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Calamintha nepeta var. nepeta (Lesser Calamint) slide #12815
North Creek Nursery, PA

Calamintha nepeta var. nepeta (Lesser Calamint)

SunZone: 5-8a, at least 20" tall Origin: S. Europe

Open House/Web-Only! I hadn't been as impressed in quite a while as I was when I first met this plant in Dale Hendricks' Pennsylvania garden. The bushy mound of light green deer-resistant foliage, reeking of peppermint, was smothered in clouds of tiny, very light blue flowers. Our plants here in hot, muggy NC have performed equally as well, in full flower from June until October. Calamintha needs good drainage and plenty of air circulation, although this one has survived far better than other calaminthas for us. I think rock gardeners and herb lovers alike will fall in love with this gem...for me, it was love at first sight (don't tell Michelle)! Pot size: 24 fl. oz (709.77 ml)

#03501 - $12.00  

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This page last updated on Mon Aug 9 14:31:39 EDT 2010 .