Achimenes 'Harry Williams' (Harry Williams Orchid Pansy)

Achimenes 'Harry Williams' (Harry Williams Orchid Pansy)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 7b-10 12" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only! We have trialed a number of achimenes for winter hardiness and are always thrilled when we find another cultivar to add to our list. Achimenes 'Harry Williams' was a delightful surprise when it returned in great shape after a winter low of 8 degrees F. Emerging in June, the fuzzy green foliage adorns short stems, topped in summer with beautiful pansy-shaped flowers that emerge crimson red, then morph to crimson violet, both with a contrasting yellow throat. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06169

Achimenes 'Purple King' (Purple King Orchid Pansy)

Achimenes 'Purple King' (Purple King Orchid Pansy)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 7b-10 12" tall Origin: Mexico
Open House/Web-Only! Over the years, we have found a few of the normally tropical African violet relative, achimenes, that survive in our Zone 7b garden. Achimenes 'Purple King' was the first and still one of the best, shared with us by former PDN staffer James Proctor. The low 1' tall x 1' wide clump of upright stems are clothed with hairy, dark green foliage and smothered with 2" deep-purple flowers from July through September. Plants are late emerging in spring, not appearing before June. Achimenes do not tolerate winter wet soils, so a winter dry spot and a good mulch is recommended from Zone 8 north. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #01434

Aconitum carmichaelii (Chinese Monkshood)

Aconitum carmichaelii (Chinese Monkshood)

Sun to Light ShadeZone: 5-8, guessing 72" tall Origin: China
(aka: A. incisofidum CY T-441/04) Since the statute of limitations has expired, I'll publicly admit to Aconitum genocide. Yes, it's a dark secret, but there are a lot less monkshoods in the world thanks to yours truly and our hot, humid climate. My point in this admission is that the Chinese Aconitum carmichaelii has actually prospered, forming vigorous 6' tall clumps of cut, trifoliate, dark green leaves. In October, the deer-resistant clumps are topped with 6" spikes of helmet-shaped blue flowers. If you'd like to try an aconitum that won't try and sneak back to China on the midnight flight, give this one a shot. This is not the same as the heat-intolerant A. carmichaelii of the trade. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06999

Acorus calamus 'Variegatus' (Striped Sweet Flag)

Acorus calamus 'Variegatus' (Striped Sweet Flag)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 4-9 36" tall Origin: USA, Europe
This aroid relative (former member of the "family" before the molecular taxonomy mob ousted it) masquerades perfectly as a dramatic, upright iris. The vivid white and green banded, deer-resistant leaves make this one of the most strikingly beautiful vertical accent plants in the garden! Sweet flag spreads slowly by means of a very thick above-ground rhizome. Sweet flag loves a moist spot such as a bog but will grow in ordinary garden soils...a real easy-to-grow, carefree prize! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #00767

Acorus gramineus 'Minimus Aureus' (Dwarf Golden Sweet Flag)

Acorus gramineus 'Minimus Aureus' (Dwarf Golden Sweet Flag)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 5-9 3" tall Origin: China, Japan    alternate image
Open House/Web-Only! Despite the long name, the dwarf golden sweet flag is one of the most striking and certainly the cutest of the acorus. The tufts of tiny, golden, grasslike, evergold foliage makes a slowly spreading patch to 2' wide in 5 years. If you get out the magnifying glass, you'll notice the tiny aroid-like tan spadices (flowers) in early summer. Acorus 'Minimus Aureus' makes a bright little deer-resistant groundcover in moist areas where it makes either a feature specimen or a filler between stepping stones...a real highlight in the woodland garden. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #00323

Adiantum capillus-veneris 'Bermuda Run' (Bermuda Run Southern Maidenhair Fern)

Adiantum capillus-veneris 'Bermuda Run' (Bermuda Run Southern Maidenhair Fern)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 7b-10, at least 10" tall Origin: Bermuda
NEW! Adiantum 'Bermuda Run' represents our 2000 wild collection of this wide-ranging species from Bermuda, where we found it growing on a rock wall near the Royal Dockyards. Although we were skeptical about winter hardiness, it has easily survived 6 degrees F so far. Adiantum 'Bermuda Run' is composed of light green pinnae (fern leaves) held along a 1' long black arching stipe and forms a spreading mat to 10" tall x 4' wide in 10 years. For us, this selection is more compact than most other clones that we have grown. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #09016

Adiantum caudatum (Walking Maidenhair Fern)

