Sun Zone: 7b-10 12" tall Origin: Brazil
New crop available 9-9-2010 (aka C. 'KLEC02070') Imagine a drought-tolerant small-flowered winter hardy petunia cousin and you've got calibrachoa. When Jack Campbell told me these southern Brazil natives were winter hardy, I was skeptical, but our trials have proven him correct. Our 2+ year old clump of C. 'Minifamous Blue' (sorry, but KLEC02070 just doesn't cut it as a cultivar name) not only survived 7 degrees F, but has now made a clump to 6' wide. The stems are clothed in narrow green leaves, then topped, starting in early spring and continuing until fall, with dark blue-lavender flowers. Flowering slows during very hot summer spells, but resumes as the weather cools. Good drainage and slightly acidic soils are best. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08395
Sun Zone: 7b-10 12" tall Origin: Brazil
(aka: 'C. KLECA05101') Calibrachoa 'Minifamous Pink' is another selection that has performed well in our winter hardiness trials, and after 2+ years has made a 7' wide clump. The mats of foliage are covered with small, bright rosy-pink flowers from summer to fall, pausing only during the hottest months of summer. The drought tolerance of these is truly amazing! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08400
Sun to Part Sun Zone: 3-9 6" tall Origin: USA
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This vertically challenged hibiscus relative from the mid and southwest US is truly a distinctive addition to the garden. It begins in the spring with the 2" round cutleaf foliage emerging from a basal clump. The stems spread out horizontally to 3', then in late spring, are smothered with 1-2" wide flowers resembling cups of red wine...in size, color, and shape. Wine cups are great for the front of the border, or cascading down a wall. If you are going to fall off the horticultural wagon, you might as well do it with a wine cup in your hand! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #01839
Sun Zone: 3-9 12" tall Origin: USA
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From the late Texas plant explorer Logan Calhoun comes this splendid white-flowered form of the midwest US native wine cups. Typically bearing a wine-colored flower, this form was selected by Logan for the large, pure white flowers on this heat-tolerant, 3' wide, clumping ground cover. For us, the white flowers top the geranium-like, cut-leaf foliage from April through July. In late summer, the clumps shrink back into the ground for a rest. The more hot and sunny the climate, the better wine cups perform. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #04124
Sun to Part Sun Zone: 7-10, at least 6" tall Origin: USA
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New crop available 9-16-2010 (syn: Sphenostigma coelestinum) This truly amazing irid is a rare and threatened endemic to a small region in northeastern Florida. The 6" long, green-pleated, iris-like leaves form a small clump. Starting in early summer and continuing into late summer, the clumps are topped with 6" stalks, ending in a huge, 2" deep violet flower. Each flower only remains open until noon, so plant this in a special place where it can be enjoyed early in the day. Although native to bogs and grassy pinelands, we have found this to be extraordinarily easy to grow in a container or in a wide range of garden conditions. We are delighted to offer plants grown from seed of our garden plants. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #05020
Part Sun to Light Shade Zone: 3-8 12" tall Origin: Europe, Asia
This is the rarely-seen, mauvy-pink flowered form of the clustered bellflower that puts on a stunning floral show in May and June (NC). Growing best in moist soils, the slowly spreading (nothing like C. punctata) rosettes of green foliage make a nice backdrop for the 1' tall spikes, which end in the attention-drawing terminal flower clusters. This has been the best C. glomerata selection in our trials for heat tolerance. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #03528
Part Sun to Light Shade Zone: 4-7 8" tall Origin: Balkans
(aka: C. 'Blue Waterfall') Got dry shade? We've got a plant for you! This Blooms of Bressingham introduction makes a weed-smothering mat of creeping stems and small dark green leaves, which are topped from May-August with small star-shaped, lavender-blue flowers. Although C. 'Camgood' prefers slightly moist soils and part sun, we have found its tolerance for dry shade to be nothing short of amazing. Compared to the straight species, C. 'Camgood' makes a tidier mat with darker green leaves. In 3 years, you should expect a 4' wide mat of flowers. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08037
Sun to Light Shade Zone: 5-8, at least 18" tall Origin: Hybrid
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From Austria's Sarastro Nursery comes this superb, new bellflower hybrid between two heat-loving species (Campanula punctata x trachelium). The slowly spreading habit, compared to the thuggish Campanula punctata, makes this a far better choice for most home gardens. Starting in late spring, the clumps are topped with 18" flower spikes of very dark purple pendent bells. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #05547
Sun to Part Sun Zone: 4-8, at least 24" tall Origin: Hybrid
This 2006 Terra Nova introduction is an improvement over the wonderful Campanula 'Kent Belle' created by crossing the running Campanula punctata with the equally rambunctious C. trachelium. This result was a non-spreading (go figure) bellflower which makes a 2' tall x 18" wide clump topped, starting in late spring and re-flowering through the summer, with 2' tall stalks of blue-lavender nodding bells...very cute and perfect for blending into some great border combinations. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08056
Sun to Part Sun Zone: 7b-10 60" tall Origin: Hybrid
(syn: C. 'Feuerzauber') We have grown a lot of purple-foliaged cannas but never anything like this. The deep burgundy-black foliage has a satin-like sheen, and the intense color holds superbly during the summer heat. The foliage rises to 4-5', topped with a magnificent display of large, shocking red flowers...a true stunner. Thanks to canna guru Johnnie Johnson for sharing this coveted gem he obtained from New Zealand.
