Amorphophallus albispathus Blue Form (Voodoo Lily)

Amorphophallus albispathus Blue Form (Voodoo Lily)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: Tropical 18" tall Origin: Thailand    alternate image
Open House/Web-Only! (aka: Amorphophallus albispathus AGA-1017) We are pleased to offer a few of our glaucous leaf forms of Amorphophallus albispathus. This south-central Thailand species typically has green foliage, but there are a few populations where the foliage tends toward blue. Our offerings are seed grown, so each plant is slightly different. The unspotted flesh colored petioles that support the leaves top out at 18" tall when mature. The snow cone like flowers are also held atop 18" petioles in spring. When dormant, the tubers can be stored dry or left in the containers sans water. This form of Amorphophallus albispathus is found in the salt-spray prone limestone cliffs of Phang-Nga Bay, Thailand. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06860

Amorphophallus albispathus PDN #08 (Voodoo Lily)

Amorphophallus albispathus PDN #08 (Voodoo Lily)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: Tropical 18" tall Origin: Thailand
Open House/Web-Only! (syn: Amorphophallus albispathus AGA-1023) This is a particularly nice form we selected from an Alan Galloway collection in Thailand. These are all cutting-propagated. The glossy green leaves top an 18" tall flesh-colored petiole. Once the tuber is large enough, it will produce an 18" tall spike topped with a slightly sweet-smelling creamy white appendage...looks good enough to swallow! If you're looking for an unusual flower arrangement, just think Lorena Bobbitt and've got a most unusual vase specimen for the master bath. This collection is native to the limestone cliffs of Phang-Nga Bay, Thailand. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06651

Amorphophallus albus (Dwarf White Voodoo Lily)

Amorphophallus albus (Dwarf White Voodoo Lily)

Part Sun to ShadeZone: 7b-9, at least 15" tall Origin: China
Open House/Web-Only! This little-known but easy-to-grow voodoo lily is native to the Yunnan Province of China. The stalks are either solid green or green with grey spots, and topped with a glossy green leaf. A. albus is a fast offsetting species that forms a nice 2' wide patch (in 5 years) in the woodland garden. In spring, just as the leaf emerges, a 1' tall flower stalk emerges alongside with a 6-8" tall flower perched atop. Each flower resembles a large ivory shell showcasing a white, cigar-like at the tip and white at the base. For a raucous time in the garden, try interplanting with Alstroemeria 'Princess Monica'! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #04089

Amorphophallus asterostigmatus (Voodoo Lily)

Amorphophallus asterostigmatus (Voodoo Lily)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 9-10, guessing 18" tall Origin: Thailand
Open House/Web-Only! (aka: Amorphophallus asterostigmatus AGA-2004D3) It was fascinating to see this rare species in situ (a fancy botanic word meaning where it grows naturally) in the Lop Buri region of Thailand. The plants are usually wedged tightly between large boulders where drainage is good and soil is at a minimum. The offsetting rhizomes produce 18" tall, gorgeous tan/pink stems, usually highlighted with black spots. The white spathe and spadix sit atop a 1' tall stalk. We think this makes a superb manageable-sized potted specimen where it is not winter hardy. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06702

Amorphophallus atroviridis (Voodoo Lily)

Amorphophallus atroviridis (Voodoo Lily)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 9-10, at least 18" tall Origin: Thailand    alternate image
Open House/Web-Only! This stunningly beautiful Thai species is found on rocky cliffs in north central Thailand around the town of Sara Buri. The 18" tall, reddish brown (often speckled) stalks are topped with wide-lobed, black leaves, surrounded by a bright red border. The summer-borne inflorescence sits atop a short flowering stalk and resembles a small pink cup that holds a well-sized spare part for a urology transplant. Thanks to amorphophallus guru Alan Galloway for making this offer possible. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06755

Amorphophallus brevispathus (Short Spathe Voodoo Lily)

Amorphophallus brevispathus (Short Spathe Voodoo Lily)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: Tropical 18" tall Origin: Thailand
Open House/Web-Only! We were fortunate to see Amorphophallus brevispathus in the wild in Thailand in 2005, growing in tiny cracks in huge rocks...slippery rocks, north of Bangkok. The nice monks (probably redundant) were kind enough to allow us to collect a few samples from which these were propagated. Amorphophallus brevispathus forms an 18" tall green petiole, topped with a plain green leaf...what else would you expect from monks? The strange part is the flower...brevispathus (short spathe). Imagine a well-endowed man with really short shorts that fail to hide his manhood, and you get the idea. The long white spadix is very visible when it's flowering time. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06730

