Tony's Talks
Tony's Book
Exploration Logs
- About
- Mexico, 1994
- China, 1996
- Korea, 1997
- Texas, 1998
- North Carolina, 1999
- Argentina, 2002
- Hawaii, 2003
- Holland and Belgium, 2004
- Arizona, 2004
- South Africa, 2005
- Vietnam and Thailand, 2005
- Taiwan, 2008
- Crete, 2010
Plant Articles
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Plant Exploration - A Personal Perspective
by Tony Avent, Plant Delights Nursery @ Juniper Level Botanic Garden
So, why do we do plant exploration and what's a plant exploration log? Well, sit back,
get comfortable, and I'll try and make a short story long. When we began to formulate ideas on
which to base our nursery and gardens, we were faced with choosing a niche in which to
specialize. Having grown up in the southeast US (Piedmont region of North Carolina), I had
spent many hours tromping through the local woods. From an early age, I remember rescuing
wildflowers just ahead of the bulldozers, while always looking for and selecting unique forms of
wildflowers. I would bring these back to plant in my family garden and observe the clonal
differences. Even at a young age, I was amazed by the diversity that existed within a single
species. I could not understand why commercial nurseries didn't seem interested in making
similar selections and then offering these plants for sale.
When I attended NC State University to study horticulture, most of the students and
professors there were focused on the common plants that were already found in the trade instead
of looking at introducing new plants to the market. The notable exception was the late Dr. JC
Raulston, who was hired at NC State during my days as a student. JC was the motivation that I
and several other students needed to realize that our ideas indeed had merit.
Across the parking lot from the Horticulture Department was the Botany Department.
Botany was where all of the real plant nerds studied...with a couple of noted exceptions. The
botany students and professors knew where all of the cool plants were located, but their only
interest was to collect dried samples and press them between paper, then file them away in a
herbarium (plant mortuary). One visit to the botany greenhouses confirmed that these folks
knew little about actually growing plants in cultivation, although they could recite the native
habitat from memory. I can remember thinking over and over, what a great boon it would be to
gardeners around the world if we could somehow manage to bridge the chasm between botany
and horticulture. Indeed, many years later, this would become the foundation on which Plant
Delights Nursery and Juniper Level Botanic Gardens would be built.
After a few years in the nursery business, we noticed that when a particular species was
in cultivation, it was usually only represented by one or two clones, or a seed strain from one
particular region. This would be akin to looking at an American Indian and assuming that the
entire species Homo sapiens would look exactly the same. We struck on the idea to make part of
our mission to undertake plant explorations to discover not only new species with good garden
merit, but also different and improved collections of species that were already known and
Our formal documented collections program began in 1994 with an expedition to
Northern Mexico. Some of our trips are taken alone, while most are joint expeditions with other
botanic gardens or nurseries who share our same interests and collection philosophies. We
carefully document all collections as to habitat and location. Where road signs are not adequate,
we use Global Positioning Systems (GPS) for documentation. Our collection policies are that
we take primarily seed or cuttings. If this is not a viable option, we take divisions of a plant, or
in the case of a large enough population, we might dig 1-3 actual plants. In the cases of a very
unique individual variant, we may dig a small clump. These unique variants are usually selected
against in the wild by the forces of nature, as they have strayed too far from the normal species
variation. In making any collection, we are careful not to disrupt the dynamics of the natural
population. In a rare case, where construction is eminent, we have taken up to a dozen
individual plants. In reality, we probably should try and rescue more plants where the
destruction of the entire population is eminent.
Plants from our collections are not sold. The plants from our collecting trips are grown
out and evaluated here at Juniper Level Botanic Garden. Once we understand the plant and can
determine its garden and potential commercial value (if any) and lack of aggressive weedy
tendencies, the plant will be propagated for commercial offering. Of course, not every plant will
ever grace the pages of the Plant Delights catalog. Some will be cute in the garden and that's
about it. Others may be difficult to propagate, and a few may actually not survive. Since we
don't propagate woody plants, these will be shared with other nurseries or botanic gardens.
While we will publish our expedition logs, we do not publish our actual collection site
notes. These are only made available by special request to researchers and those selected
individuals whom we are confident will protect the integrity of the sites that we have visited.
