Sun Zone: 7b-8, at least 24" tall Origin: Hybrid
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If you have been looking for a nice companion to Dahlia 'Bishop of Llandaff', look no longer. This delightful dahlia has cut-leaf, dark purple foliage on a well-formed 2' tall clump. Dahlia 'Bednall Beauty' flowers throughout late spring and summer, and again in late summer and fall. In areas with oppressively hot summers, don't expect many flowers until the weather cools. Dahlias will also perform wonderfully well in those Zone 9 and 10 regions blessed with cool, high summer temperatures. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #04623
Sun Zone: 7b-8, at least 36" tall Origin: Hybrid
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This new addition to the "Bishop" series boasts the same wonderful dark-purple foliage, topped with 3' tall spikes of 2" dark, fluorescent wine-purple flowers. We tried to find an RHS color code, but this is obviously a new color for the RHS unless they are boycotting fluorescent purple. This plant is also unique since there is no such thing as a Bishop of Canterbury. There is an Archbishop of Canterbury, but that's several pay grades higher. For us, it flowers from June until frost...perfect for a touch of purple in the border. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06369
Sun Zone: 7b-8, at least 24" tall Origin: Hybrid
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Dahlia 'Bishop of Leicester' is another in the wonderful Gardening Diocese series of dark foliage dahlias. This particular "Bishop" makes a 2' tall x 18" wide clump of dark purple foliage topped, starting in late June, with light lavender (RHS 78C) flowers, often streaked with a lighter shade. The flowers are highlighted by a contrasting center cone of orange with a dark center...praise Jeeesus. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07010
Sun Zone: 7b-8, at least 50" tall Origin: Hybrid
We have wanted to offer this gem for years but never could quite propagate enough to meet the demand, which always outstrips the supply. The bronzy-black foliage makes a stunning feature in the border, even before it is topped with wow-red flowers (RHS color 45A) held above the foliage. For us, "The Bishop" flowers in late June and July and then takes a break from flowering until nights cool in early September, when it resumes its floral show. For trivia buffs, this dahlia was named for Bishop Hughes of Llandaff (now Cardiff), Wales, UK, in 1924 and won the prestigious Award of Merit from the RHS in 1928. In 2004, it made the RHS list of the top plants of the last 200 years...quite an honor. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #03719
Sun Zone: 7b-8, at least 36" tall Origin: Hybrid
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This new "Bishop" has the same dark purple foliage, topped with 3' spikes of 3.5" golden flowers, brushed with orange (RHS 17A). The robust clump is topped with flowers from June until frost. Just like the Bishop of Canterbury, there is also no Bishop of York. I'm sure the Archbishop of York will be quite dismayed to find he's been demoted by the horticultural community...one of the worst nomenclatural faux pas I've ever seen. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06371
Sun Zone: 7b-8, at least 24" tall Origin: Hybrid
If single-flowered dahlias just don't have enough "oomph" for your garden, then Dahlia 'David Howard' is for you. The dark black-purple foliage composes a 2' clump, topped for most of the summer with large, 4", fully double flowers. Each flower is light orange at the base of the petals and bright orange in the center. The orange flower color in front of the dark purple foliage is a real screamer of a combination. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #04744
Sun Zone: 7b-8 28" tall Origin: Hybrid
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This horticultural libido-rising dahlia from the Happy series is hotter than a night in Bangkok's Phat Phong district. The dark purple leaves adorn the 28" stalks (a dwarf...how kinky), which serve as a foil for the 5" flaming orange flowers with bright golden centers. Hide the straight kids and grandparents...this is one sexy dahlia! You can dig it figuratively all summer, but also do so literally in the fall if you garden north of Zone 7b. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07480
Sun Zone: 7-9 108" tall Origin: Central America    alternate image
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I have this fetish for growing peculiar things, and the giant tree dahlia is at the top of my list. In the wild, Dahlia imperialis can reach 30', but our garden plants only reach a meager 9' in height. The bamboo-looking stalks easily grow to a massive 3" in diameter and are topped with oversized but typical dahlia foliage. If you are in Zone 7, you can forget flowers, which are single pink and always manage to open the day we have our first killing frost. Nevertheless, this tropical-looking gem is worth growing just for its stature and texture in the garden...and to fool all your neighbors with its identity. Have someone take your photo standing alongside your dahlia, and you're a sure-fire winner for the next Miracle-Gro ® commercial. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #04724
Sun to Part Sun Zone: 7-9 96" tall Origin: Central America
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(aka: Dahlia imperialis Double White) From the late California plantsman, Wayne Roderick, comes this unusual form of tree dahlia that we named in 2005. Just like the more commonly grown forms, this selection of the giant tree dahlia makes a clump of bamboo-like stems to 8' tall, topped with typical dahlia foliage on the top half. In mid-November, the clumps are topped with large double white flowers...just about the time of our first frost. Although we love the plant for its form in the garden, those of you with later first frost dates will also get to enjoy the flowers. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #05935
Sun Zone: 7-9 108" tall Origin: Central America
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(syn: Dahlia imperialis Double Purple) Thanks to customer Larry Depuy for sharing this wonderful lavender double-flowered form of the giant tree dahlia. We eventually tracked these back to the late California plantsman extraordinaire Wayne Roderick, who introduced a plethora of great garden plants. Since it had no valid cultivar name, we have given it one. The 9' bamboo-like stalks are topped in late October with sprays of 3" anemone-like, lavender double flowers...very spectacular if you can hold off the frosts long enough to enjoy the flowers. If not, the stalks are a great structural element in the garden anyway. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #05926
Sun Zone: 7b-8, at least 28" tall Origin: Hybrid
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If you thought your partying days were over, think again. Imagine a stunning display of bright yellow against shiny black and you get the picture. No, it's not the re-emergence of disco days, it's Dahlia 'Party'. This hot little number from the Happy Dahlia Series makes a 28" tall clump of black foliage, topped from late June until frost with 4" bright yellow flowers, each highlighted by a light brown center. It's time to boogie down....I mean, dig down and plant your Dahlia 'Party'.
Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07018
Sun Zone: 7b-8, at least 22" tall Origin: Hybrid
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Looking for a Shakespearian moment in your garden? It's love at first sight with Dahlia 'Romeo', another gem from the Happy Dahlia Series. The dark black-foliaged Dahlia 'Romeo' is topped with stalks of dark crimson-red flowers, whose color doesn't correspond to anything in the RHS color chart. The 4" wide flowers top the short 22" tall plants from late June until frost. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07019
Sun Zone: 7b-8 24" tall Origin: Hybrid
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This dahlia was shared with us by NC plantsman and designer Doug Ruhren, who selected it from a box-store offering of assorted seedling perennials. Dahlia 'Terracotta' makes a compact 2' tall x 3' wide mound of purple foliage, topped from early summer through fall with 3-4" wide flowers of golden orange (RHS 23B), suffused with a wide, darker-orange streak down the center of each petal. This has become a real favorite here at the gardens. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #05612
Part Sun to Shade Zone: 7-8, at least 36" tall Origin: Iran, Caucasus
From Iran and other nearby "axis of evil" countries comes one of our favorite garden plants. This highly coveted plant will never be found at Wal-Mart...due to its slow propagation. From seed, it takes 5-7 years to become a saleable plant! Prized by florists and gardeners alike, the 3' green stems, that arch outward from a central clump, are clothed with thick waxy-green leaves that remain evergreen all winter. After establishment, the clumps are laden with marble-sized reddish-orange berries in fall...incredibly easy, durable, and drought-tolerant for even the deepest of shady areas! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #02614
Sun Zone: 7-10 48" tall Origin: USA, Mexico
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I was excited to see this very cold-growing dasylirion in the wild during my 2000 west Texas expedition, at an amazing 7,000' elevation in Ft. Davis. This southwest US native makes a striking deer-resistant yucca-like specimen, but it has spines along the edges of the leaves, not on the ends. This sotol would make a great accent plant...expect a 4' tall x 4' wide plant in ten years. When flowering time comes, expect a giant 12' tall spike...suitable for Jack and a bag full of beans. This is an offering with limited quantities. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #01553
Sun Zone: 8-10, guessing 96" tall Origin: Mexico
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We purchased this seed as Dasylirion hidalgense, which unfortunately doesn't exist, but when we keyed it out, our plants turned out to be the rare Dasylirion longissimum var. treleasei. This deer-resistant species hails from the Mexican states of San Luis Potosi, Hidalgo, and Queretaro between 4,000' and 6,000' elevation where it forms stunning 6' tall trunks. The trunk is topped with a large symmetrical 2' tall head of narrow, rigid, flat, green, virtually spineless foliage...very close to Dasylirion quadrangulatum except for the tiny teeth and the much narrower inflorescence. Looks like we'll be testing hardiness together if you get one while they last.
Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07647
Sun to Light Shade Zone: 8-10 72" tall Origin: Mexico
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(syn: Dasylirion longissimum) Dasylirion quadrangulatum is the most spectacular of the Mexican sotols, without the typical spiny leaves. This magnificent deer-resistant specimen (6' tall x 6' wide in 10 years) forms a fountain of thin clothesline-like arching leaves to 3'...looking sort of like a car antenna after getting caught in a cheap carwash. Dasylirion quadrangulatum is somewhat shade tolerant compared with most of the other sotols.
Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07658
Sun Zone: 7-10, possibly colder 36" tall Origin: USA
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New crop available 9-2-2010 This surprisingly hardy yucca relative is absolutely exquisite! Each dramatically architectural, deer-resistant clump will grow 3' tall x 4' wide with long, powder-blue, gently twisting leaves. The spines are on the sides of the leaf...not the tips. Instead, the end of each leaf forms a little cowlick curl...like Elvis used to have (I mean, like Elvis STILL has...somewhere!). If you are having trouble imagining this, think of a giant, blue-braided Afro. Mature clumps are topped in summer by thick, bean pole-like flower scapes to 10' tall. The hardiness of sotol is related to keeping the crown of the plant dry during the winter. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #00396
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