Adiantum caudatum (Walking Maidenhair Fern)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 7b-10 6" tall Origin: China
Open House/Web-Only! This particularly vigorous form of the little-known walking maidenhair fern was shared by plantsman Roy Works, after we admired it in his Tampa, Florida garden. Although it emerges late after a hard winter, our plants have survived 7 degrees F, to form a 5' wide patch in 5 years. The 1.5" wide x 2' long arching fronds, which emerge pink in spring, root into the ground at the tips forming a new plant. Moist soils result in faster growth, but our plants are quite happy in a fairly dry, sandy soil. Adiantum caudatum is a most unusual plant, sure to get your gardening friends talking. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08758

Adiantum pedatum (Northern Maidenhair Fern)

Adiantum pedatum (Northern Maidenhair Fern)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 3-8 24" tall Origin: USA    alternate image
Without a doubt, this is one of our most elegant natives. The horizontal horseshoe-like wreath of foliage rests atop 18-24" tall, wiry black stems. Northern maidenhair fern thrives in moist, rich soil but also grows well in all but the driest of garden sites. The light airy texture serves as a perfect backdrop for hostas and other bold foliage plants. In early April, this deciduous native unfurls for a true Kodak 10 years, expect a 2' wide clump to develop. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #00320

Adiantum venustum (Himalayan Maidenhair Fern)

Adiantum venustum (Himalayan Maidenhair Fern)

Light ShadeZone: 4b-8a 6" tall Origin: China
We are thrilled to again offer one of the most coveted of the hardy maidenhair ferns. According to Dr. John Mickel, in Ferns for American Gardens, "The Himalayan maidenhair has become one of the great all-time ferns." This dainty-looking semi-evergreen gem is amazingly cold hardy, but less so in long hot summers, although it has performed admirably in our NC garden when given enough summer moisture. While slow to get started, A. venustum makes a nice patch to 3' wide in 5-10 years, depending on the quality of soil preparation. This is an easy-to-grow winner for the woodland garden! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #03658

Agapanthus 'Back in Black' PP 16,244 (Back in Black Lily-of-the-Nile)

Agapanthus 'Back in Black' PP 16,244 (Back in Black Lily-of-the-Nile)

Sun to Part SunZone: 7b-10, at least 24" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only! Not to be confused with the alien fighters of a similar name, Agapanthus 'Back in Black' is a new Lily-of-the-Nile from Holland's Piet Zonneveld. This 2005 introduction produces dark green flower scapes, which age to black, from the strap-like green foliage in late summer. The 2' tall flower scapes are topped with flower heads of very dark blue-purple flowers...quite striking and a favorite of hummingbirds. This is patented as an Agapanthus africanus selection, but being an open pollinated seedling, this species assignment is highly suspect. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06170

Agapanthus 'Blue Globe' (Blue Globe Lily-of-the-Nile)

Agapanthus 'Blue Globe' (Blue Globe Lily-of-the-Nile)

SunZone: 7b-10, guessing 36" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only! This selection of the deciduous Agapanthus africanus makes a typical rosette of green, strap-shaped leaves. In July, the clumps are topped with 3' tall flower spikes ending in a 5" diameter sphere of light blue flowers...perfect to attract hummingbirds while providing color during the summer months. This is a new cultivar for us that we have brought in for trials and have only a few to spare...enjoy. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #05248

Agapanthus 'Elaine' PP 7303 (Elaine Lily-of-the-Nile)

Agapanthus 'Elaine' PP 7303 (Elaine Lily-of-the-Nile)

Sun to Part SunZone: 7-10, at least 36" tall Origin: Hybrid
From California's Archie Amate comes this 1990 introduction, a phenomenally vigorous evergreen (in mild climates). Lily-of-the-Nile makes a fast-growing 3' tall clump of green strap-like leaves, topped in midsummer with dark blue-violet (RHS 93A), 8" wide flower heads on 50" tall stems. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #03513

Agapanthus inapertus 'Nigrescens' (Black Drooping Lily-of-the-Nile)

Agapanthus inapertus 'Nigrescens' (Black Drooping Lily-of-the-Nile)

SunZone: 7b-10, at least 24" tall Origin: S. Africa
Open House/Web-Only! This fully deciduous South African agapanthus species can be found in open meadows in the Drakensberg and surrounding mountain ranges. The clumps of strap-like green leaves are topped in July with 2' tall spikes of dark purple-black pendulous flowers in July...a very nice selection. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06939

Agapanthus inapertus ssp. pendulus 'Graskop' (Graskop Lily-of-the-Nile)

Agapanthus inapertus ssp. pendulus 'Graskop' (Graskop Lily-of-the-Nile)

SunZone: 7b-10, at least 36" tall Origin: S. Africa
I first observed this amazing clone en masse at the famed Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden in Cape Town. Agapanthus 'Graskop' was discovered in 1985 in the town of Graskop (not to be confused with the pond vegetation eating fish) in the northeast Transvaal region of South Africa. The clumps of narrow green foliage are topped in summer with 3' spikes of terminal flower heads, each composed of 30-40 flowers that emerge as black buds, then open with dark violet-blue pendulous flowers...simply stunning. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08510