So, how do we determine where to go on collecting expeditions? The answer is
simple...study! Herbariums are great places to begin, as most of the good plants have been
found and documented by botanists. There is also an amazing amount of information that has
been published by botanists about the flora of most regions. Not every country or state has a
published flora, but there are many more than you would ever realize. Many of these are out of
print, and can only be found through libraries or used book dealers. Also there are monographs
published for many plant groups. Monographs are published papers or books where a single
genus of plants is exhaustively studied and described. While many monographs are quickly
outdated, these are a great place to begin.
In selecting areas to explore, we match soil types, climate, topography, and many other
factors. How many plants are we currently growing from that region and how do they perform?
How much exploration has been done before and from where? If an English plant explorer went
to China and then returned the plants to the UK, any plant that needed warm summers would
probably languish or die. There would be great benefit to be obtained by re-visiting such an
area. Often plants growing in sub-tropical climates were actually pushed there by glacial
activity, and may still retain quite a bit of latent hardiness. As you can see, there are a number of
factors involved in selecting a site to explore.
For many years, plant exploration from the US was limited to a few botanic gardens in
the North and Midwest regions of the country. These gardens visited an array of foreign
countries, and while they brought back many interesting plants, their distribution systems and
policies were usually poor at best. Few individuals or botanic gardens outside of a tightly held
network were able to acquire these plants. Many of the older more revered botanic gardens had
little desire or interest in sharing their collections. This stemmed from both an attitude of
superiority, combined with a non-profit status lack of motivation. These gardens, referred to by
the late Dr. JC Raulston as the Zone 5 Mafia, justified keeping the collections where they could
be watched an studied by their experts.
The international opening of borders has greatly expanded the availability of plants in
many countries, long closed to plant exploration by those outside the "good old boy" network.
Suddenly plant collectors and botanic gardens who existed "outside the loop" were on a level
footing with the "Big Guys". Amazingly, while plant exploration is becoming more popular,
there is still only a small handful of horticulturists pursuing plant exploration within the borders
of the United States. The diverse flora of China has truly become the "flavor of the month" for
plant exploration, despite equally good plants within our own US borders. For this reason, we
have made the US our top plant exploration priority. Of our 25 trips between 1994 and 2002, 20
of those were in the US.
(60 expeditions since 1993 as of 12/6/06, all by Tony Avent except as noted below)
Detailed expedition notes for some trips are available at www.plantdelights.com/Tony/exploration.html
- Alabama
- A1AL - Alabama Alabama March 2006
- Argentina
- A1AG - Argentina Northen Argentina March 2002
- Arizona
- A1AZ - Arizona Phoenix, AZ December 2003
- A2AZ - Arizona Phoenix, AZ December 2004
- A3AZ - Arizona Phoenix, Tucson, AZ December 2005
- Bermuda
- A1BE - Bermuda Bermuda December 2000
- California
- A1CA - California So. California February 2004
- China
- A1C - China Yunnan, China October 1996
- Crete
- Crete, April 2010
- Ecuador
- PES Ecuador (Petra Schmidt) August 2002
- Florida
- A1FL - Florida Panhandle, FL August 2001
- A2FL - Florida Panhandle, FL January 2003
- A3FL - Florida Lake City, FL March 2003
- Georgia
- A1GA - Georgia NC,SC,GA October 2001
- A2GA - Georgia Hancock, Warren, Turner Co., GA June 1998
- Hawaii
- A1HA - Hawaii Maui, Hawaii January 2002
- Idaho
- A1ID - Idaho W. Idaho April 2002
- Korea
- A1M - Mexico Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon, M X October 1994
- Michigan
- A1MI - Michigan Haywood Co, MI June 1999
- North Carolina
- A1NC - NC NC/SC/GA March 1998
- A2NC - NC Pender County, NC December 1998
- A3NC - NC Pender County, NC Feb 1999
- A4NC - NC Durham County, NC May 1999
- A5NC - NC Brunswick County, NC May 1999
- A6NC - NC Richmond County, NC May 1999
- A7NC - NC Caswell, Montgomery Co., NC May 1999
- A8NC - NC Moore Co., NC July 1999
- A9NC - NC Brunswick, Columbus, Bladen Co., NC August 1999
- A10NC - NC Wayne, Duplin, Sampson Co., NC December 1999
- A11NC - NC (trillium trip) NC, SC, E. TN, GA, AL, VA April 2000
- A12NC - NC Brunswick Co., NC June 2001
- A13NC - NC Wake Co., NC April 2002
- A14NC - NC Moore Co., NC April 2002
