Sun Zone: 7b-10 24" tall Origin: S. America
Thanks to Bob Snyder for sharing this deer-resistant hardy lantana he grows in his garden 2 hours west (colder) of PDN. Lantana 'Ham and Eggs' is an old, sterile cultivar that has been passed along in the Southeast for many years. L. 'Ham and Eggs' is topped from early summer until fall with flowers that open pink (RHS 73B) and then develop a central pattern of flowers which are cream with a golden eye. Occasionally there is a slight tinge of orange in the flower...a real show stopper! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #05452
Sun Zone: 7b-10 36" tall Origin: S. America
This selection of lantana was introduced by Goodness Grows Nursery in Georgia, from...who else?...Miss Huff of nearby Athens. In our trials, this is the hardiest lantana, with well-established clumps surviving short durations of -3 degrees F. The deer-resistant plants emerge from the ground in early May and, within a couple of weeks, are topped with showy orange (RHS 28A), yellow (RHS 17A), and pink flower heads that are produced nonstop until frost. Virtual sterility also prevents unwanted seedlings and promotes more flowering. Established clumps will get quite large (to 10' spread) when happy! For full hardiness, establish well prior to winter. Do not cut old stems in fall or winter when grown in marginal climates. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #00826
Sun Zone: 7b-10 36" tall Origin: S. America
This way cool sport of Lantana 'Miss Huff' was discovered by PDN customer, NC's Robert Hughes. The fast growing Lantana 'Southern Fried' forms a 3' tall x 6' wide clump in one season, sporting leaves of green with a misty yellow speckling. As the night temperatures cool, the deer-resistant leaves become bright gold with a faint green speckling. All summer the clumps are topped with the typical orange and yellow flowers of its parent. We are particularly taken with this splendid new introduction! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08508
Sun Zone: 7b-10 24" tall Origin: S. America
After 6 years of trialing, we are pleased to add another lantana to the list of hardy cultivars. Lantana 'Star Landing' is a deer-resistant seedling selection from Larry Force of Desoto Co., Mississippi. L. 'Star Landing' makes a wide spreading clump to 2' tall x 8' wide, topped all summer with bright flower heads of both yellow-orange (RHS 28A) and red-orange (RHS 42A) on the same flower. It does not have the pink coloration as seen in L. 'Miss Huff'. It has proven to be sterile unless planted in the presence of another cultivar, when the urge to procreate just becomes too overwhelming. As with all hardy lantanas, don't cut the old stalks back until growth resumes in spring. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #03958
Sun Zone: 7b-10 24" tall Origin: Hybrid
This Mike Dirr introduction popped up as a spontaneous seedling in the Dirr's temporary residence in Chapel Hill, NC...obviously a cross of L. 'New Gold' (L. camara x L. montevidensis) and L. camara 'Miss Huff'. Lantana 'Chapel Hill Yellow' has been an amazing plant in our trials, sailing through our 7 degree F winter in 2009. Be sure to allow enough room, as our 1.5 year-old clump is now 2' (.33 Dirrs) tall x 14' (2.3 Dirrs) wide. For us, the clump is topped with clusters of bright yellow flowers from early June until frost...a deer-resistant flowering machine. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08970
Sun to Light Shade Zone: 5-10 1" tall Origin: Australia
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(syn: Isotoma axilaris) Laurentia has become one of our favorite groundcovers, both for the woodland garden and in between stepping stones. This adorable little plant makes a 1" tall mat of round, green leaves and equally tiny light blue flowers in spring. In a slightly moist site, which it prefers, expect a 12-18" spread by the end of the first season. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #01355
Sun to Light Shade Zone: 7-10, at least 4" tall Origin: S. Africa
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(aka: Scilla cooperi) Cute, cute, cute! This easy-to-grow little South African bulb is just a delightful addition to the rock garden. The narrow, olive-green leaves with dark purple markings are held upright in what eventually becomes a nice colony (1' spread in 5 years). In early spring, the clumps are adorned with miniature, pink, scilla-like racemes. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #03219
Sun Zone: 7b-10, at least 6" tall Origin: S. Africa
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This amazing South African ledebouria species (scilla relative), introduced by California plantsman Gary Hammer, has proven to be reliable even through our wet, cold winters. The bulbs produce 1' long, deciduous, strap-like, grey-green leaves that are heavily spotted with random liver-colored patterns. Each easy-to-grow, 20" wide clump looks great in the summer rock garden or as a seasonal container plant in colder climates. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #05462
Sun to Part Sun Zone: 8-10, at least 4" tall Origin: S. Africa
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This South African false scilla forms a small caudex (swollen base) from which emerges 6" arching stalks of purple spotted revolute (curled downward) grey-green leaves. In summer, the cute clumps are topped with short spikes of greyish flowers...a collector plant for the rock garden, where it will reseed. This accession is seed grown from 4,000' elevation at Ellington in the Eastern Cape Province. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06625
Sun to Part Sun Zone: 7b-9, at least 12" tall Origin: S. Africa
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From South Africa's Northern Province region of Limpopo comes the amazing giant ledebouria. Actually, it's not that amazing that it comes from there, but it is amazing that a plant from this region has proven reliably hardy for us since 2003. Looking more like a tropical houseplant, Ledebouria zebrina makes a 1' tall x 1' wide deciduous clump of large, fleshy, light green leaves, often highlighted on the back by small purple specks. The clumps are adorned in mid-May with pendent bottle brush-like spikes emerging from the leaf axils...very cute!
Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07444
Sun Zone: 7b-9 36" tall Origin: S. Africa
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Thanks to Jimmy Turner of the Dallas Arboretum for sharing this winter-hardy form of a plant that we had killed many times. This South African deer-resistant native is found growing in rocky grasslands where it makes a huge, 8' tall x 4' wide shrub. For us, it's a more demure dieback perennial (4' x 4'), composed of upright stems and narrow, fuzzy green leaves. In late October, the clumps burst into bloom with axillary flowers that resemble fuzzy orange golf balls. If that's not enough, Leonotis produces the chemical leonurine which, when smoked (especially the flowers), provides a euphoric feeling. We think growing the plant is euphoric enough. This multi-tasking plant can also be used to treat headaches, fevers, coughs, dysentery, snakebites, and an array of other ailments. How have you lived without a leonotis? Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06158
Sun Zone: 8b-10, at least 36" tall Origin: S. Africa
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This unusual white-flowered form of Leonotis leonurus comes from California's Derick (Mr. Impatiens) Pitman. Each 3' tall x 3' wide deer-resistant clump of stems, clothed in narrow fuzzy-green leaves, is topped, starting in late October, with ball-like flower clusters along the flowering stems...rather alien-like...we like aliens! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08136
Sun Zone: 6-9, guessing 72" tall Origin: Japan
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Thanks to plantsman Ted Stephens for bringing this wonderful new deciduous perennial lespedeza back from Japan and making it available. Lespedeza 'Little Volcano' is a selection of the Ryukyu Islands, Japan, Lespedeza liukiuensis, which unlike Lespedeza thunbergii, makes an upright clump instead of one whose branches are pendulous. The 6' tall x 12' wide mound of branches, clothed with small, dark green leaves, explode starting in mid-September as the stems are smothered with bright, red-purple flowers that last until mid-October...stunning! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06312
Sun to Part Sun Zone: 4-9 72" tall Origin: Japan
Found at the old Gibraltar estate in Wilmington, Delaware, this spectacular lespedeza was selected and named by plantsman Bill Frederick. Our plant graces the top of our grotto with pea-like foliage on long, arching branches. Emerging from the ground each season, the branches quickly reach 6' tall x 12' wide. In late summer and fall, the branches are laden with thousands of lavender-pink flowers...a great arching effect for a wall or mixed into a perennial border. Visitors who see this plant in flower have a quick attitude adjustment about lespedezas! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #02003
Sun to Part Sun Zone: 4-9 48" tall Origin: Japan
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(syn: Lespedeza thunbergii 'Variegata') We are always on the lookout for plants whose foliage extends the season of interest well beyond their flowering season, and one such plant is Lespedeza thunbergii 'Spilt Milk'. This Japanese selection has foliage that is heavily, consistently speckled with large creamy irregular flecks. The attractive leaves are held along the arching stems, tinged dark purple as they grow. The 4' tall x 6' wide deciduous clumps are topped in midsummer, then again in late September, with terminal clusters of lavender flowers...very choice! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07142
Sun to Part Sun Zone: 4-9 72" tall Origin: Japan
This stunning bush clover was introduced and named by Nancy Goodwin at Montrose, who found this on her property and realized it was much better than the L. thunbergii 'Albiflora' of the trade (earlier flowering and no color reversions). Cut to the ground in the spring, this 6' tall x 12' wide grower will resprout rapidly, akin to the proverbial beanstalk. In late summer and into the fall, the weeping branch tips are clothed in sprays of white pea-like flowers! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #01512
Part Sun to Light Shade Zone: 4-8 36" tall Origin: Japan