Amorphophallus bulbifer 'Old Warty' (Old Warty Voodoo Lily)

Amorphophallus bulbifer 'Old Warty' (Old Warty Voodoo Lily)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 7b-10, at least 48" tall Origin: Asia
NEW! Over the years, we have noticed a dramatic difference in the quantity of leaf bulbils produced by different clones of Amorphophallus bulbifer. We selected the most prolific producer of bulbils and christened it A. 'Old Warty'. When the plants are old enough they produce the prototypical 15" tall, phallic pink flowers near ground level in early-mid June. The leaves, which arise in late June (don't call us in May), are held atop 4' tall stalks, laden with intercalary (between the leaf segments) bulbils in August and September. You'll have so many bulbils, you can share them with your friends or pass them out to the trick-or-treaters you don't want to return...just kidding. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07890

Amorphophallus dunnii (Voodoo Lily)

Amorphophallus dunnii (Voodoo Lily)

Sun to Part SunZone: 7b-10, possibly colder 24" tall Origin: China, Thailand, N. Vietnam
Open House/Web-Only! (aka: Amorphophallus odoratus) Similar to Amorphophallus yunnanensis, Amorphophallus dunnii boasts a peculiar flower stalk that reaches 2' tall, topped with a 8-10" ice cream cone-like flower. The vase (spathe) looks like a green-and-white speckled cone with a "zipped-open" front...for better exposure. The creamy white, bulbous sexual appendage (spadix) sits like a...well, you know...a sexual appendage inside the spathe. According to amorphophallus guru Wilbert Hetterscheid, the flower smells of fresh carrots, but then who could trust Wilbert's nose after smelling so many amorphophallus? The 2' tall speckled stalk is topped in summer with typical amorphophallus foliage. This fast-offsetting species is an easy one for beginners. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #03246

Amorphophallus excentricus PDN #1 (Voodoo Lily)

Amorphophallus excentricus PDN #1 (Voodoo Lily)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: Tropical 48" tall Origin: Thailand
Open House/Web-Only! (aka: Amorphophallus excentricus HAM-184 ) This selection of Amorphophallus excentricus comes from Thailand's Pattalung Province. The 4' tall creamy petiole supports the green palm-like leaf. When the offsetting tuber is large enough to flower, you'll enjoy an inflorescence resembling a small 6" erect white banana, nestled inside an unzipped pink spathe with brown spots...all perched atop an 18" tall stalk. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06733

Amorphophallus henryi (Henry's Voodoo Lily)

Amorphophallus henryi (Henry's Voodoo Lily)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 7b-9a 24" tall Origin: Taiwan    alternate image
From Taiwan comes this amazingly hardy dwarf voodoo lily. In flower, expect a spathe that resembles one of those '60s vinyl lawn chairs with ruffled edges, while emerging from the center is a spadix that...well, even Bob Dole could be proud of. The spadix emerges looking like a giant purple carrot that later develops a bad case of acne before it goes limp. After flowering, and if it had really good sex, you'll soon enjoy seeing the 1' tall spike of dark blue berries. Once the tuber has rested from the flowering episode, expect a 2' tall, speckled green petiole with white blotches to arise, topped by a giant divided leaf. This is one of the most prolific offsetting species we grow, so there'll be plenty to share with your equally demented neighbors. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #03049

Amorphophallus interruptus #1 (Interrupted Voodoo Lily.)

Amorphophallus interruptus #1 (Interrupted Voodoo Lily.)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: Tropical 30" tall Origin: Vietnam    alternate image
Open House/Web-Only! This voodoo lily hails from the Cuc Phuong region of North Vietnam, just south of Hanoi. The glossy green foliage is held atop 30" light green petioles. The inflorescence which sits atop a 1' tall stalk is composed of a thick creamy-white spadix with a unique spiral staircase-like pollen column below the tip. All of this is held in a small green cup-like spathe....truly a mouth-see-tongue moment. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07372

Amorphophallus kiusianus (Voodoo Lily)

