Sun to Part Sun Zone: 7-10, possibly colder 36" tall Origin: Hybrid
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Phlomis 'Edward Bowles' is a superb and superbly unknown perennial that needs rescuing from the jaws of obscurity. This hybrid (Phlomis fruticosa x Phlomis russeliana) originated in 1965 at Hillier's Nursery in England from seed reportedly sent by the late E.A. Bowles. Our plant came from California's Western Hills Nursery. The spade-like leaves with felty green tops and silver underneath adorn the 3' tall x 3' wide evergreen clump. In spring, the vigorous and very easy-to-grow, deer-resistant clumps are topped with 6-10" spikes of large, light/dark bicolor yellow, snapdragon-like flowers...stunning! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #01875
Sun Zone: 7-10 30" tall Origin: Mediterranean Europe
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This is one of the plants in my garden that I wouldn't garden without. For year-round interest it's hard to beat this felty, grey-leaved, drought-loving perennial/sub-shrub, to 30" tall x 5' wide. The dense clumps of evergreen (or should I say ever-grey) finger-shaped, heavily-textured foliage provide a nice foil for the whorls of yellow, snapdragon-like flowers that top the plant in late April/May. Phlomis fruticosa will produce a sporadic repeat flowering in late summer. Jerusalem sage is quite durable, deer-resistant, and easy to grow, but prefers a well-drained site. For added excitement in the garden, plant a group of Arum palaestinum nearby and stand back. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #00779
Sun to Part Sun Zone: 7b-10, at least 36" tall Origin: Mediterranean Europe
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(aka: Phlomis fruticosa 'Compact Grey') We finally properly named this wonderful deer-resistant form of Phlomis fruticosa that has been parading around the country as Phlomis 'Compact Grey'. We see nothing compact about it, since it forms a 3' tall x 6' wide clump of white, fuzzy, upright stems adorned with 7" long, fuzzy, evergreen leaves (4" in typical Phlomis fruticosa) with wavy edges. Phlomis 'Miss Grace' is adorned, starting in late May and continuing throughout the summer, with large whorls of bright yellow flowers on the terminal branches as well as adjacent axils (not to be confused with the axils of evil). Crush the leaves for a unique resinous fragrance. Phlomis 'Miss Grace' is very easy to grow if your soils are well-drained. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #02313
Sun Zone: 3-8 3" tall Origin: USA
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This superb selection of the easy-to-grow midwest native sand phlox (Michigan to Kansas) makes a tight, 1' wide clump of 1" long, needle-like, glossy green foliage on stems that emerge from a central clump and don't root down. In mid-April (NC), the clumps are topped with a mass of tightly held, dark lavender-blue, deeply cut flowers that just top the foliage. Phlox 'Betty Blake' came from the garden of the late Michigan gardener Betty Blake. Despite being found on sandy, rocky nutrient-poor soils, we have had very good luck with this in our East Coast rock garden, although I'd still recommend good drainage. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06547
Part Sun to Light Shade Zone: 3-8 3" tall Origin: USA alternate image
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In 2003, we found a streaky sport on a seedling of the native Phlox divaricata and after several years, we finally have it stabilized...or as stable as a variegated phlox can be. Each small green leaf adorning the slowly creeping stems is highlighted by a central band of gold, giving the plant an extra feature when it's not in flower. In April, the 3" tall clumps of evergreen foliage are topped with 8" tall spikes of fragrant light blue flowers that completely obscure the foliage...a great new twist on a superb woodland plant. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07675
Part Sun to Shade Zone: 3-8 12" tall Origin: USA
This splendid North Creek Nursery selection of our native Phlox divaricata makes a tight 18" wide evergreen mound of ground-hugging foliage, topped from mid-April to early-May (NC) with 1' tall spikes of lovely, sweetly fragrant white flowers, each highlighted with a purple eye...a superb selection. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08691
Part Sun to Light Shade Zone: 5-8a, at least 6" tall Origin: USA
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(coll # A11NC-070) In spring 2000, I stumbled on this amazing clump of pink-flowered Phlox divaricata near Parksville Beach (1,500' elevation) in Polk Co., TN. Now, you're probably asking how can there be a beach in the mountains of TN?...Well, it's sorta' a redneck thing. We brought cuttings home, where they have performed superbly, and now we have enough. The easy-to-grow, 2" tall, evergreen mats make a 2' wide patch in 4 years, topped in late April/early May with short spikes of beautiful pink-purple flowers. This is a dramatic variation from what we typically expect from this species.
Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #05557
Sun Zone: 4-8, at least 24" tall Origin: USA
You've just gotta see this to believe it. Phlox 'Triple Play' is a Marty Schafer/Jan Sacks selection of the US native (Wisconsin south to Florida) meadow phlox, with amazing creamy white-edged leaves on a 2' tall x 1' wide clump. P. glaberrima prefers moist soils to match where it resides in nature, but in the garden it can survive extended periods of drought. In late spring, the clumps are topped with stalks of pink-lavender flowers that rise just above the foliage...simply stunning. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08735
Sun to Part Sun Zone: 5-8, at least 15" tall Origin: USA
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New crop available 9-2-2010 (syn: Phlox ovata) We found this small phlox at 2,400' elevation, north of Roanoke, Virginia, back in 2000. It has been a great performer and always draws attention at our Spring Open House. The only problem was getting it identified. Finally, we have determined it to be the little-known Phlox latifolia, an Appalachian native from Pennsylvania south to Alabama. Phlox latifolia is a great rock garden phlox since it makes a small 1' wide patch of open rosettes, composed of 3" x 1" thick green leaves. The clumps are topped with 15" tall spikes of dark pink-lavender flowers in May and June. Phlox latifolia is somewhat anti-social, since it prefers an open site where it will not be crowded by neighbors. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07520
Sun to Part Sun Zone: 5-9 12" tall Origin: USA
This stunning new native phlox was found by Mississippi plantswoman Karen Partlow along the road in Kemper, Mississippi. P. 'Minnie Pearl' appears to be a naturally-occurring hybrid between P. maculata and possibly P. glaberrima. As is normal in the South, birth records are often missing or incorrect. For us, P. 'Minnie Pearl' begins flowering in mid-to-late April on 1' tall spikes...months earlier than other P. maculata types. The P. maculata-like stalks include glossy-green foliage topped with large, pure white flowers. The unique aspect to the hybrid is the amazingly early flowering period, no mildew, and a spreading habit. For us, P. 'Minnie Pearl' makes a 2' wide patch in 3 years. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #04977
Sun Zone: 5-9, at least 4" tall Origin: USA
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Phlox 'Camla' is a superb selection of our little-known East Coast native, Phlox nivalis. In 3 years, expect a 3' wide clump of shiny green needle-like foliage. From mid-March through mid-April, the clumps are smothered with large, 1" mauve-colored flowers. This is one of the top selections to emerge in our mossy phlox trials. As with all mossy phlox, a hot, dry, well-drained site is the key for best performance. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #03769
Sun Zone: 3-8 18" tall Origin: USA Hybrid
From Bartel's-Stek breeding program in Holland comes the latest in the bar series of Phlox...a toast to all! The compact 18" tall, well-branched, disease-resistant clump is topped, starting in early June (NC), with large clusters of pale blush-pink flowers, each highlighted with a carmine red eye...just what I'd expect from a bar series. I propose a toast, then a toss...of the Bartel's folks who don't know how to properly name good plants, into one of the nearby canals! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08828
Sun Zone: 3-10 36" tall Origin: USA
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This is the most exciting new phlox to come along in years. Discovered in the parking lot of the Brandywine Conservancy by F.M. Mooberry, this is the most mildew-resistant phlox to date. The wonderfully fragrant, clear white, giant flower heads adorn the top of the plant during the late spring and summer. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #00703
Sun to Part Sun Zone: 5-9, at least 36" tall Origin: USA