Agapanthus 'Stevie's Wonder' (Stevie's Wonder Lily-of-the-Nile)

Agapanthus 'Stevie's Wonder' (Stevie's Wonder Lily-of-the-Nile)

SunZone: 7b-10, at least 36" tall Origin: Hybrid
This introduction from California's Emerissa Gardens is one I picked up on a West Coast swing many years much for the name as anything else. Over the years, this has been the star in our agapanthus trials, both for winter hardiness and good flowering. The 2.5' to 3' tall spikes are topped with 4" ball-shaped heads composed of rich blue-violet flowers. I think you will find this a superb garden-worthy clone, sure to be the sunshine of your life...we'll get yours on the way, signed, sealed, delivered. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08250

Agapanthus 'Storm Cloud' (Storm Cloud Lily-of-the-Nile)

Agapanthus 'Storm Cloud' (Storm Cloud Lily-of-the-Nile)

Sun to Part SunZone: 7b-10, at least 24" tall Origin: Hybrid
Thanks to Barrie Coate for setting us straight on the origin of this great plant. When Barrie was Director of the Saratoga Horticultural Foundation, he selected this gem from thousands of open pollinated seedlings of the deciduous A. 'Mood Indigo'. The resulting evergreen selection (only to 28 degrees F) is a dynamite lily-of-the-Nile with the typical strap-like foliage to 24" tall. Through late summer, the huge clumps of foliage are topped with giant, magnificent flower heads of bluish-purple on very sturdy stalks to 4' tall...WOW! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #01342

Agapanthus 'White Heaven' EUPBR 2026, PP 15,811 (White Heaven Lily-of-the-Nile)

Agapanthus 'White Heaven' EUPBR 2026, PP 15,811 (White Heaven Lily-of-the-Nile)

Sun to Part SunZone: 8-10 30" tall Origin: S. Africa
From Kees de Jong of Holland comes an amazing agapanthus that appeared in his cut flower field of blue Agapanthus africanus. The deciduous (evergreen in mild climates), 1.5" wide green foliage makes a 2' wide clump, topped in midsummer with 30" stalks of huge 10" flower heads of up to 80 pure white flowers each. It took Barry Bonds years of steroid use to get a head this large...Agapanthus 'White Heaven' has consistently tested clean. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06390

Agastache 'Blue Fortune' (Blue Fortune Anise Hyssop)

Agastache 'Blue Fortune' (Blue Fortune Anise Hyssop)

SunZone: 3-9 36" tall Origin: USA Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only! When my friend Gert Fortgens of Arboretum Trompenburg in Holland told me about his cross of the US native Agastache foeniculum with the Korean Agastache rugosa, the offspring sounded too good to be true. However, after trialing Agastache 'Blue Fortune' in our dry garden, I consider it one of the finest new perennials in years! In the spring, the strong new stalks shoot upward to 3' tall, clothed with fuzzy, licorice-scented leaves. From early spring through summer, the stems are topped with hundreds of large bottlebrush, blue-lavender flowers that attract a stunning array of pollinators! Agastache 'Blue Fortune' needs an open, well drained site for best performance. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #03209

Agastache 'Cotton Candy'  PPAF (Cotton Candy Hummingbird Mint)

Agastache 'Cotton Candy' PPAF (Cotton Candy Hummingbird Mint)

SunZone: 6-9 24" tall Origin: USA Hybrid
NEW! This Terra Nova introduction is one of the first of the brightly-colored agastache hybrids to survive our NC summers. A. 'Cotton Candy' forms a 2' tall x 3' wide drought-tolerant clump of upright green stems, each clothed in small, but very minty-fragranced leaves. From spring through fall, the stems are topped with dense clusters of small pink flowers emerging from the dark-pink tipped calyces. Agastache 'Cotton Candy' is a magnet for both butterflies and hummingbirds...we recommend a flight control tower within a 100' radius. Good drainage is essential for long-term survivability. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08880

Agastache 'Summer Glow' PPAF (Summer Glow Hummingbird Mint)

Agastache 'Summer Glow' PPAF (Summer Glow Hummingbird Mint)

SunZone: 6-9 30" tall Origin: USA Hybrid
NEW! Agastache 'Summer Glow' is another of the few hummingbird mint hybrids (a Terra Nova introduction) that has prospered here in the Southeast. This selection forms a compact 30" tall x 3' wide clump of stems, topped from spring through fall with open floral spikes of small yellow-orange flowers atop the minty-fresh foliage. Good drainage is always important with agastaches, but A. 'Summer Glow' has sailed through our sporadic summer downpour season in great shape. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08879

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