Amorphophallus kiusianus (Voodoo Lily)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 7-10 36" tall Origin: China, Japan, Taiwan    alternate image
Open House/Web-Only! In early spring, the 2' tall green-and white-speckled flower stalk is topped with a cute 6" tall green and white spotted vase (that's vaaazze for you rich folks). Shooting out from the center of the vase is the spadix, like an 8" long purple-tipped spear (must not be shown to kids under 18!). After flowering, a solitary 3' tall fleshy petiole emerges from the tuber, topped with a giant shredded umbrella-type leaf. Although the tuber offsets slowly, this is one of the few self-fertile amorphophallus species (it can have both sex and babies without a partner). Our plants are probably 2-3 years away from flowering size. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #03053

Amorphophallus konjac (Voodoo Lily)

Amorphophallus konjac (Voodoo Lily)

Part Sun to ShadeZone: 6-10 60" tall Origin: Japan    alternate image
(formerly A. rivieri v. konjac, Hydrosme rivieri) This unusual tuberous plant has one giant divided leaf on top of a 5-6' tall, green and purple mottled, fleshy stalk (petiole). When old enough, the tuber produces a fascinating 6' flower (early May, before the leaf emerges), resembling a giant vase made from the purple vinyl used for cheap '70s car seats. The vase (spathe) is home to a 3' purple spadix that sits atop a 2' speckled petiole...gather your neighbors for the flowering ritual. After flowering, the plant may rest for a couple of months before the leaf emerges in late June. The mother tuber will form offsets, eventually making a giant clump...STRANGE! We ship quarter-sized or larger tubers that are 3-4 years from flowering size. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #00783

Amorphophallus mossambicensis Inhajange Form (Mozambique Voodoo Lily)

Amorphophallus mossambicensis Inhajange Form (Mozambique Voodoo Lily)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: Tropical 24" tall Origin: Mozambique
NEW! Amorphophallus mossambicensis is a little-known species from, you guessed it, Mozambique, where voodoo lily has a whole different meaning. This particular accession, which hails from Inhajange in southeastern Mozambique, has 2' tall stems of green with light purple patterns near the base. The flowers resemble Amorphophallus henryi (a purple dust-ruffled toilet seat-like spathe and purple spadix with a smell to match) on a slightly taller stalk. How can you resist? Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08281

Amorphophallus myosuroides coll. #AGA-1756-00 (Mousetail Voodoo Lily)

Amorphophallus myosuroides coll. #AGA-1756-00 (Mousetail Voodoo Lily)

Light ShadeZone: Tropical 8" tall Origin: Laos
Open House/Web-Only! We are pleased to offer this 2004 Alan Galloway discovery, which was just named as a new species in 2007. Amorphophallus myosuroides was discovered growing on vertical, shaded rock ledges in the Khammouane Province of Laos. The tiny but rapidly offsetting tuber produces a solitary radial light green leaf atop each 8" tall stalk. Within a few weeks of the leaf appearing, an 8" tall white mousetail-like (the genus Myosurus means "mousetail") inflorescence appears on a separate 8" tall stalk. Amorphophallus myosuroides re-flowers up to 3 times during the summer. We owe Alan a round of applause for finding this gem. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07612

Amorphophallus ochroleucus PDN #1 (Voodoo Lily)

Amorphophallus ochroleucus PDN #1 (Voodoo Lily)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: Tropical 18" tall Origin: Thailand
Open House/Web-Only! (aka Amorphophallus ochroleucus AGA-831) This little-known species hails from the Gai Lai province of North Vietnam. This lovely clone with an 18" tall olive stem highlighted by black-purple spots is topped with a solitary palm-like leaf. Amorphophallus ochroleucus is unique among related species such as Amorphophallus krausei and Amorphophallus salmoneus in that it flowers in mid-summer while the plant is in foliage. The inflorescence is composed of a short flesh-colored spathe, stained in purple, cuddling a creamy white spadix...very cute as amorphophallus go. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06887

Amorphophallus ongsakulii coll. #AGA-1534 (Fern-leaf Voodoo Lily)

Amorphophallus ongsakulii coll. #AGA-1534 (Fern-leaf Voodoo Lily)

Light ShadeZone: Tropical 3" tall Origin: Thailand
Open House/Web-Only! This is one of the most unique miniature species in the genus Amorphophallus...only discovered in 2004 and then named and described in 2006. The species was discovered in Khammouane Province of Laos by Alan Galloway and Annop Ongsakul (the namesake). The tiny pinhead-sized tuber produces a 3" tall stem, topped with a leaf which resembles a cutleaf fern. The equally tiny flower emerges alongside the mature leaves. This is an incredibly cute and very easy-to-grow plant...perfect for a windowsill. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07611

