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Rhodophiala bifida (Oxblood Lily) slide #12609
G. Grant Gdn, TX

Rhodophiala bifida (Oxblood Lily)

Sun to Light ShadeZone: 7-10 15" tall Origin: Argentina

(aka: Hippeastrum advenum) This delightful, easy-to-grow South American amaryllis relative is one of the most outstanding and durable bulbs for southeastern gardens. Multiplying steadily, these small, lycoris-like bulbs remain evergreen through the winter, finally going dormant in late spring. Beginning in late summer or early fall, the 15" stalks arise from nowhere, each topped with a cluster of stunning, carmine-red, horizontally facing, habranthus-like flowers...a superb garden surprise toward the end of the season! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml)

#03014 - $14.00  

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