Sun Zone: 7-10 48" tall Origin: USA
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This wonderful native from NC, south and west to Texas, is one of the lesser-known of our native mallows. Hibiscus aculeatus is found in upland bogs, roadside ditches, and coastal pinelands within the Southeast. Although it likes moist feet, we have had very good luck growing it in raised sandy berms with regular watering. The fuzzy 4' stems are clothed with lobed, okra-like leaves. From the leaf axils, plenty of 4-5" open, cone-shaped, light yellow flowers highlighted with a dark purple eye are produced from early summer until fall. Virtually everything about this plant is fuzzy...do not approach without a razor in hand. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #05905
Sun Zone: 6-9 96" tall Origin: USA
This versatile native is equally at home in a swamp, submerged in a garden pool, or in a perennial border. The palmate-leaved (looks like a Japanese maple) hibiscus has 6" brilliant red flowers on nice upright plants to 8'...a great see-through perennial. For us, H. coccineus flowers from June through October. In the winter, we leave the stalks and enjoy the ornamental seed pods...great for arranging, both in the garden and in a vase! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #01215
Sun Zone: 6-9 96" tall Origin: USA
This Frank Galloway discovery from Baldwin Co., Alabama, is one of several white-flowered forms of our typically red-flowered southeast native Hibiscus coccineus that has been recently discovered. The 8' tall green stems emerge in spring, clothed with green marijuana-like foliage. The stalks are adorned with five-petaled, pure white flowers from summer through fall. Moist soils are best, but H. coccineus can make it through an amazing amount of drought as well. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07286
Sun Zone: 4-9 48" tall Origin: USA Hybrid
This superb hibiscus hybrid from Walters Gardens is one of the most stunning selections we have grown. The brilliant red, almost scarlet flowers are unlike other hardy hibiscus whose red flowers are usually based in the blue spectrum. The 4' tall stalks are topped from midsummer through early fall with the 7" wide, heavily-textured flowers with nicely overlapping petals. Moist soils are best, but the hardy hibiscus are very drought-tolerant. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08808
Sun Zone: 4-9 48" tall Origin: USA Hybrid
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This new hybrid, from the late Fleming brothers, is a more compact version of the popular Hibiscus 'Kopper King'. Hibiscus 'Crown Jewels' boasts the same purple leaves on a compact plant to only 48" tall x 30" wide. Throughout the summer, the plants are adorned with 6", perfectly round flowers of white with a vivid dark red eye. This is a perfect plant for some really cool color combinations in the perennial border! As with most hibiscus, moist soils and plenty of sun give the best results. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #03844
Sun Zone: 4-9 36" tall Origin: USA Hybrid
This new American Idol (not to be confused with the singing one), comes from the late Fleming brothers of Nebraska. H. 'Fantasia' is a heavy-blooming hybrid that boasts large, flat, rosy-pink flowers to 9" in width. Each flower is highlighted by a darker, rosy-red center pattern. The compact 3' tall plants with green foliage are adorned with flowers from midsummer until early fall. If you like your flowers "a little on the tacky side," you need this new mallow! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #03899
Sun Zone: 4-9 48" tall Origin: USA Hybrid
This dazzling new introduction from the late Fleming brothers makes a compact 4' tall plant with fine-textured green foliage...often with a purple blush. From midsummer through early fall, the clumps are topped with brilliant, large, burgundy-red flowers...a true showstopper. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #04779
Sun Zone: 6-9 96" tall Origin: USA alternate image
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We love this awesome hibiscus with felty grey leaves (right off an Elvis picture) on 8' stalks, topped with 10" light pink flowers in late summer...a structural marvel in the garden. Its native habitat of brackish wetlands in the southeast US is a testament to its durability under adverse conditions. In winter, we (and the birds) enjoy the dramatic hairy seed pods perched atop the sturdy old stalks. Who needs toilet paper by the outhouse, when you've got a couple of velvet mallows? Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #01120
Sun Zone: 4-9 48" tall Origin: USA Hybrid
This exciting hybrid from Nebraska's famous Fleming brothers represents the culmination of 50 years of breeding. H. 'Kopper King' has stunning, dark purple foliage on a stocky 4' tall clump. From midsummer until early fall, the clumps are topped with giant, 1' wide, light pink flowers with a dark red eye and dramatic red veining. Designers should have a ball with this new mallow. For greatest foliage coloration, full sun exposure is best along with slightly moist soil. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #03876
Sun Zone: 7b-10, at least 84" tall Origin: Japan
This little-known deciduous mallow is the Japanese kissin' cousin of the Chinese Hibiscus mutabilis. For us, H. makinoi never reaches more than 7' tall, although in its native Kyushu and Ryoku Islands, it can reach 15' tall. In NC, it dies to the ground each winter, regrowing into a widely-branched plant, clothed with large, fuzzy, green maple-like leaves and adorned, starting in early October, with dark pink buds that open into 4-5" large very light pink flowers. An extract from this renaissance plant is found in anti-aging creams since it triggers the creation of estrogen. Growing them in the garden sure makes me feel young! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07903
