This fascinating shrub mint was discovered in the South Carolina garden of Woodlanders Nursery by the founder, Robert obvious hybrid between US natives Clinopodium georgianum and a nearby native conradina...obviously with a less than stellar upbringing. We are publishing the bigeneric name x Clinadina, although the cultivar name 'Desi Arnaz' was assigned earlier by Mississippi's Richard Lowrey. The hybrid makes an 18" tall x 2' wide clump of upright woody stems clothed with narrow, glossy green foliage that smells like strong peppermint...probably better than smelling like strong Desi Arnaz. C. 'Desi Arnaz' is adorned in late summer and fall with small light lavender flowers. A well-drained winter soil and a bright sunny spot is essential. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml)