Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost' PP 13,859 (Jack Frost Siberian Bugloss)

Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost' PP 13,859 (Jack Frost Siberian Bugloss)

Light Shade to ShadeZone: 3-7 12" tall Origin: Mediterranean Europe
On rare occasions a new plant comes along that has the "WOW" factor, and we are pleased to present one of those: Brunnera 'Jack Frost'. This stunning Walters Garden discovery...a sport of B. 'Langtrees'...makes a brilliant 18" wide deer-resistant clump of round, frosty silver leaves. Each leaf is highlighted by a dramatic green border, as well as narrow green vein lines running through the solid silver leaf. As if you needed more, the clump is topped with tiny clusters of blue flowers in early spring...a true superstar of the shade garden. Provide evenly moist, rich soils to grow the best plants. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #03367

Buddleia 'Attraction' (Attraction Butterfly Bush)

Buddleia 'Attraction' (Attraction Butterfly Bush)

SunZone: 5-9 55" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only! This hot new deer resistant buddleia is a seedling from UGA's guru of woody plants, Dr. Mike Dirr. The plant was eventually named by Ted Stephens of Nurseries Caroliniana. Buddleia 'Attraction' is toward the red spectrum and a dramatic improvement over Buddleia 'Royal Red'. This is a tremendous breakthrough in butterfly bush breeding--and who knows?...perhaps it will attract redder butterflies. Pot size: 3 qt. (2.83 L) #04777

Buddleia 'Blue Chip' PP 19,991 (Blue Chip Butterfly Bush)

Buddleia 'Blue Chip' PP 19,991 (Blue Chip Butterfly Bush)

SunZone: 5-10 48" tall Origin: Hybrid
(aka B. 2004-09) We are excited to offer the first butterfly bush from the breeding program of Dr. Dennis Werner of the JC Raulston Arboretum at NCSU. Not only does this hybrid of B. lindleyana, B. 'Nanho Purple', and B. 'Honeycomb' have very low seed set, but Buddleia 'Blue Chip' is one of the most compact buddleias we have trialed and at the UK's Wisley trials was #2 in public voting after Dennis's B. 'Miss Ruby'. The short internodes produce a compact plant that stays at 1-2' tall in the first season, and with an annual rejuvenation (beheading), it remains 2-3' tall. Unpruned plants will eventually reach 4' in height. B. 'Blue Chip' is adorned through the summer with short spikes of lavender-blue...a perfect deer-resistant fit for small spaces and great for low-flying butterflies. Unlike most material sold, these are foliar nematode free. Pot size: 2 qt. (1.892 L) #08543

Buddleia 'Ellen's Blue' (Ellen's Blue Butterfly Bush)

Buddleia 'Ellen's Blue' (Ellen's Blue Butterfly Bush)

SunZone: 5-9 48" tall Origin: Hybrid
What started as a stray seedling in the New York (Seneca Hills) garden of Ellen Hornig is now taking the gardening world by storm. B. 'Ellen's Blue' makes a compact 4' tall deer-resistant bush, smothered all summer in terminal spikes of blue-violet flowers (RHS 89D). This unique color in buddleias, combined with the extraordinary fragrance, makes this one of the best new butterfly bush introductions...9 out of 10 butterflies choose Buddleia 'Ellen's Blue'...we agree! Pot size: 3 qt. (2.83 L) #04260

Buddleia 'Evil Ways' (Evil Ways Butterfly Bush)

Buddleia 'Evil Ways' (Evil Ways Butterfly Bush)

SunZone: 5-9 48" tall Origin: Hybrid
This stunning Sean Hogan introduction is a bright yellow foliaged butterfly bush that originated at Sean's nursery as a seedling, probably from Buddleia 'Santana'. B. 'Evil Ways' is highlighted throughout the summer with very dark purple terminal flower clusters. The color contrast of the flowers and the yellow foliage is simply superb. For us, Buddleia 'Evil Ways' has produced a 4' tall x 5' wide deer-resistant specimen, perfect for some really cool color combinations in the garden...yellow swallowtail butterflies are a nice touch...without question, our favorite new butterfly bush in years! Pot size: 3 qt. (2.83 L) #07905

Buddleia 'Honeycomb' (Honeycomb Butterfly Bush)