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This heat-tolerant phlox was discovered in San Antonio, Texas, growing in a patch of St. Augustine grass by plantsman Greg Grant. The plant was subsequently named after the late San Antonio nurseryman John Fanick. Phlox 'John Fanick' grows in regions of Texas where most Phlox paniculata cultivars are just a distant memory, and as such has been named to the Texas Superstar program. This tough phlox makes a 3' tall spectacular clump sans mildew, topped, starting in early summer and continuing long after other phlox selections have faded, with flower heads of light pink flowers, each with a darker pink eye. "John" has proven to be tough in NC, but then, we're no Texas. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07383
Sun Zone: 4-8a 16" tall Origin: USA Hybrid
From Holland's Jan Verschoor comes this stunning Phlox paniculata hybrid that arose as a sport from Jan's P. 'Candy Floss'. P. 'Peppermint Twist' makes a sturdy clump of 16" tall stems, topped, starting in late June (NC), with large flower heads of fluorescent pink and white striped flowers. The overall effect is similar to P. 'Natascha', but much more robust and more of a candy pink instead of lavender. In the afternoon, the flowers are deliciously fragrant...simply surreal. So far, the plants are showing no signs of mildew. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07576
Sun Zone: 5-9 12" tall Origin: USA
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(aka: Phlox pilosa A3LA-053) We found this amazing selection of Phlox pilosa growing in a roadside ditch with Claytonia in Marion County, Texas. The very narrow, hairy leaves (2.5" long x 1/8" wide) adorn the 1' tall, hairy stems, topped starting in late April (NC) with hundreds of small, light lavender deliciously fragrant flowers. In case you didn't pass Latin, pilosa means "hairy." The foliage alone is enough reason to grow this cool phlox, but it is without question the most floriferous (and hairy) phlox we have ever seen. Phlox 'Slim Jim' spreads like crazy, making a 4' wide dense patch in 2 years, but integrates nicely with neighbors since it goes nearly summer dormant. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07373
Part Sun to Light Shade Zone: 5-8 10" tall Origin: USA
We've grown quite a few selections of our native Phlox stolonifera, but none can compare with the vigor and foliage density of this selection we named P. 'Weesie Smith'. Our 3-year-old clump has spread to 8', forming a ground-hugging mat of thin, surface-lying stems clothed in small, coke spoon-like leaves. The mats are topped, starting in early April, with 10" spikes of lavender-pink flowers...absolutely superb. The phlox comes from the garden of Alabama's first lady of wildflowers...Weesie Smith, thanks to her friend and wildflower compatriot Jan Midgley. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #08635
Sun to Part Sun Zone: 4-8 30" tall Origin: USA
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After 12 years of trialing by US plantsman Darrell Probst, this unique selection of the US swamp native is finally available to gardeners. Unlike other so-called obedient plants, Physostegia 'Miss Manners' does not run like other physostegias...or past presidents. Emerging from a dormant crown in spring, a cluster of green stems shoots upward to 30", each clothed by 3" long, narrow, waxy, dark green leaves. The sturdy clumps (unlike Physostegia 'Spring Snow') are topped all summer with pure white, snapdragon-like flowers, which can be twisted around the stem and will remain where you put them...hence, the common name! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #03172
Part Sun to Light Shade Zone: 7-10, at least 2" tall Origin: Europe, Asia
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(aka: Hieracium pilosella) This superb, surface-spreading groundcover has long been one of our favorites. The felty, silver-grey foliage makes small rosettes that spread by above-ground stolons...slowly for us, although some references indicate reports to the contrary. In early summer, the mats are topped with delightful, 1" light yellow flowers on 8" tall stalks. We use this in the woodland garden to provide dramatic accents around the base of other plants...not bothered by heat and humidity! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #02311
Pinellia (Green Dragon)
These arisaema and amorphophallus relatives are probably the easiest to grow of the related genera, as well as the most hardy. These aroids are prized both for their attractive foliage, as well as their unique, sexually explicit flowers. While there is a weedy member of the family, P. ternata, and to a lesser extent, P. pedatisecta, the remaining members make great additions to the woodland garden. |
