Sedum aizoon var. angustifolium coll. #HH-03CH165 (Hoso-ba-no-kirin-so)

Sedum aizoon var. angustifolium coll. #HH-03CH165 (Hoso-ba-no-kirin-so)

Part SunZone: 4-7, at least 15" tall Origin: China
Open House/Web-Only! This collection of Sedum aizoon comes from a Hans Hansen collection in Ping Wu, China at 8,000' elevation. Sedum aizoon var. angustifolium is at its best in spring when the deciduous clump produces 15" tall upright stems lined with narrow green leaves and topped in May and early June with stunning corymbs (terminal flower clusters) of brilliant yellow, star-shaped flowers. By late July, Sedum aizoon retreats into the ground to rest. Unlike many sedums, Sedum aizoon prefers only a few hours of direct sun and is much more tolerant of moist soils. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08394

Sedum alboroseum 'Lemonade' (Lemonade Sedum)

Sedum alboroseum 'Lemonade' (Lemonade Sedum)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 3-8 12" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only! Forget everything you know about sedums before attempting to grow this one. Sedum 'Lemonade' is a solid gold sport we found several years ago on our Sedum alboroseum 'Mediovariegatum'. Try as we might, we couldn't bring this through the summer until we planted one in light shade, where it thrived. The deciduous clump emerges in early spring with creamy yellow leaves adorning the stems of the 1' tall x 1' wide clump. It is our feeling that this doesn't have enough vigor to regularly produce flowers (which are white) least in our climate, but it's a very talked about plant in the spring garden. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07106

Sedum alboroseum 'Mediovariegatum' (Striped Sedum)

Sedum alboroseum 'Mediovariegatum' (Striped Sedum)

Sun to Part SunZone: 3-9 15" tall Origin: China, Japan, Korea
Open House/Web-Only! (syn: Sedum erythrosticum f. variegatum) This is one of the few sedums with variegated foliage. This upright grower resembles Sedum 'Autumn Joy', except with a creamy white (gold in early spring) center to each leaf and white flowers during the early summer...absolutely striking. Striped sedum is at its finest in spring when used with dark blue-flowered companion plants. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #01129

Sedum bithynicum (Turkish Sedum)

Sedum bithynicum (Turkish Sedum)

Sun to Part SunZone: 5-8, at least 1" tall Origin: Turkey
(syn: S. pallidum var. bithynicum) This sedum attracts more attention than any other plant in our rock garden. This diminutive but easy-to-grow sedum forms small, spreading, rubbery buns of blue-grey foliage that in 3 years can spread to 1"+ tall x 2' wide (virtually no root system, so it's easy to remove). In late summer, the mats are topped with russet-brown flowering stems to 3" topped with tiny, white, star-shaped flowers. In winter, the clump takes on a russet overlay to the blue-grey foliage...splendid! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #02798

Sedum 'Diamond Edge' (Diamond Edge Sedum)

Sedum 'Diamond Edge' (Diamond Edge Sedum)

Sun to Part SunZone: 3-8 18" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only! Sedum 'Diamond Edge' is the latest sport of the popular Sedum 'Matrona'. Unlike the weak-growing Sedum 'Samuel Oliphant', Sedum 'Diamond Edge' has the vigor of its parent. The deciduous 18" tall x 18" wide clump is adorned with round grey-purple foliage, each leaf bordered with a wide band of creamy white. In late summer, the clump is topped with flower heads of pink. As with all sedums, Sedum 'Diamond Edge' is incredibly drought-tolerant once established. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07495

Sedum 'Frosted Fire' (Frosted Fire Stonecrop)

Sedum 'Frosted Fire' (Frosted Fire Stonecrop)

SunZone: 4-8, at least 15" tall Origin: Hybrid
NEW! Sedum 'Frosted Fire' is to Sedum 'Autumn Fire' like Sedum 'Lajos' is to S. 'Autumn Joy'...a wonderful, wide, white-edged selection. The 15" tall x 15" wide clump of stunning creamy edged leaves are topped in summer with reddish flower heads that age bronze...very easy in all but wet soils. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08939

Sedum 'Frosty Morn' (Frosty Morn Sedum)

Sedum 'Frosty Morn' (Frosty Morn Sedum)

Sun to Part SunZone: 3-9 12" tall Origin: Japan
Open House/Web-Only! This dazzling sedum was imported from Japan by plant explorer Barry Yinger. With an upright growth habit (1' tall x 1' wide), Sedum 'Frosty Morn' is easy to blend into any size garden. Sedum 'Frosty Morn' is highlighted by a wide white border around each leaf. The late summer flower heads are intermediate between Sedum 'Autumn Joy' and Sedum alboroseum (possibly a hybrid). In cool climates...light pink flowers emerge. In warmer climates...white flowers emerge! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #01605