We have been very pleased with the performance of this Japanese selection of their native shrub mint, which eventually forms a 3' tall x 3' wide mass of upright stems, clothed in 6" long golden yellow leaves. In areas with warm summer nights, the intensity of the leaf color may fade in summer, but cutting the plant back will cause the plant to reflush with brighter foliage. The clumps are topped in October and November (NC) with terminal spikes of yellow bottlebrush-like flowers. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08417
Part Sun to Light Shade Zone: 4-8 36" tall Origin: Japan
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Leucosceptrum 'Silver Angel' is a unique selection of the shrubby Japanese woodland mint that forms a 3' tall x 3' wide clump, composed of irregularly serrate, oblong leaves that emerge green, then change to silver with an irregular green border. The clumps, which enlarge horizontally each year, are topped in October and November (NC) with short terminal spikes resembling yellow bottle brushes. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08101
Part Sun to Shade Zone: 5-8, at least 30" tall Origin: Japan
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(syn: Comanthosphace stellipilum) From the mountainous woods of Japan, here's one for the folks who are into the truly obscure. This shrubby member of the mint family acts like a perennial with 2-3' tall stems, clothed with fuzzy green leaves. Until it's ready for sex, it looks pretty dull and uninteresting (sound familiar?). Finally, in the fall (October in NC), each clump is topped with dozens of the coolest, reddish-purple, bottlebrush flower spikes! No one ever notices the shrub mint until fall, then all I hear is WHATZIT and WHERECANIGETIT? Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #03597
Part Sun to Light Shade Zone: 5-8, at least 24" tall Origin: Japan
(syn: Comanthosphace stellipilum) Leucosceptrum 'October Moon' is a marvelous Japanese selection of their native mountain shrub mint. Unlike many members of the mint family, L. 'October Moon' stays in an 18" wide clump, sending out 2' long upright woody stems, clothed with toothed 7" long x 4" wide fuzzy green leaves, each edged in chartreuse gold. In mid-October the clumps are topped with short, upright, light pink, brush-like spikes. Leucosceptrum stellipilum is very easy to grow, thriving in an array of soil and moisture regimens.
Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08418
Sun to Part Sun Zone: 6-10 24" tall Origin: USA
This drought-tolerant native blazing star from rocky outcrops in the southern Appalachian mountains is one of the best in the genus, but surprisingly is still not common in the trade. The rosette produces up to 2 dozen stalks, clothed in very fine grassy foliage. The flowers that top the stalk are the typical rosy purple, and are produced in the heat of summer... great for summer arrangements. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #00762
Part Sun to Light Shade Zone: 4-7 36" tall Origin: China, Japan, Korea
New crop available 9-2-2010 This has long been our favorite of the cold-loving ligularias, although we can barely grow it this far south. The giant glossy green, deer-resistant leaves look like a cross between a finely-cut hardy geranium and a giant acanthus. In early summer the 3' tall x 4' wide tropical-looking clumps are topped with 5' tall spikes of bright orange daisies. For cold climate gardeners who love the tropical look, Ligularia japonica is a must. L. japonica prefers a moist, rich garden soil. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #04846
Sun to Part Sun Zone: 5b-9, at least 60" tall Origin: China
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We are very excited about this 2001 recollection of the Chinese Lilium brownii by Duke Garden's Paul Jones from 6,700' elevation near Juizhaigou in Sichuan Province, where it grows on exposed sun-baked cliffs. This species was named after F.E. Brown of the UK, who first flowered the plant in cultivation. Our plants reach a dramatic height of 5', topped in early summer with clusters of 12-17 huge, fragrant white trumpets with purple staining on the buds that remains on the outside of the open petals. This has proven to be a great lily for baking hot climates. Our plants are seed-grown.
Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06616
Part Sun to Light Shade Zone: 3-7 32" tall Origin: Hybrid
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This 32" hybrid martagon lily (Felske 1993) is short in stature compared to many martagon hybrids, but still a superb selection for the woodland garden. Lilium 'Chernova' is adorned in spring with spikes of pendent flowers, each white with red spots and dark red flower tips. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08560
Sun Zone: 5-8 84" tall Origin: Asia
Virtually every year, this is one of our top selling plants! What would you expect from a lily that enjoys heat, flowers the first year from seed, and eventually reaches 7'+ tall with a dozen or more 10" long, sweetly fragrant, pure white flowers in early August? After the flowers fade, the old seed stalks turn upward, making a classy candelabra that dries atop the stalk for a great winter ornament in the garden or to use in dried arrangements. I can't say enough good things about this easy-to-grow gem! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #01356
Sun to Light Shade Zone: 3-7 48" tall Origin: Hybrid
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We are pleased to introduce this new Hans Hansen bred Martagon lily (a Lilium hansonii hybrid) which has performed very well in our heat and humidity trials. H. 'Fort Knox' produces 4' tall flowering stalks of whorled green leaves, topped in late May and early June with 9-12 pendent golden-orange (RHS 23A) flowers, each highlighted by a small green center and darker purple spots toward the throat. Quantities are very limited. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08066
Sun Zone: 4-9 80" tall Origin: China, Japan, Korea
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(syn: Lilium tigrinum) We are very excited to be able to offer the very cool and hard-to-find double form of this great pass-along plant. The sturdy 6-7' tall stately stalks are topped with clusters of fascinating large, double-petaled, reddish orange flowers in late August and September. Each stalk bears small black bulbils in the leaf axils that can be used to reproduce the plant. Its scarcity is no doubt due to the Lily Society snobs. In the book, Lilies, a Guide for Growers and Collectors, Edward McRae writes, "The double flowered variety 'Florepleno' is unattractive in the eyes of most gardeners, indeed, almost grotesque." I say that beauty can only be in the eyes of the beholder if the upturned nose is first removed. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #04825
Part Sun to Light Shade Zone: 4-8, at least 72" tall Origin: USA
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Lilium michiganense is another of the wonderful US native lilies that are rarely available to home gardeners. Native to moist slopes and low woods from Minnesota south to Alabama, this vigorous and easy-to-grow lily spreads nicely by underground rhizomes. In spring, the 6' tall stems of whorled leaves shoot skyward. In June/July, the stems are topped with one or two bright orange-red, pendent flowers changing to yellow with orange-brown spots near the center. As the bulbs grow larger, each stalk may produce up to five flowers. All of our plants are nursery-propagated via division. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #05392
Sun Zone: 3-8 72" tall Origin: Hybrid
This stunning seed strain, derived from L. sargentiae, is one of the best lilies we have grown in our fairly lily-deprived southern climate. L. 'Pink Perfection' makes a stunning 6' tall clump, topped in mid-June, with 7-15 huge lavender buds that open to even larger, obscenely fragrant lavender flowers. Notice, I said lavender, not pink...damn color-blind horticulturists. Each flower is highlighted by large globs of bright orange pollen on the anthers...absolutely a gem of a plant. Martha Stewart's website describes this as, "one of Martha's favorite lilies." It's a really good thing! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07084
Sun Zone: 5-8, at least 72" tall Origin: China
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This 2000 Dan Hinkley introduction comes from a collection in Southern Sichuan Province (originally sold as Lilium leucanthemum). These stately 6' tall lilies are topped from late June to July with huge downward-facing fragrant trumpets of pure white. The flower backs are tinged green toward the petal tips, and purple toward the back. Lilium sargentiae also forms a few leaf bulbils in the top foot of the stem for assistance in propagation. Although typically one-to four-flowered and reaching 3-5' in height, this form tops out at 6' for us with 5-8 flowers per stalk. Lilium sargentiae prefers slightly acidic soils and good winter drainage.
Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08008
Part Sun to Light Shade Zone: 3-7 54" tall Origin: Hybrid
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This lily hybrid (Lilium martagon x Lilium hansonii), winner of the Award of Garden Merit, is a 1921 introduction from England's Robert Ormston Backhouse, who liked the selection so much, he named it for his wife, Sarah Elizabeth. The 4.5' tall stalk is topped in June (NC) with lovely pendent, golden-orange flowers that are heavily speckled with purple dots. The buds emerge pink, and the pink color remains on the outside of the petals after opening. We have had very good luck growing these despite our summers. Still, moist soils and cool sites are best. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07216
<Itea - Kniphofia] | [Liriope - Lysimachia> |