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Cimicifuga rubifolia (Kearney's Bugbane) slide #60825

Cimicifuga rubifolia (Kearney's Bugbane)

Part Sun to Light ShadeZone: 3-8 48" tall Origin: USA

Open House/Web-Only! (aka: C. racemosa v. cordifolia, C. foetida v. cordifolia) This wonderful rare native (globally rare ranking of #3) from Virginia west to Tennessee has languished in taxonomic purgatory under a parade of invalid names. Compared to other bugbanes, there are only 9 glossy leaflets per leaf, which are held on a 45 degree angled stem, ending about 2' off the ground. The 4' tall upright branched terminal spikes end in finger-like clusters of small white flowers that top the plant in September. Although C. rubifolia prefers alkaline soils, it has grown well in our slightly acid amended woodland. Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml)

#08148 - $15.00  

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This page last updated on Mon Aug 9 14:31:40 EDT 2010 .