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Pulmonaria rubra 'David Ward' (David Ward Lungwort)

Pulmonaria rubra 'David Ward' (David Ward Lungwort)
Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 3-7 12" tall Origin: Europe

Open House/Web-Only! This wonderful, but rarely available sport of P. rubra was found at Beth Chatto's nursery in England and named after her propagator David Ward. The large hairy light green leaves are surrounded by a wide pure white border. In spring the clumps are topped with brick red flowers, typical of P. rubra. P. 'David Ward' is a spectacular plant although somewhat difficult to grow, so we'd only recommend it for advanced gardeners. It requires a well-drained moist site for long-term success. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml)

#01867 - $14.00  

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This page last updated on Mon Aug 9 14:31:55 EDT 2010 .