Sun to Part Sun Zone: 7b-10, guessing 48" tall Origin: Hybrid
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In our winter hardiness trials, Abutilon 'Bartley Schwartz' has been one of our best performers...a case of "has been" being a good thing as "M" would say. The slightly pendent branching habit of this Abutilon megapotamicum hybrid makes a 4' tall x 4' wide clump, clothed with small, fuzzy, green serrated leaves and adorned from early summer through fall with 1.5" wide salmon-orange (RHS 24B) bells that dangle from the outstretched stems. As a houseplant, this clone is everblooming...should be the same in an apartment...just watch out for hummingbird droppings. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08007
Sun to Part Sun Zone: 7b-10 72" tall Origin: Hybrid
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We are glad to be able to share this fun hummingbird favorite that has survived 9 degrees F in our garden. This hibiscus relative has maple-like foliage on a compact 6' tall x 3' wide plant. For us, Abutilon 'Canary Bird' starts flowering in early summer and continues until the first frost, with large dangling, 3" wide, canary-yellow, bell-like flowers. For those in more northerly zones, Abutilon 'Canary Bird' makes a great centerpiece for a container planting. Good winter drainage is key for maximum cold tolerance in the ground. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #03848
Sun to Part Sun Zone: 8-10, at least 48" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only!
This upright grower is clothed with 2" wide fuzzy green leaves and adorned from early summer until fall with 2.5" wide hanging orange (RHS 24B) lanterns, each highlighted with dark orange veins...a hummingbird favorite. This 4' tall x 2.5' wide clumper has proven to be reliable in our climate after three winters and is also a great summer container specimen. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08001
Sun to Part Sun Zone: 7b-10 36" tall Origin: Brazil
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This fun and easy-to-grow Brazilian native makes a great hummingbird magnet for the perennial border, spreading to several feet wide in a single season. If you're into container gardening, a flowering maple also makes a great hanging basket plant. In the wild, Abutilon megapotamicum reaches 8' tall, but in temperate climate cultivation, it rarely exceeds 3' tall. From late summer until frost, the plants are laden with very cool 2" hanging red lanterns, carefully placed between the thumb-sized green leaves. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #04317
Sun to Part Sun Zone: 8-10, at least 60" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only!
This vigorous hummingbird favorite makes a 5' tall x 5' wide upright mass of woody stems adorned with fuzzy dark green leaves. During the summer, the outermost branches are laden with dangling parchment yellow flowers, each highlighted by a dark red calyx. This has been a superb performer in our winter hardiness trials. Although we list this as a selection of Abutilon megapotamicum, its vigor and leaf shape suggest its baby-daddy is instead a close relative. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07983
Sun to Part Sun Zone: 8-10, at least 36" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only!
I had longed for an abutilon with pastel flowers, and plantsman Luen Miller of Monterrey Bay Nursery came to the rescue with this fabulous selection of Abutilon megapotamicum. The 3' tall x 4' wide clump is adorned from early summer until fall with small pink dangling bells that line the stem...simply charming for both the gardener as well as nearby hummingbirds. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08002
Sun to Part Sun Zone: 7b-10 48" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only!
Thanks to Luen Miller of Monterrey Bay Nursery for sharing his splendid 2005 introduction...a hybrid of Abutilon megapotamicum. The 3-4' tall mass of stems is adorned with pointed green leaves, and from early June until fall with hundreds of dangling bell-shaped flowers. The flowers are clear orange, highlighted by red bloodshot-eye like veins. Each flower is held tight by a dark burgundy calyx (the thing the flower sits in). For both a summer flowering show and in our winter hardiness trials, this has been one of the standouts...9 out of 10 hummingbirds agree!
Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07302
Sun to Part Sun Zone: 7b-10, at least 72" tall Origin: Hybrid
This Jon Dixon hybrid has been an amazing performer in our garden trials. Not only did it continue flowering into the upper 20s, but it kept green stems and leaves down to 20 degrees F. A. 'Voodoo' makes an upright clump to 6' tall x 3' wide adorned, starting in late summer and continuing into late fall, with large, 2", blood-red, bell-shaped flowers dangling from the top half of the plant. This hummingbird favorite is one of the best performers of the upright, large-flower type flowering maples we have ever grown. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06951
Part Sun to Light Shade Zone: 7b-10 8" tall Origin: Cuba
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This marvelous native of Cuba ("Coober" to us Southerners) has long been prized for containers and hanging baskets, but no one ever tried it for winter hardiness. Imagine our surprise when in the mid '80s it survived 0 degrees F. Since then, it's been one of our favorite summer flowering perennials. The 8" tall x 2' wide clumps of small, fuzzy green leaves are adorned all summer with 5-7" long, trailing, fuzzy red cattails. If you can't afford to buy one, stir a can of red paint with your cat's tail for the same effect, but watch the claws. If you're in the North, it's still great for hanging baskets and summer containers...simply delightful! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #05555
Part Sun to Shade Zone: 6-8, possibly colder 30" tall Origin: SE Europe
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Although some taxonomists have lumped Acanthus hungaricus into Acanthus balcanicus, we find plants in the wild do indeed look different to us horticulturists...thanks for the tip, Panayoti! Picture a tropical-looking, dark green, glossy, thick-leaf fern forming a 30" wide deer-resistant rosette, topped in early spring with a 3' tall spike composed of purple, pink and white bicolor turtleheads...very unique! Plant this where you want it to stay. While it is easy to move, small root pieces that are left behind keep on giving, and giving, and giving... Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #03496
Part Sun to Light Shade Zone: 6-7, guessing 18" tall Origin: SE Europe
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This charming little bear's breech suffers from a major identity crisis. Some "experts" consider it the same as Acanthus spinosus, while others consider it a form of Acanthus hungaricus. Still other authorities consider it a hybrid between Acanthus spinosus and Acanthus hirsutus. Don't you just love those taxonomists?! Regardless of its identity, this plant is unique among acanthus with its finely cut, black-green deer-resistant foliage, making a small 18" tall x 2' wide rosette. In late spring, the clumps are topped with compact 3' tall spikes with the typical hooded, white-and-purple, well-spined flowers...outstanding for texture and structure in the small garden. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #05055
Part Sun to Light Shade Zone: 6-10 24" tall Origin: Hybrid
This delightfully saucy acanthus has paraded in the trade for years as A. spinosus, but is nothing like that species...i.e., it's missing its spines. It appears perfectly intermediate between A. hungaricus and A. spinosus and is probably a hybrid, hence we have assigned a cultivar name commemorating its widespread culture in Holland under the wrong name. The 1' tall x 2' wide mass of deeply incised, black-green, deer-resistant leaves makes a wonderful clump, topped in late spring with 2' tall spikes of white flowers hidden by spiny purple hoods. Sunny, slightly acid to alkaline conditions are best and be aware that unlike vasectomies, cutting the translocation system (roots) causes more babies. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #00110
Part Sun to Light Shade Zone: 6-8a 20" tall Origin: SW Europe, N. Africa
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Thanks to Herman van Beusekom of the Netherlands for sharing this great new acanthus. This is the only selection of Acanthus mollis that has grown well in our hot, humid summers. The cutleaf, shiny, dark green foliage composes a large specimen clump to 3' in width. In June, the tropical-looking deer-resistant clump is topped with 3' tall spikes of pure white flowers (compared with the normal purple hood over each flower). For excitement value, everyone should have a few white hoods in their garden. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #04732
Part Sun Zone: 6b-8, guessing 20" tall Origin: SW Europe
I spent years lusting after this breathtaking plant. Finally, not only do we have it, but we have enough to share. This unusual selection of the European Acanthus mollis comes via a gardener in Tasmania. The bold-textured, dark green leaves with deeply scalloped edges are highlighted by an irregular border that emerges creamy gold, then changes to white as the leaves mature. The older leaves eventually lose most of the coloration. When the 3' wide deer-resistant clumps mature, they are topped with 5' tall spikes of true pink flowers...simply stunning! Acanthus 'Tasmanian Angel' must have some sun to survive...also a rich, moist soil is preferred. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07399
Part Sun to Light Shade Zone: 6-8, at least 30" tall Origin: Hybrid
We feel this import by Oregon's Chet Tompkins from a gardener in China is the finest acanthus on the market. A. 'Summer Beauty' is a hybrid (probably A. mollis x A. spinosus) that grows well in our hot summers where A. mollis fails miserably. The 4-6' wide clump of giant, glossy, dark green foliage is much more cutleaf than A. mollis. In summer, the tropical-looking clumps are topped with 6' tall spikes of white flowers surrounded by wonderful purple calyces...absolutely superb, and soon to be an industry standard! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #02526
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