Sedum kamtschaticum 'Sweet and Sour' (White-tip Kamtschatka Stonecrop)

Sedum kamtschaticum 'Sweet and Sour' (White-tip Kamtschatka Stonecrop)

Sun to Part SunZone: 4-8a, at least 2" tall Origin: Asia
This splendid sedum comes from Japan, via collector Ozzie Johnson. S. 'Sweet and Sour' makes a slow-growing clump to 2" tall x 1' wide of small serrate green leaves, emerging nearly white, then changing to a frosty edge, before turning green as they age. The plants are topped with yellow flowers in summer...very choice and very drought-tolerant, a perfect choice for "white" roofs. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08063

Sedum 'Lajos'  PP 14,421 (Autumn Charm Stonecrop)

Sedum 'Lajos' PP 14,421 (Autumn Charm Stonecrop)

SunZone: 4-8, at least 12" tall Origin: Hybrid
This stunning sport of Sedum 'Autumn Joy' comes from Brent Horvath of Intrinsic Perennials, who named his new find after his dad, Lajos (pronounced Lai'-osh). Each leaf of Sedum 'Lajos' is bordered by a wide band of creamy white, which reduces the speed, vigor, and size compared to the parent. Our mature clump never exceeds 1' tall x 1' wide, topped in September with a broccoli-like flower head that starts off white then morphs to pink and finally newest favorite plant! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06544

Sedum lineare 'Variegatum' (O-no-mannengusa)

Sedum lineare 'Variegatum' (O-no-mannengusa)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 7-9, at least 4" tall Origin: China, Japan
Open House/Web-Only! We have long valued this iron-tough evergreen groundcover for both sunny and shady spots in the dry garden. This Asian native makes a nice non-weedy mat unlike its cousin, the dreaded Sedum sarmentosum. Each 1' long stem is adorned with 1" long, narrow leaves, green with contrasting white edges. Interestingly, it rarely if ever produces flowers, which would be in short panicles of yellow. In shade, the new growth often emerges upright and only lays down after it matures or is trampled into submission by the garden cat. This is a superb garden plant, or in more northerly climates, equally as valuable in containers or hanging baskets. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #00241

Sedum 'Maestro' PP 20,094 (Maestro Stonecrop)

Sedum 'Maestro' PP 20,094 (Maestro Stonecrop)

SunZone: 3-8 30" tall Origin: Hybrid
NEW! Sedum 'Maestro' was discovered by Michigan's Gary Trucks as a mutation on Sedum 'Matrona'. In our trials, it has proved to be a superb garden plant, forming a 30" tall x 30" wide clump of very sturdy, upright, maroon red stalks, clothed with fleshy lavender-grey foliage and topped in late summer with large flower heads of pinky purple. Sedum 'Maestro' also doesn't get the leaf scorch we sometimes see with Sedum 'Black Jack'. Our 3-year-old clumps are just outstanding...we think you're really going to like this one! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08908

Sedum makinoi 'Ogon' (Gold Japanese Woodland Sedum)

Sedum makinoi 'Ogon' (Gold Japanese Woodland Sedum)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 7b-9, at least 4" tall Origin: Japan
NEW! I polished off my first Sedum 'Ogon' quicker than Janet Leigh could finish her shower by planting it in our full sun rock garden. Turns out, this sedum hates full sun, but thrives in part sun to light shade and, thankfully, my subsequent attempts have fared superbly. This wonderful semi-deciduous (the pessimistic version of semi-evergreen) groundcover to 18" wide in 2 years, hails from the southern Japan provinces of Honshu, Kyushu, and Shikoku where it can be found in moist, shady, rocky areas...not your typical sedum habitat. S. 'Ogon' is a wonderful Japanese selection with bright gold foliage that is somewhat viridescent (turns chartreuse) in late summer. The yellow flowers in midsummer are nearly unnoticeable against the golden foliage. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08756

Sedum makinoi var. emarginatum 'Eco Mt. Emei' (Mt. Emei Sedum)