Light Shade to Shade Zone: 5-7, at least 6" tall Origin: China alternate image
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This delightful little aroid is a real charmer for the woodland rock garden or trough container. Held atop shiny black stems are rubbery, velvet, dark green, arrowhead-shaped leaves, each prominently highlighted by a wide silver stripe that follows the veins. In late summer, the flowering peduncle (stalk) arises from the ground to stand just above the 6" tall foliage. The miniature Jack-in-the-pulpit-like flower boasts a long tongue (spadix) that curls just above the foliage. Pinellia cordata does produce tiny bulbils on the leaves but is not weedy like other members of the genus, particularly Pinellia ternata and Pinellia pedatisecta. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #02792
Part Sun to Light Shade Zone: 6-7, at least 8" tall Origin: China
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This rarely seen pinellia, from the eastern China provinces of Fujian and Zhejiang, is one of the more unusual members of an already obscure genera. The glossy, peltate green leaves (like a heart-shaped plate balanced on a stick) produce a 1' wide clump. Starting in late spring, the clumps are adorned with lime-green spathe and spadix inflorescences...resembling an anorexic ET with a long, creamy yellow, whip-like tongue. In hot dry climates, we find these go summer dormant. In regions with cool night temperatures, they will form stolons that dive and re-emerge from the soil like a sea serpent, each ending in a new bulb (tubercle) on the tip. He who dies with the most bizarre plants wins...score early and often! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #05174
Part Sun to Light Shade Zone: 5-9, possibly colder 24" tall Origin: Hybrid
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We are very pleased to finally offer this highly coveted hybrid pinellia (Pinellia tripartita 'Atropurpurea' x Pinellia pedatisecta) that was discovered and introduced by We-Du founder Dick Weaver. The plant is an intermediate between the two parents with one additional trait...self sterility (no seed set unless you have other pinellia species nearby). We've been assured by medical professionals that this is not reversible, so don't fret about baby pinellias. The vigorous clumps produce both 2' tall, upright stalks of five-leaflet foliage alongside the equal-height stalks of spathe and spadix flowers from early April through September. Pinellia 'Polly Spout' is named for the small town of Polly Spout, NC, where We-Du was founded. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #06780
Part Sun to Light Shade Zone: 5-9 10" tall Origin: Japan
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This collectors edition form of Pinellia tripartita comes from Japan via collector Ozzie Johnson. Each of the light green tripartite leaves is variegated creamy yellow. Some leaves will be all yellow, some half and half, some streaky yellow and some all green. The unstable variegation pattern is what makes this a truly fascinating plant. The sexually explicit, pitcher-like flowers that are produced all summer can be equally as variegated. Any solid green shoots should be removed so as to not overpower the variegated divisions. Moist woodland soils are best. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #05373
Part Sun to Light Shade Zone: 5-9, at least 12" tall Origin: Japan
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This unique Japanese selection of their native Pinellia tripartita makes a 1' tall x 1' wide clump composed of glossy green tripartite (three-parted) leaves flecked with a silver overlay...think a really bad case of spider mites and you get the picture...without the leaf distortion, of course. The clumps are adorned with 15" tall, Jack-in-the-pulpit-like flowers held just above the foliage throughout the summer. As the flowers age they dump their seed near the base of the plant, so when you have enough babies, a little horticultural circumcision does the trick...of course now that we're headed toward nationalized plant care, why should you worry how many babies you have? Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml) #07942
<Panicum - Phlebodium] | [Podophyllum - Polypodium> |