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Buddleia 'Honeycomb'

Honeycomb Butterfly Bush

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Shop Available Buddleia
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Item #: 3577

Zones: 5a to 9b

Dormancy: Winter

Height: 80" tall

Culture: Sun

Origin: Hybrid

Pot Size: 3 qt. (2.8 L)

From University of Georgia's Dr. Mike Dirr comes a unique introduction that topped the comprehensive buddleia trials held at the University of Georgia several years ago. Buddleia 'Honeycomb' is a hybrid of Buddleia davidii and Buddleia globosa that produced a large butterfly bush that is best described as an improved Buddleia 'Sungold'. The 4-6" long flower panicles of Buddleia 'Honeycomb' are a nice golden yellow and top the deer-resistant clump from mid-June until frost.