Sun Zone: 5-9, possibly colder 60" tall Origin: USA Hybrid
From retired plant breeder Dr. Moy at the San Antonio Botanical Garden comes this giant-flowered mallow hybrid that took Texas by storm. H. 'Moy Grande' certainly boasts one of the largest flowers we have seen on a hardy hibiscus, reaching sizes in excess of 1' across when grown in rich moist soils...what else could you expect from Texas, but BIG? Dozens of the giant, bright, rosy, blue-red flowers adorn the 5' tall x 5' wide clump each day from midsummer until early fall. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #03659
Sun Zone: 7-10 120" tall Origin: China alternate image
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From China comes a wonderful hibiscus that's virtually unknown outside of China and the Gulf Coast region of the US. Hibiscus mutabilis emerges from dormancy and shoots 10' into the air. The foliage is quite bold, with soft, fuzzy green leaves up and down the stems...great for structure and texture even without flowers. The flowers emerge in late October and November, resembling giant, double, rosy pink camellias...holy cow! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #01126
Sun Zone: 7b-10, at least 120" tall Origin: China
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This selection of Hibiscus paramutabilis comes from a seed collection on China's Mt. Heng at 3,000' elevation. The 10' tall woody hibiscus is clothed with 9" wide, fuzzy, maple-shaped leaves and topped from late August until frost with 4" cupped pink flowers at the top of each branch. Because of the height, we recommend cutting the plants to the ground each spring to better view the flowers...unless you do your garden viewing from a deer stand. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06699
Sun Zone: 7b-10, at least 120" tall Origin: China
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This is a selection of the true Hibiscus paramutabilis that we made from wild collected seed from 3,000' elevation on China's Mt. Heng. This woody hibiscus (a deciduous perennial with mid-single digits F) makes a 10' tall shrub adorned with very fuzzy, medium green, maple-shaped leaves, topped from late summer through fall with 4" cup-shaped flowers of pure white with a bright cranberry-red central blotch. We recommend cutting the plant to the ground each spring so someone other than airplane pilots can see the flowers. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06680
Sun Zone: 4-9 48" tall Origin: USA Hybrid
This amazing introduction from Texan Greg Grant is topped all summer with huge 9" flowers which emerge light pink and age to white, except for the wild red flecking throughout the petals. H. 'Peppermint Flare' is a floral sport from Sam McFadden's University of Florida release, the nearly sterile hybrid H. 'Flare'. Our plants have matured out at 4' tall x 4' wide. H. 'Peppermint Flare' is very tolerant of alkaline soils...as long as they aren't too dry. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07867
Sun Zone: 4-9 48" tall Origin: USA Hybrid
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This Fleming Brothers' hybrid was obviously named after the brothers themselves...guess you had to be there. Hibiscus
'Plum Crazy' is prized for the purple-green, three-lobed leaves that adorn the compact, 4' tall clumps. From midsummer until early fall, the clumps are topped with cone-shaped, 7" wide, plum-colored flowers, each with darker purple venation and a very dark eye highlighting the flowers...very, very cool! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #03845
Sun Zone: 6-9, at least 84" tall Origin: USA Hybrid
Hibiscus 'Raspberry Rose' is the plant that stops everyone in their tracks during our summer Open House. H. 'Raspberry Rose' has also been a favorite of ours for years due to its sheer abundance of 10" bright raspberry-red flowers. We grow quite a few hibiscus, and none come anywhere close to producing as many flowers. Each clump can get quite large, to 7' tall x 10' across, so allow plenty of room. Remember that nine out of ten hibiscus surveyed prefer rich, moist soils...this is one of the nine. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #04690
Sun Zone: 6-9, at least 144" tall Origin: USA Hybrid alternate image
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This is our own hybrid of two US natives, Hibiscus coccineus x Hibiscus grandiflorus. The result is a monster plant, towering to 12' in height. The marijuana-like foliage comes from Hibiscus coccineus and its resistance to insects from Hibiscus grandiflorus. The hybrid vigor came from really good sex. For us, Hibiscus 'Red Flyer' starts flowering in mid-July and continues until frost. Plenty of nutrition and moisture will produce the best results. Hibiscus 'Red Flyer' is sterile, so don't expect any offspring nearby. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #04691
Sun Zone: 4-9 36" tall Origin: USA Hybrid
This dazzling hybrid from the late Fleming Brothers makes a 3' tall compact clump adorned with hydrangea-shaped foliage. From late June (NC) until fall, H. 'Robert Fleming' is topped with clusters of large 7" shiny, black red flowers, the most intense red we've ever seen...sure to be noticed in the garden. I could not find any matching color in the RHS color chart, so this is obviously a color not allowed in the old UK. Moist soils are best, although these are amazingly drought-tolerant.
Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08347
Sun Zone: 4-9 36" tall Origin: USA Hybrid
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This new Fleming hybrid makes a 3' tall deciduous clump of upright stems clothed in dark purple leaves. The clumps are adorned, starting in midsummer and continuing until early fall, with large, 8" fluorescent pink flowers, each with a contrasting red eye...sounds frighteningly like when I looked in the mirror after election night. Moist soils are best, but Hibiscus 'Royal Gems' is quite drought-tolerant. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #03843
Sun Zone: 6-9, guessing 96" tall Origin: China
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This virtually unknown Chinese species is genetically situated between Hibiscus paramutabilis and Hibiscus syriacus (Rose of Sharon). The 8' tall stems remain woody and are clothed during the growing season with glossy, dark green, maple-like leaves. The stems are adorned with 4" widely cupped lavender flowers, highlighted by a bright red central blotch, from June through the summer. If you get bored with your plant, various parts can be used as a diuretic, an expectorant, or to reduce bloody stools. I often have those when I sit too close while weeding around my agaves.
Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07904
Sun Zone: 4-9 60" tall Origin: USA Hybrid
Hibiscus 'Summer Storm' is one of the next generation of colored-leaf hibiscus hybrids from the breeders at Walters Gardens. Building on the work of the late Fleming Brothers, H. 'Summer Storm' produces 5' tall stalks, clothed with deeply lobed dark purple leaves, and adorned from July until September with both axillary and terminally produced, 10" wide, medium pink flowers, highlighted with a dark red center and bloodshot-eye-like red veins. Moist soils are ideal, but these are amazingly drought-tolerant in the short term. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #09132
Sun Zone: 4-8, at least 72" tall Origin: USA Hybrid
Hibiscus 'Turn of the Century' is unquestionably one of the most unique hardy hibiscus ever bred. The 6' tall stalks are topped with 6" wide flowers with nicely overlapping petals. Each petal is light pink on one side and red on the other side, with a graduation of pigments between the two. The overall effect is a pink and red pinwheel. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08810
Sun Zone: 4-8, at least 36" tall Origin: USA Hybrid
From Illinois hibiscus breeder Bill Morrison comes an unusual H. moscheutos hybrid. The compact 3' tall plants are covered with flowers from midsummer through fall. The 10" wide white flowers are highlighted by a bright red central blotch, and the unopened buds are flushed with swirls of pink on the outside tips...reminds me of staring face-to-face at a one-eyed, one-horned, flying purple people eater...your age is showing if you remember back that far. As with all hardy hibiscus, they prefer moist soils but are amazingly drought-tolerant once established. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07962
Sun to Part Sun Zone: 7b-10, possibly colder 20" tall Origin: Hybrid
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In our garden, Hippeastrum 'Voodoo' makes one of the most stunning shows imaginable. Our 7-year-old specimen produces over 130 flowers on 20" tall stalks, starting in mid-April and continuing into May. This mysterious amaryllis appears to be a modern-day remake of the original 1700s cross, Hippeastrum 'Ackermanii', released by Dutch Ludwig and Co. in the 1960s. Just like Hippeastrum 'Ackermanii', Hippeastrum 'Voodoo' is composed of deer-resistant wide glossy foliage, tinged bronze in full sun, and clusters of red flowers with white central patterns. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #04937
Sun to Part Sun Zone: 7-10, possibly colder 20" tall Origin: Hybrid
The origin of this coveted first hybrid amaryllis from circa 1800 has been debated for years but is most often regarded as the result of a cross of H. reginae and H. vittatum. The result is an amazingly hardy amaryllis, with reports indicating hardiness of Zone 5. The broad green foliage takes on a delightful coppery hue in full sun. In early May, the fast-multiplying, deer-resistant clumps contain as many as four stems per bulb and six flowers per stem. Each flower is a sweetly fragrant, bright red trumpet, with a dramatic white star pattern in the center. Good drainage in the winter is key to increased hardiness. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #04304
<Hemerocallis - xHeucherella] | [Hosta A-C> |