Buddleia 'Honeycomb' (Honeycomb Butterfly Bush)

SunZone: 5-9 80" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only! From UGA's Dr. Mike Dirr comes this dazzling new introduction that topped the comprehensive buddleia trials held at the University of Georgia. This hybrid of Buddleia davidii and Buddleia globosa has produced a large butterfly bush that is best described as an improved Buddleia 'Sungold'. The 4-6" long flower panicles are a nice golden yellow and top the deer resistant clump from mid-June until frost. Pot size: 3 qt. (2.83 L) #03577

Buddleia lindleyana (Weeping Butterfly Bush)

Buddleia lindleyana (Weeping Butterfly Bush)

SunZone: 5-9 72" tall Origin: China
This little-known Chinese species has shiny green leaves, cinnamon trunks, and graceful 2' long pendulous panicles of medium-lavender flowers in summer. Our clone of B. lindleyana came from giant specimens in the Bolivia, NC, garden of the late Francis Marion Galloway, where they have grown since the 1860s. B. lindleyana is our only buddleia that is not cut to the ground each year. We have limbed up our specimen as a walk-underneath feature...a truly spectacular species which deserves much wider use. Its only bad habit is being stoloniferous, and that seems to slow slightly with age. Pot size: 3 qt. (2.83 L) #00088

Buddleia 'Miss Ruby' PP 19,950 (Miss Ruby Butterfly Bush)

Buddleia 'Miss Ruby' PP 19,950 (Miss Ruby Butterfly Bush)

SunZone: 5-9 72" tall Origin: Hybrid
Buddleia 'Miss Ruby' (B. 'White Ball' x B. 'Attraction' hybrid) is the second in a series of butterfly bushes from Dr. Dennis Werner of the JC Raulston Arboretum. B. 'Miss Ruby', named in honor of JCRA benefactor Ruby McSwain, makes a compact 6' tall upright deer-resistant bush, that only reaches 2-3' in year one, but is topped all summer with the brightest reddish-pink flowers ever produced on a buddleia. In the 2008 trials at the UK's famed Wisley Gardens, B. 'Miss Ruby' was the top public vote-getter from over 100 cultivars worldwide! Celebrate with us by bringing 'Miss Ruby' into your garden. Pot size: 3 qt. (2.83 L) #08544

Buddleia 'Orange Sceptre' (Orange Sceptre Butterfly Bush)

Buddleia 'Orange Sceptre' (Orange Sceptre Butterfly Bush)

SunZone: 7b-10 96" tall Origin: Hybrid
"And now for something completely different" the Monty Python troupe would say. This wild buddleia hybrid comes from the breeding program of Dr. Jon Lindstrom of the University of Arkansas. Jon combined the genetics of Buddleia stachyoides and B. tubiflora to create an 8' tall deer-resistant butterfly bush that flowers virtually year-round in mild climates with a peak season of fall through spring. The 1' long terminal spikes of bright orange flowers, that open from bottom to top, could easily pass for leonotis. The trunks, which remain woody unless the temperature drops into single digits, are clothed with 11" long verbascum-like fuzzy green leaves...also great for sunrooms since it flowers all winter. Pot size: 3 qt. (2.83 L) #08533

Buddleia 'Pink Delight' (Pink Delight Butterfly Bush)

Buddleia 'Pink Delight' (Pink Delight Butterfly Bush)

SunZone: 5-9 60" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only! This hybrid from The Netherlands' Boskoop Experimental Station is absolutely one of the finest "pink" flowered cultivars on the market. The silvery cast to the foliage (especially evident fall through spring) and compact (5' tall x 6' wide) habit combine to make this a truly spectacular deer resistant buddleia. Buddleia 'Pink Delight' is topped with large 1' long flower heads from June until frost. Pot size: 3 qt. (2.83 L) #00077

Buddleia 'White Ball' (Dwarf White Butterfly Bush)

Buddleia 'White Ball' (Dwarf White Butterfly Bush)

SunZone: 5-9 36" tall Origin: Hybrid
This cute but quirky deer-resistant hybrid butterfly bush, from the famed experiment station in Boskoop, Holland, is better-suited to the rock garden or miniature train landscape than to the border. This rare genetic dwarf makes a tight ball, 3' tall x 3' wide, of greyish foliage topped all summer with miniature spikes of white flowers. Just wait until you see the miniature butterflies it attracts! Remember, it should only be pruned with miniature clippers and watered with tiny watering cans. Pot size: 3 qt. (2.83 L) #04308