Sedum makinoi var. emarginatum 'Eco Mt. Emei' (Mt. Emei Sedum)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 6-9 6" tall Origin: China
NEW! Sedum 'Eco Mt. Emei' is a Don Jacobs collection from China's famed Mt. Emei (Sichuan Province). Think of this as Sedum makinoi on steroids. Sedum 'Eco Mt. Emei' is a woodland plant that will form a 6" tall x 6' wide patch in 6 years. The 1' long trailing stems are adorned with small, paddle-shaped, green leaves topped, in May and June, with a mass of tiny yellow flowers. This is a superb, easy-to-grow sedum that can be used as a groundcover in difficult sites including shaded green roofs...much more hardy than any other forms of S. makinoi that we have tried. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08952

Sedum 'Neon' (Neon Stonecrop)

Sedum 'Neon' (Neon Stonecrop)

SunZone: 4-8 15" tall Origin: Hybrid
Open House/Web-Only! From Richard Davis at The Ivy Farm comes this dazzling new sedum, which was discovered as a sport or seedling in a block of Sedum 'Brilliant', and it is a dramatic improvement. With a growth habit similar to Sedum 'Autumn Joy', the plants are topped in midsummer with large heads of "neon-bright" bubblegum-pink! Designers looking for wild and wonderful plants will need to try some Sedum 'Neon' in their gardens...especially nice planted with Hosta 'Tattoo'! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #03491

Sedum 'Purple Emperor' (Purple Emperor Stonecrop)

Sedum 'Purple Emperor' (Purple Emperor Stonecrop)

Sun to Part SunZone: 3-7 15" tall Origin: Hybrid
This amazing new sedum, introduced by the former Washfield Nursery in England, originated in the Sussex garden of the parents of former co-owner Graham Gough. Sedum 'Purple Emperor' is poised to take the gardening world by storm. The dark purple, fleshy leaves clothe the compact purple stems. In summer, the 18" wide clumps are topped with heads of pinky-purple flowers...a nice contrast. In 2002, Sedum 'Purple Emperor' was awarded the prestigious Outstanding Perennial Plant Award from the International Hardy Plant Union. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #03588

Sedum telephium ssp. ruprechtii 'Hab Gray' (Hab Gray Stonecrop)

Sedum telephium ssp. ruprechtii 'Hab Gray' (Hab Gray Stonecrop)

Sun to Part SunZone: 4-8 20" tall Origin: Russia
This selection of the Russian native S. telephium ssp. ruprechtii has turned out to be a fabulous garden plant, despite the unusual name. Imagine S. 'Autumn Joy' with 2' long, rigidly arching stems of glaucous leaves...and you've got Sedum 'Hab Gray'. The stems are adorned with clusters of pink flowers, starting in late July in NC. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #05341

Sedum telephium 'Sunset Cloud' (Sunset Cloud Stonecrop)

Sedum telephium 'Sunset Cloud' (Sunset Cloud Stonecrop)

Sun to Part SunZone: 4-7 12" tall Origin: Europe
In our garden trials, S. 'Sunset Cloud' has outperformed the more commonly sold clones of similar appearance such as S. 'Vera Jameson' and S. 'Bertram Anderson'. S. 'Sunset Cloud' was a 1972 hybrid (S. maximum 'Atropurpureum' x S. telephium var. borderi) from Jim Archibald's former nursery, The Plantsman. For us, S. 'Sunset Cloud' emerges in spring from a dormant rhizome with 1' long arching stems clothed with purple-grey, dollar-sized, round leaves. In midsummer, stems of the 2' wide clump are tipped with russet-red flower heads. We grow this in a well-drained raised bed where its display can be better appreciated. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #04661

Sedum tetractinum (Chinese Sedum)

Sedum tetractinum (Chinese Sedum)

Sun to Light ShadeZone: 4-8 3" tall Origin: China
From our friend Crazy Eddie, who obtained this sedum from a friend in China, comes this wonderful and most unusual spreading sedum with round flat foliage. The foliage is an attractive green in the summer; then in the fall it turns a wonderful shade of reddish bronze...a great grower and a spectacular attention-getter in the rock garden! In summer, the clumps are topped with bright yellow flower clusters that rise just above the foliage. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #01131

Sedum 'Thundercloud' PPAF (Thundercloud Sedum)

Sedum 'Thundercloud' PPAF (Thundercloud Sedum)

SunZone: 4-8, at least 8" tall Origin: Hybrid
NEW! This Brent Horvath hybrid is one of the few upright sedums that I would grow for the foliage alone...very cool. This dwarf rock garden sized sedum makes a compact 8" tall x 1' wide clump of tiny, very dissected, light green fleshy foliage. In late summer, the clumps are topped from early June through September (NC) with a cloud of white stars hovering just above the foliage...this sedum has cute written all over it...writing is removed just prior to shipment. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08971

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