Pot size: 2 qt. (1.892 L) #02707
Sun Zone: 7b-10 72" tall Origin: Hybrid
(syn: C. generalis 'Aureostriata' or C. 'Pretoria') Imported from India in 1963 by the Glasshouse Works guys, this is considered to be the most beautiful of cannas. The dramatic stalks of green-and yellow-striped leaves with a brilliant maroon edge grow to 6' and are topped in summer with bright orange flowers...scrumptious! C. 'Bengal Tiger' will also grow in water as an aquatic.
Pot size: 3 qt. (2.83 L) #00819
Sun Zone: 7b-10 36" tall Origin: Hybrid
This Curt Wallace hybrid is still regarded as the closest to white (as judged by a team of color-blind nurserymen) that is available in the canna family. This 3' tall clumper is topped all summer with very large, creamy white flowers, flushed with pale yellow toward the center. C. 'Ermine' will allow designers to create some exciting and distinctive new color combinations in the summer garden. We are excited to make available this very rare and sought-after hybrid.
Pot size: 3 qt. (2.83 L) #02459
Sun to Part Sun Zone: 7-10 72" tall Origin: S. America
Originally brought into the US by California sea captain Commander Bauman, it was passed around California until spotted by plantsman Herb Kelly, who named and introduced it to commerce. The narrow, pointed, grey-green leaves adorn the upright stalk to 6'. Atop the clump through summer and into fall are charming, narrow, salmon-pink flowers (darker in the center). This vigorous grower even spreads fast enough for you to share plenty. C. glauca can grow in standing water or in regular garden soil. The demand always seems to exceed our supply...get 'em while they last.
Pot size: 3 qt. (2.83 L) #02806
Sun Zone: 7b-10 96" tall Origin: Hybrid
(poss. syn: C. indica 'Purpurea') We have been growing C. 'Red Stripe' in our test garden for a number of years, as visitors begged us to begin propagation. The 8' tall thick stalks are home to large (nearly 2' long) leaves of purple with a dramatically contrasting green pattern between the veins. Topping, but not distracting from, the great bold foliage are stalks of small, brilliant red flowers...a can't-miss addition to the border!
Pot size: 3 qt. (2.83 L) #03072
Sun Zone: 7b-10 84" tall Origin: Hybrid
Designers love it, garden visitors love it, we love it...so why are we sharing? This amazing canna, a 1978 seedling selection from California's Herb Kelly, is one of the most un-canna looking cannas we have grown. The very narrow, pointed, purple-grey foliage makes one of the most stunning accent plants in the garden. In addition, the narrow leaves and strong vertical habit make the architectural presentation of this canna most special. The 7' tall clumps are topped in very late summer with small orange-red flowers, but this baby is truly chosen for its wonderful form...sort of like the babes of Baywatch.
Pot size: 2 qt. (1.892 L) #04743
Sun Zone: 7-10 60" tall Origin: Hybrid alternate image
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(aka: Canna 'Nirvana' or Canna 'Striped Beauty') This old hybrid is still one of the most popular of the variegated cannas today. Canna 'Minerva' makes a 5' tall stalk with brilliant white-and-green striped leaves. This vigorously multiplying canna is topped off with unique red flower buds that open to large, butter-yellow flowers...produced all summer! When Canna 'Minerva' is fed well and kept moist, it is indeed a fantastic garden plant.
Pot size: 3 qt. (2.83 L) #01194
Sun Zone: 7b-10 144" tall Origin: Hybrid
If you are into the tropical look, don't miss growing the gigantic banana canna. C. 'Musafolia' has a clouded origin (possibly related to C. 'Edulis'), but what we do know is that it is one heck of a structural element in the garden. The 12-14' tall stalks are home to extremely large, banana-like leaves...each green with a purple-red border. While Canna 'Musafolia' rarely flowers, the flowers produced are small, red, and really pale in size compared to the foliage.