Buddleia x weyeriana 'Bicolor' (Bicolor Butterfly Bush)

Buddleia x weyeriana 'Bicolor' (Bicolor Butterfly Bush)

SunZone: 6-9 75" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only! This buddleia is hot and flying off the shelves faster than bread before an approaching snowstorm. Buddleia 'Bicolor' is a new Mike Dirr introduction that arose as a seedling of virtually sterile Buddleia 'Honeycomb'. The flowers are an amazing lavender in bud, opening to peachy-pink with a yellow cast as they age. I've grown a lot of butterfly bushes and have seen nothing like this revolutionary new introduction. Dazzle all your neighbors and your butterflies with this unique new butterfly bush. Pot size: 3 qt. (2.83 L) #04874

Bulbine abyssinica Tiffindell Form (Ethiopian Bulbine)

Bulbine abyssinica Tiffindell Form (Ethiopian Bulbine)

Sun to Part SunZone: 7b-10, guessing 20" tall Origin: S. Africa
Open House/Web-Only! (aka Bulbine A1SA-097) I had grown a few bulbines, but after seeing them in the wild in 2005, I gained a much greater respect for both their flowering potential and toughness. Bulbine abyssinica occurs on rocky, well-drained grasslands throughout the Eastern Cape, Lesotho, and Ethiopia where it was originally discovered. The clumps of 1' long, soft green foliage resemble a rain lily until they burst into flower in spring with 20" tall spikes consisting of small bright yellow flowers. If that's not enough, bulbine can be used to treat dysentery and cracked lips...the ones on your mouth. I recommend dividing the clumps when they become crowded. This offering is from 8,000' elevation near South Africa's Tiffendell Ski Resort. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07723

Butia capitata (Jelly Palm)

Butia capitata (Jelly Palm)

SunZone: 8-10 100" tall Origin: S. America
Open House/Web-Only! The Jelly palm was/is most certainly one of Elvis's favorites...rumor has him recently sighted in South America growing Jelly palms. This slow-growing specimen is the most cold hardy of the "feather leaf" palms...reliable to about 15 degrees F. Below that temperature, protect the trunks during extended cold. The trunks eventually reach 10', with large 5' long drooping fronds of blue grey emerging from atop the central trunk...truly spectacular where it can be grown. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #02325

xButiagrus nabonnandii (Mule Palm)

xButiagrus nabonnandii (Mule Palm)

SunZone: 8b-10, at least 216" tall Origin: Argentina, Brazil
NEW! We are thrilled to offer the rare palm hybrid between Butia capitata and Syagrus romanzoffiana. Although the hybrid can be found naturally in the wild, our plants are from cultivated hand crosses. The palm is named for French horticulturist Paul Nabonnand (1860-1937), who first coaxed the plants to mate. The hybrid shows amazing vigor, comparable to syagrus, and will eventually reach 18' in height. Palm growers who have tried these report surprisingly good winter hardiness, often similar to the butia parent. We are trying this for the first time so we don't have any first hand experience. Reportedly, seed produced by the hybrid are sterile unless it is able to backcross to one of the parents. We recommend growing these to a larger size before trying them in the ground. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #09114

Calamintha nepeta var. nepeta (Lesser Calamint)

Calamintha nepeta var. nepeta (Lesser Calamint)

SunZone: 5-8a, at least 20" tall Origin: S. Europe
Open House/Web-Only! I hadn't been as impressed in quite a while as I was when I first met this plant in Dale Hendricks' Pennsylvania garden. The bushy mound of light green deer-resistant foliage, reeking of peppermint, was smothered in clouds of tiny, very light blue flowers. Our plants here in hot, muggy NC have performed equally as well, in full flower from June until October. Calamintha needs good drainage and plenty of air circulation, although this one has survived far better than other calaminthas for us. I think rock gardeners and herb lovers alike will fall in love with this gem...for me, it was love at first sight (don't tell Michelle)! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #03501

Calanthe aristulifera (Hardy Calanthe Orchid)

Calanthe aristulifera (Hardy Calanthe Orchid)

