Meehania montis-koyae

Honshu Wood Mint

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Item #: 7095

Zones: 6a to 7b, guessing


Height: 2" tall

Culture: Part Sun to Light Shade

Origin: Japan

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

We are in love with this endangered woodland mint from the Japanese island of Honshu. We obtained this gem from arisaema expert, Guy Gusman, who found it in Japan while researching arisaemas. Meehania montis-koyae makes a spreading but non-troublesome patch to 3' wide in 5 years, which spreads by shallow rhizomes. The small, heart-shaped, olive-green leaves, highlighted by a darker green central pattern, are held along the short creeping stems. Starting in February and continuing until April, Meehania montis-koyae is topped with small clusters of tubular, mauvy-pink flowers...very attractive. Meehania montis-koyae goes comatose during extended summer heat but returns in the fall as the weather cools.