Ornamental Grasses and Grass Look-A-Likes:
The ornamental grasses have become popular and important landscape additions over the past
decade, and rightly so. As a textural element, they offer relief from big heavy globs of
foundation shrubs, and their interest spans the seasons. We also include here plants that have
grassy foliage, similar in texture and use in the garden, without technically being grasses. Most
of the grasses thrive in full direct sun, but the grass alikes such as carex and acorus will thrive in
shade. Use these plants to contrast heavier textured plants; each will enhance the other.
Woody Perennials:
We are in denial about some of these plants. Some of them are woodier than others. Some
misguided individuals refer to them as shrubs.
Shocking tropicality! A wealth of collector's plants here, Aroids have become some of the most
popular plants in the garden. Extremes in size, shape and texture range from the impressive
elephant ears (Alocasia) to the diminutive Mouse Plant (Arisarum). Also here, are the bizarre
voodoo lilies whose anatomically incorrect flowers appear out of nowhere a month before their
leaves in the spring.
Ferns and Allies:
Ferns and their related non-flowering plants (allies) offer subtle charm to shaded gardens.
Perfect companions to Hostas, most of the following thrive in the same conditions.
Groundcovers offer wonderful alternatives to lawn, especially in the shade of large trees, where
most turf fears to tread. Great underplanting to small shrubs or other perennials, try growing other plants through these groundcovers.
Two plants can inhabit the same place at the same time.
You know... these are the plants you don't have to go get, they will come to you.
Bulbs, Corms, and Tubers:
The world of bulbs reaches far beyond the golden trumpets of daffodils so familiar in spring.
Many gardeners are becoming increasingly aware of the wide variety of summer and fall
flowering tuberous rooted plants. Bulbs bring joy with their surprise, often seemingly leaping
out of nowhere to offer their bloom.
If you have a soggy area, don't drain it, landscape it! These plants will make you fall in love
with mud.
Woody Lilies:
This group includes lily-like plants that have evergreen parts. They are very effective and quite
happy in perennial borders and as placeholders in a foundation planting.
Other Common Name Perennials:
There are a few that just don't fit into any single category...