Light Shade to ShadeZone: 7-9 15" tall Origin: Japan
Open House/Web-Only! Calanthe aristulifera is one of the rarest of the Japanese endemic species, from the mountains of Japan's Kyushu island. C. aristulifera forms an 18" wide clump of pleated, evergreen leaves, topped in midspring with 15" tall flower spikes, lined with small light pink flowers. We find a slightly moist organic rich soil is best, although these are extraordinarily drought tolerant. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06946

Calanthe discolor (Hardy Calanthe Orchid)

Calanthe discolor (Hardy Calanthe Orchid)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 6b-9 10" tall Origin: Japan
We finally have enough of this Japanese native hardy woodland orchid to share. C. discolor emerges from the pseudobulb with 2-3 heavily pleated 6" long x 2" wide leaves. As the bulb offsets, the clumps can get quite thick. The foliage, which is evergreen to 15 degrees F, is topped in mid-spring with 10" stalks of tiny mahogany flowers with pure white lower lips...a very easy-to-grow addition to that special spot in the woodland garden. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #02617

Calanthe Hizen Hybrids (Hardy Calanthe Orchid)

Calanthe Hizen Hybrids (Hardy Calanthe Orchid)

Light ShadeZone: 7-9 12" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only! This new series of hardy orchid hybrids from Japan (Calanthe discolor x Calanthe aristulifera) form basal rosettes of heavily pleated olive-green leaves. The 8" flower spike emerges in early spring and contains up to a dozen flowers, each creamy-to-light pink with a darker pink/purple lip. Each seedling is different, so the color may vary slightly. Calanthes are superb for very dark spots in the woodland garden. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06174

Calanthe reflexa (Hardy Terrestrial Orchid)

Calanthe reflexa (Hardy Terrestrial Orchid)

Part Sun to ShadeZone: 7-9 12" tall Origin: Japan
Open House/Web-Only! We are pleased to present another hard-to-find Japanese native orchid, Calanthe reflexa. Unlike many of the other hardy calanthes, this one is a summer bloomer. The narrow-pleated, evergreen leaves lie outward, making a 15" wide rosette. In mid-to-late summer, the clumps are topped with lightly fragrant, two-toned, pink-and-white flowers...a great specimen plant for the woodland! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #00802

Calanthe sieboldii (Hardy Calanthe Orchid)

Calanthe sieboldii (Hardy Calanthe Orchid)

Light Shade to ShadeZone: 7-9, possibly colder 15" tall Origin: Japan
(syn: C. striata) This hard-to-find Japanese native terrestrial orchid has been a superb performer and one of our favorite calanthes. The evergreen foliage (except below 10 degrees F) composes a vigorous 15" tall x 15" wide clump of deeply pleated leaves. In spring, the bloom stalks rise from the ground to reach 15". Along the scape are dozens of small pansy-like flowers of bright yellow...quite stunning. Calanthes prefer well-drained, slightly moist woodland conditions and are proven to be quite easy to grow. After severe winters, they may be very late to emerge. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #01861

Calanthe sieboldii Takane Hybrids (Hardy Terrestrial Orchid)

Calanthe sieboldii Takane Hybrids (Hardy Terrestrial Orchid)

Light Shade to ShadeZone: 7-9a 10" tall Origin: Hybrid
Imagine an easy-to-grow, beautiful, yellow-flowered orchid that would be hardy in your woodland garden! These Asian hybrids from C. sieboldii make a tropical-looking clump of 8" long x 2" wide pleated green leaves. In spring, the clumps are topped with 8" long stalks of brilliant yellow flowers! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #02330

Calanthe x Kozu Spice (Hardy Calanthe Orchid)

Calanthe x Kozu Spice (Hardy Calanthe Orchid)

Part Sun to ShadeZone: 7-9, possibly colder 12" tall Origin: Japan
Hybridized for flower shows in Japan, these hardy terrestrial orchids (C. discolor x C. izu-insularis) are now available in the US. Perfect candidates for the woodland garden, the evergreen, pleated leaves mature in the fall and remain during most winters. In spring, the 1' flower stalks emerge, then become clothed in flowers with a wonderful clove-like scent. The flower color may include bicolor combinations of white and red, yellow and red, pink and red, etc...each plant is different. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #00650

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