- A15NC - NC Caswell Co., NC April 2002
- A16NC - NC Johnston Co., NC May 2002
- A17NC - NC Brunswick Co., NC August 2002
- A18NC - NC Johnston Co., NC March 2003
- A19NC - NC Buncombe Co., NC June 2003
- A20NC - NC Brunswick Co., NC May 2004
- A21NC - NC Anson, Richmond Co., NC October 2004
- A22NC - NC Pamlico Co., NC November 2006
- Oklahoma
- A1OK - Oklahoma S. Oklahoma, N. Texas May 1999
- South Africa
- A1SA - South Africa East and West Cape, SA March 2005
- South Carolina
- A1SC - SC N. South Carolina June 2002
- A2SC - SC Kershaw, Edgefield, Aiken Cos., SC April 2005
- A3SC - SC Marion, Horry, Georgetown, Dorchester, Charleston, Beaufort Cos.,SC. March 2007
- South Dakota
- A1SD - SD South Dakota, Wyoming June 2006
- Texas
- A1T - Texas N. Texas August 1998
- A2T - Texas West Texas, Hill Country, TX November 2000
- A3T - Texas Hill Country, TX May 2003
- Thailand
- PES Thailand (Petra Schmidt, Alan Galloway)September 2003
- A1VT - Thailand Northern Thailand August 2005
- Vietnam
- A1VT - Vietnam Northern Vietnam August 2005
- Virginia
- A1VA - Virginia Ronoake, VA June 2000
- A2VA - Virginia/WVA Shale Barrens, VA, WVA April 2001
Even with the increased interest in plant exploration, the number of serious plant
explorers in the horticultural field remain quite low. As our country puts more of an emphasis
on new plants, the number will no doubt grow larger.
As you can imagine, there are always obstacles, primarily in the movement of plants
from one country to another. Poorly thought out and outdated regulations that are still in force,
both on the US side as well as in the country to be explored, often result in lost plants, wasted
money, and lost time. Recent (2002) decisions by the USDA to require phytosanitary
certificates for all incoming plants will effectively end legal plant exploration from most foreign
countries. In the US, it is easy to get a phytosanitary certificate with a phone call and a small
cash outlay. In foreign countries, there is often no workable system for a plant explorer to use,
short of purchasing a black market phytosanitary certificate for an extraordinary fee. This
unfortunately defeats the purpose of the phytosanitary certificate, which is to ensure that no
prohibited pests are present in shipments entering the US. While the USDA is supposed to
promote agriculture while protecting our crops, the effect of this regulation is the exact opposite.
It deters the search for new agricultural products, promotes circumventing regulations by
imposing impossible demands on importers, as well as abdicating responsibility for pest
prevention to foreign inspectors.
The other major obstacle for plant exploration is the Convention on Biodiversity (CBD).
This idiotic treaty was formulated by countries who felt their natural resources were being raped
and pillaged by large pharmaceutical companies. When a drug was developed from plants found
in a particular country, that country felt slighted when they didn't get enough of the
proceeds....even though they usually spent NO money on R&D. A global consortium then
passed a treaty that gave the sovereign rights over all natural resources to the country of origin.
This is opposite the long held global policy that sharing benefits everyone.
Now many countries have actually banned plant exploration as an unintended
consequence of the CBD. Even top gardens such as Kew in the United Kingdom, which has led
the world in acquiring plants from foreign countries before the treaty, now refuses to share with
most other gardens, under the auspices of the CBD. Exclusionary treaties like the CBD are great
for gardens which have already raped and pillaged the world for great plants and now want to
promote themselves as the self-anointed guardians of the worlds flora. While the US has not
ratified (and hopefully will not) the CBD, plant explorers need to be well aware of the CBD
hoops that each country now requires.
Most foreign government representatives with whom we have had the privilege of
working on our trips, realize that benefits can be an exchange of information and ideas that are
not always directly financial. It is this mutual benefit that has long been the basis of plant
exploration and exchange, and will hopefully take center stage again when the greed issue
I told you I could make a short story long. If you've read through the entire diatribe, I
hope you now have a better understanding of the world of plant exploration, and in particular
what we hope to accomplish. What we present here is a sampling of our expedition logs from
some of our longer trips, so that you can enjoy the wonderful excitement that we experience on
one of these expeditions. Hopefully too, you will share these with your friends when they
complain about the prices of new plants. Thanks for listening and enjoy the logs.