Pot size: 3 qt. (2.83 L) #03777
Sun Zone: 7b-10 48" tall Origin: Hybrid
"Amazing!" "I've never seen anything like it!" These are just a few of the comments from visitors about this Kent Kelly hybrid. Canna 'Orange Punch' is a compact, fast-multiplying canna, topped from spring until frost with intense bright orange flowers with a yellow throat. From its Canna iridiflora background, the flowers are held in long pendent racemes instead of the typical upright spikes. If you like bright gaudy colors, this unique new canna will quickly become one of your favorites!
Pot size: 2 qt. (1.892 L) #04680
Sun Zone: 7b-10 72" tall Origin: Hybrid
New crop available 9-2-2010 (syn: C. 'Semaphore') If you haven't noticed, we are lovers of the truly tacky and gaudy, and Canna 'Pacific Beauty' takes tackiness to a whole new level. You will love the luscious grey-purple foliage, but what will really shock you is the intense orange flowers that top the 6' tall clumps. These are not your typical orange flowers but are more of a fluorescent pumpkin-orange...it is truly a WOW canna!
Pot size: 3 qt. (2.83 L) #03867
Sun Zone: 7b-10 84" tall Origin: Hybrid
Oh, my...just when you think you've seen it all, here is the latest in "Shock Gardening." This incredible recent introduction from Jan Potgeither of South Africa is a sport of the ever-popular Canna 'Wyoming'. Even without flowers, you would surely grow C. 'Phasion' for the foliage...purple with dramatic stripes of yellow and red, evenly spaced throughout the leaf. Atop the 7' tall stems are wonderfully gaudy, shocking orange flowers throughout the summer...indeed, this is the Howard Stern of the plant world...guaranteed to get your friends talking!
Pot size: 3 qt. (2.83 L) #02456
Sun Zone: 7b-10 36" tall Origin: S. Africa
The rave of the plant world is our 1996 introduction we named from Sunburst Flower Bulbs in South Africa. This dazzling canna is the hottest thing since summertime in Miami. C. 'Pink Sunburst' is similar to C. 'Bengal Tiger' (yellow-and green-striped leaves), except the variegated leaves have a reddish-pink cast. The dwarf, rapidly multiplying mound of foliage is topped all summer by large salmon-pink flowers. We have finally been able to get the virus cleaned from our stock, which has restored the original vigor.
Pot size: 3 qt. (2.83 L) #01596
Light Shade Zone: 7b-10 84" tall Origin: Hybrid
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Here's another vigorously growing variegated canna everyone is talking about. This German introduction was discovered and named by the late Bob Hayes of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. The bold, green-and-white blocked patterns on the foliage make this a stunning centerpiece in any landscape. The white portions of the foliage tend to burn in sun, so we recommend light shade and plenty of moisture. In late summer, the plants are topped with inconspicuous, small peachy flowers...WOW!!! We have been told adding extra magnesium (Epsom salts) to the soil will help prevent the foliage burning...we will see.
Pot size: 3 qt. (2.83 L) #01972
Sun Zone: 7b-10 72" tall Origin: Hybrid
This amazing Canna glauca hybrid (possibly with C. iridiflora) was brought into the US by Texan Margie Brown, who purchased it sans name from a roadside nursery south of Bangkok. The 6' tall stalks of glaucous leaves are topped, starting in summer, with peachy-orange buds that open to lovely, somewhat pendent fleshy-pink flowers (RHS 48D)...the best pink-flowered canna we've ever grown and extremely leaf-roller resistant. Like C. 'Panache', it multiplies quite rapidly when grown in moist, rich soil. Thanks to both Mary Elliott and Steve Lowe for independently sending it our way.
Pot size: 3 qt. (2.83 L) #07551
Sun to Part Sun Zone: 7b-10, at least 72" tall Origin: Hybrid
For something truly unique, we are pleased to introduce Canna 'Thai Rainbow', which offers a unique leaf variegation pattern (reportedly radiation induced). C. 'Thai Rainbow' forms a 6' tall, rapidly multiplying clump of narrow leaves that are banded green and cream with a purple flush that is particularly evident on the leaf edges. The clumps are topped with small but bright red-orange flowers throughout the summer...looks and grows like a variegated form of Canna 'Intrigue'.
Pot size: 2 qt. (1.892 L) #08117
Sun Zone: 7b-10 48" tall Origin: Hybrid
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(syn: Canna 'Lon01') This new canna was introduced without a valid cultivar name...sorry guys. 'Lon01' isn't valid, so we have renamed it Canna 'Tropicanna Black'. Understanding that cultivar names should be real words must be harder than I thought. Canna 'Tropicanna Black' is the latest addition to the splendid black foliage canna selections. The shiny dark purple leaves, which are wider but not as dark as Canna 'Australia', make a nice 4' tall clump, topped with stalks of bright vermillion-red flowers from early summer until fall.
Pot size: 3 qt. (2.83 L) #07203
<Brunnera - Calanthe] | [Carex - Caryopteris> |