Amorphophallus operculatus (Voodoo Lily)

Amorphophallus operculatus (Voodoo Lily)

Light ShadeZone: 9-10, guessing 12" tall Origin: Thailand
Open House/Web-Only! (aka: Amorphophallus operculatus AGA-1065) This Mary Sizemore discovery from Thailand was named and published by Amorphophallus guru Wilbert Hetterscheid in 2003. From a thin, branching tuber that resembles ginseng arises the 1' tall petiole. The narrowly cut, rich, velvety, olive-green leaves unfurl with a strong reddish cast, especially dark along the leaf edges. The white spathe and spadix are mounted atop 1' tall reddish stalks and, while attractive, pale in comparison to the lovely foliage. Our plants are propagated from a clone collected by aroid expert Alan Galloway. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06900

Amorphophallus pygmaeus 'Pewter Pan' (Pewter Pan Voodoo Lily)

Amorphophallus pygmaeus 'Pewter Pan' (Pewter Pan Voodoo Lily)

Light ShadeZone: Tropical 6" tall Origin: Thailand
Open House/Web-Only! (aka: Amorphophallus pygmaeus AGA-1052F) This seedling is one we pulled out of an Alan Galloway seed collection from Thailand. Instead of the typical nearly black foliage, this one has amazing pewter foliage. So far, Amorphophallus 'Pewter Pan' has remained quite small, and we anticipate a full grown plant will only reach 6" in very cute! When mature, the tuber produces a 15" flowering stalk, topped with a creamy pink spathe and an oversized white spadix. We only have a limited quantity of these, so don't delay. The tuber can be stored dry when dormant. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06750

Amorphophallus saururus (Voodoo Lily)

Amorphophallus saururus (Voodoo Lily)

Light ShadeZone: 9-10, guessing 18" tall Origin: Thailand    alternate image
Open House/Web-Only! (aka: Amorphophallus saururus #1, AGA-176) This North Thailand species is grown for the stunning foliage that emerges atop an 18" tall stalk in late spring. We selected this clone for the beautiful red stem supporting the foliage. The black-green foliage emerges with a dramatic red edge that looks more like a Photoshop ® creation than a real plant. In early August, the cute, frosty pink spathe and spadix on a 1' tall reddish stalk emerge alongside the foliage...superb in containers. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06718

Amorphophallus sizemoreae (Voodoo Lily)

Amorphophallus sizemoreae (Voodoo Lily)

Light ShadeZone: 9-10, guessing 18" tall Origin: Thailand
Open House/Web-Only! (aka: Amorphophallus sizemoreae AGA-553) This recently described species comes from Thailand where it was discovered by plant explorer Mary Sizemore of Florida. Amorphophallus sizemoreae produces lovely dark-green, red-edged leaves atop an 18" stalk. The flower is an attractive white cup with a well-tanned organ perched like a diver on a platform ready to leap into the water. If Mary liked this enough for it to bear her name, she must agree that it is quite a plant. Our plants are propagated from a 1999 Alan Galloway expedition. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06748

Amorphophallus symonianus PDN #4 (Voodoo Lily)

Amorphophallus symonianus PDN #4 (Voodoo Lily)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: Tropical 24" tall Origin: Thailand    alternate image
Open House/Web-Only! (aka: Amorphophallus symonianus Home #2) This Mary Sizemore discovery from north-central Thailand is named for the late amorphophallus enthusiast Dr. James Symon. In 2006, we saw it growing in rock crevices around some of the Buddhist temples. It is one of the easier species to grow in containers, forming a 2' tall specimen with an olive-green speckled petiole, topped by a green leaf. The unique feature of Amorphophallus symonianus is that it forms intercalary bulbs in the fall. You'll recognize the blessed event when the leaf swells where it is attached to the petiole like an alien trying to emerge from within. The green spathe is home to an almost human-like, perfectly shaped, white spadix. This clone is vegetatively propagated. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07290

Amorphophallus tenuispadix 'Cabernet' (Cabernet Voodoo Lily)

