that is adorned from July to September with small, red-lavender, flared, bell-shaped flowers, each with a lighter edge. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06379

Clematis ochroleuca (Ochre Clematis)

Clematis ochroleuca (Ochre Clematis)

Sun to Light ShadeZone: 4b-8, at least 15" tall Origin: USA
Open House/Web-Only! This prized East Coast native is another of the little-known bush clematis. While Clematis ochroleuca is certainly not a common native, it is usually found on sandy grasslands from New York to Georgia. In late spring, the 15" tall x 15" wide clumps are topped with pendulous, fuzzy creamy-white bells. Following flowering, plants are covered with splendid seedheads which resemble large attractive golden balls of lint. I like lint! Clematis ochroleuca is perfect for a special spot in the rock garden. Save seed, since Clematis ochroleuca is virtually impossible to root from cuttings. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #03708

Clematis pitcheri (Pitcher's Leather Flower)

Clematis pitcheri (Pitcher's Leather Flower)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 5-9, at least 72" tall Origin: USA
Open House/Web-Only! Clematis pitcheri is a little-known but fabulous native, ranging from Iowa south to Texas. The scrambling 6' tall vine with opposite trifoliate leaves mingles unobtrusively like an accountant at an eyewear convention. We have ours growing through a michellia, and you don't even notice it is there until it begins to flower. The dainty, pendent, purple bell-shaped flowers with recurved tips adorn the vine from mid-May through September...simply delightful. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06969

Clematis reticulata (Netted Clematis)

Clematis reticulata (Netted Clematis)

Sun to Light ShadeZone: 6-9, guessing 108" tall Origin: USA
Open House/Web-Only! This little-known US native cousin to Clematis pitcheri calls the dry sandy scrub lands from Oklahoma southeast to Florida home. I'd like to thank We-Du founder Dick Weaver for introducing me to the plant in northern Florida. The short vine, eventually to 9' long, is composed of wiry stems and single, round leaves featuring its namesake netted veins (aka: reticulation). The plants are adorned with small, down-turned pitchers, often bicolored white, purple, yellow, or pink, from late April - June. Clematis reticulata is perfect to be woven through evergreens and conifers for added interest. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08168

Clematis 'Roguchi' (Roguchi Clematis)

Clematis 'Roguchi' (Roguchi Clematis)

SunZone: 5-8, at least 72" tall Origin: Hybrid
Virtually anyone who has grown Clematis 'Roguchi' agrees this hybrid, from breeder Kazushige Ozawa-sani of Japan, is one of the finest bell-shaped clematis ever introduced. Starting in early May and continuing through September, this free-flowering C. integrifolia x durandii hybrid is covered with large 2" cobalt blue bells. C. 'Roguchi' has an amazing range, growing equally as well in Minnesota as it does in Houston, Texas. Don't worry about pruning, since it is a perennial and will die to the ground each season. For us, C. 'Roguchi' makes a 6' tall clambering vine...perfect for weaving through shrubs like a motorbike in a traffic jam. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07093

Clematis 'Zobluepi' PPAF (Blue Pirouette Clematis)

Clematis 'Zobluepi' PPAF (Blue Pirouette Clematis)

Sun to Part SunZone: 4-8 60" tall Origin: Hybrid    alternate image
Open House/Web-Only! This new introduction from Wim Snoeijer of Holland combines Clematis integrifolia 'Rosea' with the large flowered Clematis 'Warszawska Nike'...easy for you to say. The result is a superb 5' long scrambler that produces stunning blue-purple, open-face flowers highlighted by an attractive cluster of white stamens in the center. For us, it flowers well from May through August...absolutely superb, despite the stupid name. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06375

Clematis 'Zoin' PP 14,054 (Inspiration tm Clematis)

Clematis 'Zoin' PP 14,054 (Inspiration tm Clematis)

Sun to Part SunZone: 5b-8, at least 120" tall Origin: Hybrid    alternate image
Open House/Web-Only! This new introduction from Wim Snoeijer of Holland combines Clematis integrifolia 'Rosea' with the large flowered Polish hybrid C. 'Warszawska Nike'...the same cross that produced Clematis 'Blue Pirouette'. Clematis 'Zoin' makes a 10' long scrambler that can be planted at the base of shrubs or taller perennials and will unobtrusively weave its way through its host, creating an unexpected spectacle when flowering commences. For us, Clematis 'Zoin' flowers well from May through August with open-faced, magenta flowers highlighted by a cluster of white stamens. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06376

Clerodendron speciosissimum (Giant Red Glory Bower)

Clerodendron speciosissimum (Giant Red Glory Bower)

SunZone: 8-10, at least 84" tall Origin: China
Open House/Web-Only! This tropical clerodendron has been surprising us with its winter hardiness. Although it is late to emerge in Zone 7b, it has returned for several years, but never gets over 2' tall. In warmer climates, expect it to reach 7' tall. The slowly suckering stems are clothed in 1' wide, velvety green leaves and topped in summer and fall with terminal clusters of scarlet-red flowers. In our climate, we rarely get flowers before early October. Not only does it look good, but it can be used to cure everything from arthritis to hemorrhoids. Did we mention that hummingbirds like it, too? Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06678

xClinadina 'Desi Arnaz' (Desi Arnaz Bush Mint)

xClinadina 'Desi Arnaz' (Desi Arnaz Bush Mint)

SunZone: 7b-10 18" tall Origin: USA Hybrid
NEW! This fascinating shrub mint was discovered in the South Carolina garden of Woodlanders Nursery by the founder, Robert obvious hybrid between US natives Clinopodium georgianum and a nearby native conradina...obviously with a less than stellar upbringing. We are publishing the bigeneric name x Clinadina, although the cultivar name 'Desi Arnaz' was assigned earlier by Mississippi's Richard Lowrey. The hybrid makes an 18" tall x 2' wide clump of upright woody stems clothed with narrow, glossy green foliage that smells like strong peppermint...probably better than smelling like strong Desi Arnaz. C. 'Desi Arnaz' is adorned in late summer and fall with small light lavender flowers. A well-drained winter soil and a bright sunny spot is essential. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #09003

Clinopodium georgianum 'Barbour Belle' (Georgia Savory)

Clinopodium georgianum 'Barbour Belle' (Georgia Savory)

SunZone: 6-9 12" tall Origin: USA
Open House/Web-Only! (aka: Clinopodium georgianum A1FL-165) We collected cuttings of this heavy flowering selection of the wonderful Georgia Savory in 2001 from Barbour County, Alabama, where it was growing with Coreopsis major. Clinopodium georgianum 'Barbour Belle' makes a 18" tall x 2' wide clump of deciduous woody stems that are clothed during the growing season by small, round green leaves that, when crushed, smell strongly of peppermint. Clinopodium 'Barbour Belle' begins flowering in late summer and continues into October with small, light mauvy lavender flowers smothering each stem. This is really one of my favorites for the dry rock garden...good drainage is important. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #05421

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