Amorphophallus tenuispadix 'Cabernet' (Cabernet Voodoo Lily)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: Tropical 15" tall Origin: Thailand
Open House/Web-Only! This selection of the Thailand native Amorphophallus tenuispadix was named for its dark purple petiole, flecked with small pink spots. The 15" tall stalk on this fast offsetting species supports the small palm-like foliage. In June/July, the inflorescences appear as small pale pink cups holding an oversized x-rated fleshy appendage...great for spicing up the party conversation. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07270

Amorphophallus tenuispadix 'Marooney' (Marooney Voodoo Lily)

Amorphophallus tenuispadix 'Marooney' (Marooney Voodoo Lily)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: Tropical 15" tall Origin: Thailand
Open House/Web-Only! On my 2005 visit to central Thailand, we always saw Amorphophallus tenuispadix growing in small organic pockets in limestone rocks. The 15" tall petioles are topped with glossy, green foliage. Amorphophallus tenuispadix is a fast-multiplying species that quickly fills a pot. The short flower stalks are topped with a white coat-like spathe, open in front like a flasher showing you his short but erect brown privates. Our offerings are propagated from a single maroon and pink stemmed clone from aroid expert Alan Galloway. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07855

Amorphophallus thaiensis (Voodoo Lily)

Amorphophallus thaiensis (Voodoo Lily)

Light ShadeZone: 7b-10, guessing 18" tall Origin: Thailand    alternate image
Open House/Web-Only! From high elevations in Thailand comes the little-known species, Amorphophallus thaiensis. The 18" tall petiole, which ranges in color from speckled olive-brown to rusty-red, is topped with a single leaf. This unusual fall-flowering species is complemented in September with a 10" tall stalk topped with a greenish-pink spathe. If you dare to peek inside, you'll find a short but well-formed little stiffie (spadix) at the tip and white at the base. In a dry protected site, it has proven to be winter hardy in our trials. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06032

Amorphophallus titanum (Giant Voodoo Lily)

Amorphophallus titanum (Giant Voodoo Lily)

Part Sun to ShadeZone: Tropical 180" tall Origin: Indonesia    alternate image
Open House/Web-Only! This is the Holy Grail of the plant kingdom. All plant nuts have seen pictures and then searched for this rarity...indeed only a few specimens are known in cultivation. In 1995, Dr. Jim Symon (now deceased), found a few wild specimens (one with seed). For those of you new to these plants, Amorphophallus titanum has the world's largest inflorescence of any 8' tall. The giant red vase, with an equally large central spathe, is truly one of the wonders of the world. The giant leaf atop a mottled stalk, to 15', appears after the flower. The seed stalk, which reaches to 6' tall and holds large red berries, is equally unbelievable. It may only go dormant every 2-3 years and as a rule, Amorphophallus titanum likes it hot! Please do not order this unless you are a passionate and very serious plant NUT! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #01775

Amorphophallus verticillatus PDN #1 (Voodoo Lily)

Amorphophallus verticillatus PDN #1 (Voodoo Lily)

Light ShadeZone: Tropical 12" tall Origin: Vietnam
Open House/Web-Only! We saw this charming little species on our expedition to north Vietnam in 2005. The short stems rarely exceed 1' tall, topped with very glossy green leaves. The unusual flowers resemble a pink hood housing a winding set of stairs leading to a tall white snow cone. The flowers are followed by 1' tall spikes with small clusters of blue berries. If you were a child of the '60s, you undoubtedly have vague memories of many things like this. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06027

Amorphophallus yunnanensis (Voodoo Lily)

Amorphophallus yunnanensis (Voodoo Lily)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 7b-10 36" tall Origin: China, Thailand, N. Vietnam    alternate image
Open House/Web-Only! This fun, easy-to-grow species from Yunnan, China makes a small plant to 3' tall. The single leaf is held atop a 2-3' tall, smooth, dark green stalk, beautifully mottled with lighter green to flesh-colored blotches. The flower emerges in early spring, albeit nothing like its better-endowed cousins. The 3-6" tall spadix, looking like a pink alien head with a white neck, sits atop a nicely mottled 1-2' tall petiole (stalk). To help hide the bizarre spadix from possible suitors is a green, speckled, hooded spathe. Amorphophallus yunnanensis has an undetectable scent...quite curious in a genus known for its odor. The large tuber offsets freely, and these can be removed easily if it is stored dry for the winter. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #04049

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